UGC NET HRM/Labour Welfare [Code-55] Latest Syllabus 2024 in Hindi & English Download PDF Now

UGC NET HRM Code-55 [Syllabus] is One of the Important Subjects UGC NET Exam. Based on Such Topics As Labour Welfare/Personnel Management/Industrial Relations/ Labour and Social Welfare/Human Resource Management. . As Per the Syllabus There are 10 Units it’s very Vast & in Detail. to cover the Syllabus you have to work hard & Go through all the topics thoroughly. because all the Topics are Important for the Exam and the Questions are often asked from all the subjects Here you get the Complete Syllabus of UGC NET HRM /Labour Welfare [Code -55] as per the updated syllabus.
- Unit – I Principles and Practices of Management
- Unit – II Human Resource Management
- Unit – III Human Resource Development (HRD)
- Unit – IV Organizational Behaviour
- Unit – V Industrial Relations:
- Unit – VI Industrial Disputes
- Unit – VII Labour Legislation:
- Unit – VIII Wages:
- Unit – IX Labour Welfare:
- Unit – X Labour Market
- UGC NET HRM[Code -55] Syllabus in English
- UGC NET HRM[Code -55] Syllabus in Hindi-
- Difficulty Level of HRM Subject?
- UGC NET Study Tips HRM Code-55 –
- Frequently Asked Questions HRM ?
- Question 1. What is the Weightage of Paper-1 Subject in UGC NET HRM (Code -55) Paper-2 ?
- Question 2. How Many Questions Comes from Each Unit of UGC NET HRM (Code -55) Subject ?
- Question 3- What is the Cut-off of UGC NET HRM [CODE-55] ?
- Question 4 -What are the Best Books for UGC NET HRM Subject ?
- Question 5- Can I get a job after qualifying UGC NET HRM?
- Question -6 How can I revise the UGC NET HRM Syllabus?
- Question -7 Does Online Test Series Help to Crack UGC NET HRM Exam ?
- Question – 8 What is the UGC NET HRM minimum Educational Qualification?
- Question -9 What type of questions are asked in UGC NET HRM ?
- Question -10 Is the UGC NET HRM Syllabus difficult?
- Question -11 What is the UGC NET HRM paper pattern?
- Other Subject Syllabus UGC NET Paper-2
UGC NET HRM[Code -55] Syllabus in English
HRM/Labour Welfare [Code-55] Subject Based on Topics & Such Topics such as Labour Welfare/Personnel Management/Industrial Relations/ Labour and Social Welfare/Human Resource Management & Many More This means that you’d have to cover a lot of ground to get a surface-level understanding of the fundamentals. While the syllabus is dense, it would help to break down each component that makes a lesson. This is why we’ve broken them down the HRM UGC NET syllabus according to the names of the units themselves. It would be easier to digest what topics under them are involved so that it would be easy for you to be prepared for the upcoming exams.
If You looking Best Study Notes of HRM As Per New Updated Design By Expert Faculties Check Free Sample PDF Now by Click on the Link –
Subject /Units | Details Analysis |
Units Name | Subject/Topics Include |
Unit – I Principles and Practices of Management | Principles and Practices of Management: Development of management Thought, Contributions of Taylor, Fayol, Mayo, Mary Parker Follett, and C.I.Barnard. Behavioural Approach, Systems Approach, Quantitative Approach, and Contingency Approach. The function of Management: Planning and Decision Making, Organising,Staffing, Directing, Controlling, Coordinating. |
Unit – II Human Resource Management | Human Resource Management: Conceptual framework, Human Resource Planning, Job Analysis, Recruitment, Selection, Placement, Induction, Training and Development, Performance Management, Job Evaluation, Compensation Management, Employee Benefits and Incentives, Managing Career. New Trends in HRM: Changing environment of HRM and contemporary challenges, Emerging HRM Concepts |
