UGC NET History Exam 2024 [Complete Details] Latest books, Latest Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Difficulty Level, Eligibility Criterion, Career Scope

All Important information About UGC NET History Exam Like Latest Syllabus, Exam Pattern, books, eligibility Criterion, JRF Age Limit, Cut off, Previous year paper & Many More
UGC NET History is One of The Important Subjects of the UGC NET Exam. With a Vast Syllabus Based on Topics such As Concepts, Ideas Terms, sources of Medieval Indian History, the Rise of Indian Nationalism, Vedic and later Vedic periods & Many More Subjects. Every Year More Then 50000+ Aspirants Apply for UGC NET History The Sucess Rate is Just 7 %. But Don’t Worry If You Have Proper Knowledge About Exam Like, Syllabus, Pattern, Books, How to Prepare for History, etc You Can Easily Crack UGC NET History, In This Article, We Will Discuss All the Important information About Exam Like Latest Syllabus, Exam patterns, books, eligibility Criterion, Cut off & Many More Before Start Preparing UGC NET Exam You Must Know All These Details Thoroughly.
First We Start With Syllabus to Analysis Syllabus Before starting Preparation is so Much Important, Because Syllabus Will Tell you Which Topics you Have to Covered & How Many Topics Include
- UGC NET Exam History Exam Overview 2024
- Let’s Discuss Syllabus of UGC NET Latest History Subject in Details 2024-
- UGC NET History Latest Syllabus Subject Wise-
- UGC NET History Syllabus in Hindi 2024 [Updated]
- UGC NET History Latest Syllabus in Hindi
- Benefits Of Analysis Latest UGC NET History Syllabus 2023
- Latest Books for UGC NET History are Given Below –
- Other References Book History
- UGC NET History Exam Pattern 2024 –
- UGC NET Marking Scheme 2024
- Eligibility for UGC NET History: Educational Qualification 2024
- UGC NET JRF Age Limit and Relaxation 2024 UGC NET 2024 Age Limit and Relaxation for Junior Research Fellowship and Assistant Professorship are given below:
- UGC NET Exemptions for Assistant Professor
- Difficulty Level of UGC NET History Subject –
- UGC NET History Cut-off 2023 Check Table Below
- UGC NET History Study Notes 2024 –
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UGC NET Exam History Exam Overview 2024
Particulars | Details |
Name of the Exam | National Eligibility Test (NET) |
Conducting Body | National Testing Agency (NTA) |
Frequency of the Exam | Twice a Year |
Mode of Examination | Online |
Type of Questions | Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) |
Number of Papers | Paper I Paper-II |
Number of Questions | 150 |
Time Duration | 3 hours |
Negative Marking | No |
Official Website | |
Subject | History |
Next Date of Exam | June |
Let’s Discuss Syllabus of UGC NET Latest History Subject in Details 2024-
To Analysis Syllabus is Very Important to know the Details about the Paper. UGC NET History Syllabus Divided into 10 Units Includes 03 Main Subject Ancient, Modern, Medival History. More than 50 Topics are Given in Each Unit most of Part of the Syllabus are Based on theoretical Concepts, Units Such As Archaeological sources, Kingdoms in North India Each Unit has Equal Weightage in Terms of Marks.
UGC NET History Latest Syllabus Subject Wise-
UGC NET History Subject Based on Topics Such Medieval History, Modern History & Ancient more This means that you’d have to cover a lot of ground to get a surface-level understanding of the fundamentals. While the syllabus is dense, it would help to break down each component that makes a lesson. This is why we’ve broken them down the History UGC NET syllabus according to the names of the units themselves. It would be easier to digest what topics under them are involved so that it would be easy for you to be prepared for the upcoming exams.
The subject code for UGC NET History Code -06 comprises two online papers namely Paper-I & Paper-II with Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)s.
- UGC NET History Paper 1 Syllabus tests teaching and reasoning ability, research aptitude, comprehension, divergent thinking, and general awareness.
- UGC NET History Paper 2 Syllabus is based on history. It tests your depth of knowledge and expertise in the respective subject.
- Concepts, Ideas, and Terms
- Unit -1 Negotiating the Sources
- Unit -2 From State to Empire
- Unit -3 Emergence of Regional Kingdoms
- Unit -4 Source of Medieval Indian History
- Unit -5 Administration & Economy
- Unit -6 Society and Culture
- Unit -7 Sources of Modern Indian History
- Unit -8 Colonial Economy
- Unit -9 Rise of Indian Nationalism
- Unit-10 Historical Method, Research, Methodology and Historiography
Units Name | Topics in Details or Subjects Name |
Concepts, Ideas and Terms | Bharatvarsha Khilafat Sabha and Samiti Sulah-i-kul Varnasrama Turkan-i-Chahlghani Vedanta Watan Purusharthas Baluta Rina Taquavi Samskaras Iqta Yajna Jizya Ganarajya Zakat Janapada Madad-i-maash Doctrine of Karma Amaram Dandaniti / Arthasastra / Saptanga Raya-Rekho Dharmavijaya Jangama / Dasa Stupa / Chaitya/ Vihara Madarasa / Maqtab Nagara / Dravida / Vesara Chauth / Sardeshmukhi Bodhisattva / Tirthankara Sarai Alvars / Nayanars Polygars Sreni Jagir / Shariyat Bhumi-chidra-vidhana-nyaya Dastur Kara-bhoga-bhaga Mansab (Rank) Vishti Deshmukh Sridhara Nadu / Ur Memorial Stones Ulema Agraharas Firman Ain-i-Dashsalah Satyagraha Pargana Swadeshi Shahna-i-Mandi Revivalism Mahalwari Communalis Hind Swaraj Orientalism Mercantilism Oriental Despotism Economic Nationalism De-Industrialisation Indian Renaissance Subsidiary Alliance Economic Drain Evangelicalism Colonialism Bhutan Paramountcy Panchsheel Dyarchy Mixed Economy Federalism Socialism Utilitarianism Hindu Code Bill Filtration Theory Historical Methods Forward Policy Plagiarism The doctrine of Lapse Ethics and Morality in History Writing |
Unit – I | Negotiating the Sources: Archaeological sources: Exploration, Excavation, Epigraphy and Numismatics. Dating of Archaeological Sites. Literary Sources: Indigenous Literature: Primary and Secondary: the problem of dating Religious and Secular Literature, Myths, Legends, etc. Foreign Accounts: Greek, Chinese and Arabic. Pastoralism and Food production: Neolithic and Chalcolithic Phase: Settlement, distribution, tools, and patterns of exchange. Indus/Harappa Civilization: Origin, extent, major sites, settlement pattern, craft specialization, religion, society and polity, Decline of Indus Civilization, Internal and external trade, First urbanization in India. Vedic and later Vedic periods; Aryan debates, Political and Social Institutions, State Structure and Theories of State; Emergence of Varnas and Social Stratification, Religious and Philosophical Ideas. Introduction of Iron Technology, Megaliths of South India. Expansion of State system: Mahajanapadas, Monarchical and Republican States, Economic and Social Developments and Emergence of Second Urbanization in the century BCE; Emergence of heterodox sects-Jainism, Buddhism, and Ajivikas. |
Unit -2 | From State to Empire: Rise of Magadha, Greek invasion under Alexander and its effects, Mauryan expansion, Mauryan polity, society, economy, Asoka’s Dhamma and its Nature, Decline and Disintegration of the Mauryan Empire, Mauyan art and architecture, Asokan edicts: language and script. Dissolution of Empire and Emergence of Regional Powers: Indo-Greeks, Sungas, Satavahanas, Kushanas, and Saka-Ksatrapas, Sangam literature, polity, and society in South India as reflected in Sangam literature. Trade and commerce from 2nd century BCE to 3rd century CE, Trade with the Roman World, Emergence of Mahayana Buddhism, Kharavela and Jainism, Post-Mauryan art and architecture. Gandhara, Mathura, and Amaravati schools. Gupta Vakataka age: Polity and Society, Agrarian Economy, Land Grants, Land Revenue and Land Rights, Gupta Coins, Beginning of Temple Architecture, The emergence of Puranic Hinduism, the Development of the Sanskrit Language, and literature. Developments in Science Technology, Astronomy, Mathematics, and Medicine. Harsha and his Times: Administration and Religion. Salankayanas and Visnukundins in Andhradesa. |