Unit – III Human Resource Development (HRD) | Human Resource Development (HRD): Concepts, Assumptions, Values, HRD Mechanisms, Action – research Model, HRD Culture and Climate, HRD Interventions, HR Accounting and Audit, Consultant – client relationship, Knowledge Management, Human Resource Information System. International Human Resource Management (IHRM): Organisational context of IHRM, IHRM and Sustainable Business, Functions of IHRM, Cross – Cultural Studies, Cultural Diversity, Transnational Organisations, IHRM models. |
Unit – IV Organizational Behaviour | Concept, Scope, Nature of human behaviour, Personality, Perception, Learning, Attitude, Motivation, Interpersonal Behaviour, Group Dynamics, Leadership, Communication, Power and Authority, Stress, Organisational Change and Development |
Unit – V Industrial Relations: | Industrial Relations: Concept, Scope, Evolution, Approaches, Actors and Models, Conflict and cooperation, Bi-parasitism, Tri-parasitism, Collective Bargaining, Workers’ Participation in Management, Grievance Handling and Disciplinary Action, Code of Conduct, Industrial Relations in changing scenario, Employers’ organisations. Trade Unions: Concepts, Evolution, Problems of trade unions in India, Recognition, The Trade Unions Act, 1926. The emerging role of trade unions in India |
Unit – VI Industrial Disputes | Factors, Forms, Trends, Prevention and Settlement, Role of State and Central Labour Administration, Strikes and Lockouts. The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946. The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. |
Unit – VII Labour Legislation: | Objectives, Principles, Classification and Evolution. International Labour The organization, Social Justice and Labour Legislation, Indian Constitution and Labour Laws. * The Factories Act, 1948. * The Mines Act, 1952. * The Interstate Migrant Workmen (Regulation of employment and conditions of service) Act, 1979. *The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970. * The Building and other Construction Workers (Regulation of employment and conditions of service) Act, 1996. * The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986. |
Unit – VIII Wages: | Concept, Types, Factors influencing wages, Wage Theories, and Wage Differentials * The Minimum Wages Act, 1948. * The Payment of Wages Act, 1936. * The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965. * The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976. * The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972. * The Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 |
Unit – IX Labour Welfare: | Labour Welfare: Concept, Scope, Types, Theories and Principles, Industrial Health and Hygiene, Industrial Accidents and safety, Occupational Diseases Social Security: Concept and Scope, Social Assistance and Social assurance. |
Unit – X Labour Market | Features, Demand, and Supply of Labour, Nature, and Composition of Indian Labour Force, Unemployment and Underemployment, Types ofLabour Market, Characteristics of Indian Labour Market, New Dynamics of Labour Market in India, Economic Systems and Labor Market, Problems of Labour in India. |
Note – | As the Syllabus Not seems Vast There is a Lot of Topics Like Acts, and HRM Topics Have To Learn in Details As Much As Possible – Here You Can Check Our Details Notes Take a Demo Now – |
UGC NET HRM[Code -55] Syllabus in Hindi-
HRM/Labour Welfare [कोड-55] विषयों पर आधारित विषय और ऐसे विषय जैसे श्रम कल्याण/कार्मिक प्रबंधन/औद्योगिक संबंध/श्रम और समाज कल्याण/मानव संसाधन प्रबंधन और बहुत कुछ इसका मतलब है कि आपको बहुत कुछ कवर करना होगा मूल सिद्धांतों की सतह-स्तर की समझ प्राप्त करने के लिए। जबकि पाठ्यक्रम सघन है, यह एक पाठ बनाने वाले प्रत्येक घटक को तोड़ने में मदद करेगा। यही कारण है कि हमने उन्हें स्वयं इकाइयों के नाम के अनुसार HRM UGC NET पाठ्यक्रम में विभाजित कर दिया है। यह पचाना आसान होगा कि उनके अंतर्गत कौन से विषय शामिल हैं ताकि आपके लिए आगामी परीक्षाओं के लिए तैयार रहना आसान हो सके।