Unit – III | The emergence of Regional Kingdoms: Kingdoms in Deccan: Gangas, Kadmabas, Western and Eastern Chalukyas, Rashtrakutas, Kalyani Chalukyas, Kakatiyas, Hoysalas and Yadavas. Kingdoms in South India: Pallavas, Ceras, Colas, and Pandyas, Kingdoms in Eastern India: Palas and Senas of Bengal, Varmans of Kamarupa, Bhaumakaras and Somavamsis of Odisha. Kingdoms in Western India: Maitrakas of Vallabhi and Chalukyas of Gujarat. Kingdoms in North India: Gurjara-Pratiharas, Kalacuri-Chedis, Gahadavalas and Paramaras. Characteristics of Early Medieval India: Administration and Political Structure Legitimation of Kingship. Agrarian economy; land grants, changing production relations; graded land rights and peasantry, water resources, taxation system, coins, and currency system; Trade and urbanization: patterns of trade, urban settlements, ports, and trade routes, merchandise and exchange, trade guilds; trade and colonization in Southeast Asia. Growth of Brahminical religions: Vaisnavism and Saivism; Temples; Patronage and Regional Ramification; Temple Architecture and Regional Styles. Dana, Tirtha, and Bhakti, Tamil Bhakti movement – Shankara, Madhava, and Ramanujacharya. Society: Varna, Jati, and Proliferation of Castes, Position of women; Gender, marriage and property relations; Women in public life. Tribes as peasants and their place in Varna order. Untouchability. Education and Educational Institutions: Agraharas, Mathas, and Mahaviharas as Centres of Education. Growth of Regional Languages. Debates of state formation in early medieval India: A) Feudal model; B) Segmentary model; Integrative model Arab contracts: Suleiman Ghaznavid conquests. Alberuni’s Accounts. |
Unit – IV | Source of Medieval Indian History: Archaeological, Epigraphic and Numismatic sources, Material evidence and Monuments; Chronicles; Literary sources – Persian, Sanskrit, and Regional languages; Daftar Khannas: Firmans, Bahis / Pothis / Akhbarat; Foreign Travellers’ Accounts – Persian and Arabic. Political Developments – The Delhi Sultanate – the Ghorids, the Turks, the Khaljis, the Tughlaqs, the sayyids, and the Lodis. The decline of Delhi Sultanate. Foundation of the Mughal Empire – Babur, Humayun, and the Suris; Expansion and Consolidation from Akbar to Aurangzeb. The decline of the Mughal Empire. Later Mughals and Disintegration of the Mughal Empire. The Vijayanagara and the Bahmanis – Deccan Sultanate; Bijapur, Golkonda, Bidar, Berar and Ahmadnagar – Rise, Expansion, and Disintegration; Eastern Gangas and Suryavamshi Gajapatis. Rise of the Marathas & the foundation of Swaraj by Shivaji; its expansion under the Peshwas; Mughal – Maratha relations, Maratha Confederacy, Causes of Decline. |
Unit – V | Administration & Economy: Administration under the Sultanate, Nature of State –Theocratic and Theocentric, Central, Provincial and Local Administration, Law of succession. Sher Shah’s Administrative Reforms; Mughal Administration – Central, Provincial and Local: Mansabdari and Jagirdari Systems. Administrative System in the Deccan – The Vijayanagara State & Polity, Bahamani Administrative System; Maratha Administration – Asta Pradhan. Frontier Policies under Delhi Sultanate and Mughals. Inter-State Relations during the Sultanate and the Mughals. Agricultural Production and Irrigation System, Village Economy, Peasantry, Grants and Agricultural Loans, Urbanization and Demographic Structure. Industries – Cotton Textiles, Handicrafts, Agro-Based industries, organisations, Factories & Technology. Trade and Commerce – State Policies, Internal and External Trade: European Trade, Trade Centres and Ports, Transport and Communication. Hundi (Bills of Exchange) and Insurance, State Income and Expenditure, Currency, Mint System; Famines and Peasant Revolts. |
Unit – VI | Society and Culture: Social Organisation and Social Structure. The Sufis – Their Orders, Beliefs and Practices, the leading Sufi Saints, Social Synchronization. Bhakti Movement – Shaivism; Vaishnavism, Shaktism. The Saints of the Medieval Period – North and South – their impact on SocioPolitical and Religious Life – Women Saints of Medieval India. The Sikh Movement – Guru Nanak Dev: his teachings and practices, Adi Granth; the Khalsa. Social Classification: Ruling Class, Major Religious Groups, the Ulemas, the Mercantile and Professional Classes – Rajput Society. Rural society – Petty Chieftains, Village Officials, Cultivators and Non-Cultivating Classes, Artisans. Position of Women – Zanana System – Devadasi System. Development of Education, Centres of Education and Curriculum, Madarasa Education. Fine Arts – Major Schools of Painting – Mughal, Rajasthani, Pahari, Garhwali; Development of Music. Art and Architecture, Indo-Islamic Architecture, Mughal Architecture, Regional Styles. Indo-Arabic Architecture, Mughal Gardens, Maratha Forts, Shrines and Temples |
Unit –VII | Sources of Modern Indian History: Archival Materials, Biographies and Memoirs, Newspapers, Oral Evidence, Creative Literature and Painting, Monuments, Coins. Rise of British Power: European Traders in India in the 16 th to 18th Centuries – Portuguese, Dutch, French, and the British. Establishment and Expansion of British Dominion in India. British Relations with Principal Indian States – Bengal, Oudh, Hyderabad, Mysore, Carnatic, and Punjab. Revolt of 1857, Causes, Nature and Impact. Administration of the Company and the Crown; Evolution of Central and Provincial The structure under East India Company. Paramountcy, Civil Service, Judiciary, Police, and the Army under the Company; British Policy and Paramountcy in the Princely States under the Crown. Local Self-Government. Constitutional Changes, 1909 – 1935. |
Unit – VIII | Colonial Economy: Changing Composition, Volume, and Direction of Trade. Expansion and Commercialization of Agriculture, Land Rights, Land Settlements, Rural Indebtedness, Landless Labour, Irrigation, and Canal System. The decline of Industries – Changing Socio-Economic Conditions of Artisans; De-urbanisation; Economic Drain; World Wars and Economy. British Industrial Policy; Major Modern Industries; Nature of Factory Legislation; Labour and Trade Union Movements. Monetary Policy, Banking, Currency and Exchange, Railways and Road Transport, Communications – Post & Telegraph. Growth of New Urban Centres; New Features of Town Planning and Architecture, Urban Society and Urban Problems. Famines, Epidemics, and the Government Policy. Tribal and Peasant Movements. Indian Society in Transition: Contact with Christianity – the Missions and Missionaries; Critique of Indian Social and Economic Practices and Religious Beliefs; Educational and Other Activities. The New Education – Government Policy; Levels and Contents; English Language; Development of Science, Technology, Public Health & Medicine – Towards Modernism. Indian Renaissance – Socio-Religious Reforms; Emergence of Middle Class; Caste Associations and Caste Mobility |
Unit – IX | Rise of Indian Nationalism: Social and Economic basis of Nationalism. Birth of Indian National Congress; Ideologies and Programmes of the Indian National Congress, 1885-1920: Early Nationalists, Assertive Nationalists and Revolutionaries. Swadeshi and Swaraj. Gandhian Mass Movements; Subhas Chandra Bose and INA; Role of Middle Class in National Movement; Women Participation in National Movement. Left-Wing Politics. Depressed Class Movement. Communal Politics; Muslim League and Genesis of Pakistan. Towards Independence and Partition. India after Independence: Challenges of Partition; Integration of the Indian Princely States; Kashmir, Hyderabad & Junagarh. B.R. Ambedkar – The making of the Indian Constitution, its Features. The Structure of Bureaucracy. New Education Policy. Economic Policies and the Planning process; Development, Displacement and Tribal Issues. Linguistic Reorganisation of States; Centre-State Relations. Foreign Policy Initiatives – Panchsheel; Dynamics of Indian Politics-Emergency; Liberalization, Privatisation & Globalisation of Indian Economy |