Unit/Topics List | Details Analysis |
Unit – I Principles and Practices of Management | प्रबंधन के सिद्धांत और व्यवहार: प्रबंधन का विकास विचार, टेलर, फेयोल, मेयो, मैरी पार्कर फोलेट और सी.आई. का योगदान। बरनार्ड। व्यवहार दृष्टिकोण, प्रणाली दृष्टिकोण, मात्रात्मक दृष्टिकोण और आकस्मिक प्रस्ताव। प्रबंधन का कार्य: योजना बनाना और निर्णय लेना, आयोजन करना, स्टाफिंग, निर्देशन, नियंत्रण, समन्वय। |
Unit – II Human Resource Management | मानव संसाधन प्रबंधन: वैचारिक ढांचा, मानव संसाधन योजना, नौकरी विश्लेषण, भर्ती, चयन, नियुक्ति, प्रेरण, प्रशिक्षण और विकास, प्रदर्शन प्रबंधन, नौकरी मूल्यांकन, मुआवजा प्रबंधन, कर्मचारी लाभ और प्रोत्साहन, प्रबंध कैरियर। एचआरएम में नए रुझान: एचआरएम और समकालीन के बदलते परिवेश चुनौतियां, उभरती एचआरएम अवधारणाएं |
Unit – III Human Resource Development (HRD) | मानव संसाधन विकास (एचआरडी): अवधारणाएं, धारणाएं, मूल्य, एचआरडी मैकेनिज्म, एक्शन – रिसर्च मॉडल, एचआरडी कल्चर एंड क्लाइमेट, एचआरडी हस्तक्षेप, मानव संसाधन लेखा और लेखा परीक्षा, सलाहकार – ग्राहक संबंध, ज्ञान प्रबंधन, मानव संसाधन सूचना प्रणाली। अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मानव संसाधन प्रबंधन (IHRM): संगठनात्मक IHRM, IHRM और सतत व्यवसाय का संदर्भ, IHRM के कार्य, क्रॉस – सांस्कृतिक अध्ययन, सांस्कृतिक विविधता, अंतरराष्ट्रीय संगठन, आईएचआरएम मॉडल। |
Unit – IV Organizational Behaviour | अवधारणा, दायरा, मानव व्यवहार की प्रकृति, व्यक्तित्व, धारणा, सीखना, रवैया, प्रेरणा, पारस्परिक व्यवहार, समूह गतिशीलता, नेतृत्व, संचार, शक्ति और प्राधिकरण, तनाव, संगठनात्मक परिवर्तन और विकास |
Unit – V Industrial Relations: | औद्योगिक संबंध: अवधारणा, दायरा, विकास, दृष्टिकोण, अभिनेता और मॉडल, संघर्ष और सहयोग, द्वि-परजीवीवाद, त्रि-परजीवीवाद, सामूहिक सौदेबाजी, प्रबंधन में श्रमिकों की भागीदारी, शिकायत प्रबंधन और अनुशासनात्मक कार्रवाई, आचार संहिता, बदलते औद्योगिक संबंध परिदृश्य, नियोक्ता संगठन। ट्रेड यूनियन: अवधारणाएं, विकास, भारत में ट्रेड यूनियनों की समस्याएं, मान्यता, ट्रेड यूनियन अधिनियम, 1926। में ट्रेड यूनियनों की उभरती भूमिका भारत |
Unit – VI Industrial Disputes | कारक, रूप, रुझान, रोकथाम और निपटान, राज्य और केंद्रीय श्रम प्रशासन की भूमिका, हड़ताल और तालाबंदी। NS औद्योगिक रोजगार (स्थायी आदेश) अधिनियम, 1946। औद्योगिक विवाद अधिनियम, 1947। |
Unit – VII Labour Legislation: | उद्देश्य, सिद्धांत, वर्गीकरण और विकास। अंतर्राष्ट्रीय श्रम संगठन, सामाजिक न्याय और श्रम कानून, भारतीय संविधान और श्रम कानून। कारखाना अधिनियम, 1948। खान अधिनियम, 1952। *अंतरराज्यीय प्रवासी कामगार (रोजगार का नियमन और सेवा की शर्तें) अधिनियम, 1979। *संविदा श्रम (विनियमन और उन्मूलन) अधिनियम, 1970। *भवन एवं अन्य निर्माण श्रमिक (विनियमन) रोजगार और सेवा की शर्तें) अधिनियम, 1996। बाल श्रम (निषेध और विनियमन) अधिनियम, 1986। |
Unit – VIII Wages: | अवधारणा, प्रकार, मजदूरी को प्रभावित करने वाले कारक, वेतन सिद्धांत और मजदूरी भिन्नता न्यूनतम मजदूरी अधिनियम, 1948। मजदूरी भुगतान अधिनियम, 1936। बोनस भुगतान अधिनियम, 1965। समान पारिश्रमिक अधिनियम, 1976। ग्रेच्युटी भुगतान अधिनियम, 1972। कर्मचारी भविष्य निधि और विविध प्रावधान अधिनियम, 1952 |
Unit – IX Labour Welfare: | श्रम कल्याण: अवधारणा, दायरा, प्रकार, सिद्धांत और सिद्धांत, औद्योगिक स्वास्थ्य और स्वच्छता, औद्योगिक दुर्घटनाएं और सुरक्षा, व्यावसायिक रोग सामाजिक सुरक्षा: अवधारणा और दायरा, सामाजिक सहायता और सामाजिक आश्वासन। |
Unit – X Labour Market | श्रम, प्रकृति और संरचना की विशेषताएं, मांग और आपूर्ति भारतीय श्रम बल, बेरोजगारी और अल्परोजगार, के प्रकार श्रम बाजार, भारतीय श्रम बाजार की विशेषताएं, श्रम बाजार की नई गतिशीलता भारत में, आर्थिक प्रणाली और श्रम बाजार, श्रम की समस्याएं भारत। |
Note – | As the Syllabus Not seems Vast But There is Lot of Topics Like Acts, HRM Topics Have To Learn in Details As Much As Possible – Here You Can Check Our Details Notes Take Demo Now – |
Difficulty Level of HRM Subject?
As per the Cut-off Comparison of Management Code-55 & HRM Code 55, To Qualify HRM Code -55 is Harder than Qualified Management Code -17. But As Per the syllabus, HRM Syllabus is Less than Management Subject, But You Have to Read all Topics in Detail Like the article & all Topics of HRM in Detail, the level of Questions Also the Same Medium to be hard.
HRM (Code-55) / Labour Welfare | Management (Code -17) |
– The syllabus of HRM Code -55 is Limited & Less | The Syllabus is Vast Then Code -55 |
– The Merit goes Higher Then Code -17 | The Merit Always less than Code -55 |
– Completely Based on Theory | Practical Question Also Asked subject like -Statistics, Financial Management, Accounting, etc |
– Level of Question Harder than Management Code-17 (Ex Assertion, Statement types) | In Management All medium Question Asked like Medium, hard & Easy, But Some Questions Level less than Code -55 |
– Act’s are Very Important | In Management Few Acts Given So Less Important |
UGC NET Study Tips HRM Code-55 –
Understand the UGC NET HRM Code -55 exam pattern: The exam pattern of UGC NET Labour Welfare helps you in shaping your preparation in many ways.
- First, it tells you that only multiple-choice questions are asked in the UGC NET Home Science exam, so there is no point preparing for subjective answers of 5-10 lines. Your preparation needs to be objective oriented. You will have to allot more time to learn specific details and not whole paras.
- Second, since there is no negative marking, it allows you to take risks and go for answers to what you think might be a correct option.
- Third, you get to know how many marks you will be awarded for every write answer – 2 marks for every correct answer. So, you can set an easy target for yourself accordingly
In-depth analysis of the UGC NET Syllabus Paper 1 & Paper 2: The syllabus is no less than the bible to the students.
- Proper analysis of the syllabus is especially important in order to understand what all topics must be covered in order to be able to answer questions that come in the exam.
- The main point behind following the syllabus is that it saves a lot of your time. History as a subject is so vast that there can be no end to what you have to study, but now that you have a well framed syllabus in your hand you have an advantage to stick to it.
- Work towards time management: From the above tip you must have known by now that you get only 3 hours to complete 150 MCQs without any break. That can be tough for those who are not good in managing time.
- For getting a better hand over completing the paper on time, you will need to solve old UGC NET History question papers. The more you practice, the more you will get used to handling the questions in time. You should use a stopwatch to calculate your speed and time.
- Secondly, if you will have a look at your syllabus, the first thing which will come to your mind is its length. You do not have to get discouraged by assuming that it’s lengthy and impossible. What you need to do instead is prepare a study schedule for yourself.
- Revision is the secret recipe: Revision is the final touch that you give to your exam preparation to make your foundation more and more concrete. It is very important to revise what you have been studying all along so that you are confident of the syllabus in general and each topic in particular.The best way to revise is to take mock tests and solve practice papers that can be found online and even in bookstores.
- To be even surer of your preparations, you can solve previous year question papers and check your scores to assess your progress.
- One other way to revise is making notes while you are preparing. Once you are done with the syllabus, you can go through your notes where you have noted down all the important points covering each topic. This way when you write your spellings also get stronger and you memorise the names properly.
- Another important tip is that you should always start your revision with sections that are relatively tougher for you so that they also change to stronger topics in time.
- Motivate yourself physically and mentally: The last and the most important thing to complete your preparation properly is your personal well-being. Your physical and mental well-being can be ensured by not over stressing yourself and doing away with any presumptions that an exam is tough and it is very hard to qualify. You need to focus on your eight hours of study and completion of the syllabus,
Frequently Asked Questions HRM ?
Question 1. What is the Weightage of Paper-1 Subject in UGC NET HRM (Code -55) Paper-2 ?
Ans – Total 150 Question in Exam .Out of it 100 Questions from UGC NET HRM & 50 Questions from Paper-1 ,Each Question of 2 Marks total 300 Marks You Can attempt all 150 MCQ.
Question 2. How Many Questions Comes from Each Unit of UGC NET HRM (Code -55) Subject ?
Ans – From Each unit 7 to 10 Questions Asked in Exam of UGC NET HRM (Code -55) So Each Unit is Equally Important
Question 3- What is the Cut-off of UGC NET HRM [CODE-55] ?
Ans – the Following Cut-off of UGC NET HRM-
However, you can refer to the cut-offs from previous years to get an idea. Here’s a range you might expect (depending on the category):
- Unreserved: 62% – 72% (JRF) & 52% – 64.67% (NET)
- EWS: 67% – 71.33% (JRF) & 56% – 59.33% (NET) (depending on the year)
- OBC: 62% – 68.67% (JRF) & 52% – 60.00% (NET)
- SC: 60% – 66.67% (JRF) & 51% – 57.33% (NET)
- ST: 62% – 67.33% (JRF) & 50% – 54.67% (NET)
Question 4 -What are the Best Books for UGC NET HRM Subject ?
Ans The Following the Best Books for UGC NET HRM-
To Prepare for UGC NET HRM After Anaylsis Syllabus You Need Best Book & Notes for Preparation Here is Suggestion of Some Books Which Helpfull for Preparation –
Book Name | Author | Publication | Date of Publication |
Trueman’s Ugc Net Hrm/Human Resource Management & Labour Welfare | Reetu | Trueman’s | 2021 |
Nta UGC Net Human Resource Management Labour Welfare and Industrial Relations Labour and Social Welfare Paper 2 | Sharma Bharti | Arihant | 2021 |
NTA-UGC-NET: Labour Welfare & Industrial Relations / Labour & Social Welfare / Human Resource Management (Paper II) | Rs Gupta | Rs Gupta | 2020 |
UGC NET HRM Practice Question Answer | By Diwakar Education HUb | Diwakar Education Hub Publication | 2023 |
If You looking Best Study Notes of HRM As Per New Updated Design By Expert Faculties Check Free Sample PDF Now by Click on the Link –
Question 5- Can I get a job after qualifying UGC NET HRM?
Ans- Yes, you will get many career opportunities in the government and private sectors both after qualifying the UGC NET HRM exam. You can check the job options from here.
Question -6 How can I revise the UGC NET HRM Syllabus?
Ans.) To revise the UGC NET HRM Syllabus , first, you should highlight and make short notes while preparing for the exam. It will be easy for you to save time and revise all the topics quickly. You should start the revision from basic concepts
Question -7 Does Online Test Series Help to Crack UGC NET HRM Exam ?
Ans- Yes Its Help you Lot, after clear all Concepts you must Practice MCQ through Online Test Series which Help you Understand your Level of Preparation & You can analysis your Strength & Weakness .Also Compare with other Students Score. Check Diwakar education Hub Best Test series Click here
Question – 8 What is the UGC NET HRM minimum Educational Qualification?
A student has to complete his or her Post-Graduation in HRM ,or Any Relevant SubjectsLike MBA in HR,IB,Marketing Etc .
Question -9 What type of questions are asked in UGC NET HRM ?
UGC NET HRM Paper includes questions that are Direct/Conceptual(42), Comprehensive(10), Match the following(10), Statements/Definitions Based(2), Assertion and Reasoning Based(6), Chronological Order(6), Multiple Correct Options Based(24).
Question -10 Is the UGC NET HRM Syllabus difficult?
Yes. The level of the UGC NET HRM Syllabus is difficult .But with hard work & Right Guidance you can Qualified UGC NET Exam Take Free Mentorship Call us -7310762592,7078549303
Question -11 What is the UGC NET HRM paper pattern?
UGC NET HRM paper will be a total of 150 questions (50 in Paper I and 100 in Paper-II). The total number of marks is 300 (100 for Paper I and 200 for Paper-II).
Other Subject Syllabus UGC NET Paper-2
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