Unit – X | Historical Method, Research, Methodology, and Historiography: Scope and Importance of History Objectivity and Bias in History Heuristics Operation, Criticism in History, Synthesis and Presentation History and its Auxiliary Sciences History a Science, Arts or a Social Science Causation and Imagination in History Significance of Regional History Recent Trends in Indian History Research Methodology Hypothesis in History Area of Proposed Research Sources – Data Collection, Primary / Secondary, Original, and Transit Sources Trends in Historical Research Recent Indian Historiography Selection of Topic in History Notes Taking, References, Footnotes and Bibliography Thesis and Assignment Writing Plagiarism, Intellectual Dishonesty and History Writing Beginnings of Historical Writings – Greek, Roman and Church Historiography Renaissance and its Impact on History Writing Negative and Positive Schools of Historical Writing Berlin Revolution in History Writing – Von Ranke Marxist Philosophy of History – Scientific Materialism Cyclical Theory of History – Oswald Spengler Challenge and Response Theory – Arnold Joseph Toynbee Post–Modernism in History |
UGC NET History Syllabus in Hindi 2024 [Updated]
यूजीसी नेट इतिहास विषय जैसे मध्यकालीन इतिहास, आधुनिक इतिहास और प्राचीन अधिक विषयों पर आधारित इसका मतलब है कि बुनियादी बातों की सतह-स्तर की समझ प्राप्त करने के लिए आपको बहुत सारी जमीन को कवर करना होगा। जबकि पाठ्यक्रम सघन है, यह पाठ बनाने वाले प्रत्येक घटक को तोड़ने में मदद करेगा। यही कारण है कि हमने उन्हें इतिहास यूजीसी नेट पाठ्यक्रम को इकाइयों के नाम के अनुसार तोड़ दिया है। यह समझना आसान होगा कि उनके अंतर्गत कौन से विषय शामिल हैं ताकि आपके लिए आगामी परीक्षाओं के लिए तैयार होना आसान हो जाए।
UGC NET के इतिहास कोड -06 के विषय कोड में दो ऑनलाइन पेपर शामिल हैं, अर्थात् पेपर- I और पेपर- II बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्नों (MCQ) के साथ।
- यूजीसी नेट इतिहास पेपर 1 पाठ्यक्रम शिक्षण और तर्क क्षमता, अनुसंधान योग्यता, समझ, भिन्न सोच और सामान्य जागरूकता का परीक्षण करता है।
- यूजीसी नेट इतिहास पेपर 2 पाठ्यक्रम इतिहास पर आधारित है। यह संबंधित विषय में आपके ज्ञान और विशेषज्ञता की गहराई का परीक्षण करता है।
अवधारणाएं, विचार और शर्तें
इकाई -1 सूत्रों से बातचीत करना
इकाई-2 राज्य से साम्राज्य तक
इकाई-3 क्षेत्रीय राज्यों का उदय
इकाई-4 मध्यकालीन भारतीय इतिहास का स्रोत
यूनिट -5 प्रशासन और अर्थव्यवस्था
इकाई-6 समाज और संस्कृति
इकाई-7 आधुनिक भारतीय इतिहास के स्रोत
इकाई-8 औपनिवेशिक अर्थव्यवस्था
इकाई-9 भारतीय राष्ट्रवाद का उदय
इकाई-10 ऐतिहासिक पद्धति, अनुसंधान, पद्धति और इतिहासलेखन
इकाइयों का नाम | विवरण या विषय में विषय नाम |
Concepts, Ideas and Terms | भारतवर्ष खिलाफत सभा और समिति सुलह-ए-कुली वर्णाश्रम तुर्कान-ए-चहलघानी वेदांत वतन पुरुषार्थ बालूत रीना ताक्वाविक संस्कार इक्ता यज्ञ जजिया गणराज्य ज़काती जनपद मदद-ए-माशो कर्म अमर का सिद्धांत दंडनीति/अर्थशास्त्र/सप्तांग राय-रेखा धर्मविजय जंगम / दास स्तूप / चैत्य / विहार मदरसा / मकतब नागर / द्रविड़ / वेसर चौथ / सरदेशमुखी बोधिसत्व / तीर्थंकर सराय अलवर / नयनार पॉलीगार्स श्रेणी जागीर / शरीयत भूमि-चिद्र-विधान-न्याय दस्तूरी कारा-भोग-भागा मनसब (रैंक) विशिष्ट देशमुख स्त्रीधन नाडु / उरु मेमोरियल स्टोन्स उलेमा अग्रहारस फ़िरमान आईन-ए-दशसालः सत्याग्रह: परगना स्वदेशी शाहना-ए-मंडी पुनरुद्धारवाद महलवारी सांप्रदायिकता हिंद स्वराज प्राच्यवाद व्यापारिकता ओरिएंटल निरंकुशता आर्थिक राष्ट्रवाद डी-औद्योगीकरण भारतीय पुनर्जागरण सहायक गठबंधन आर्थिक नाली इंजीलवाद उपनिवेशवाद भूटान सर्वोपरि पंचशील द्वैध शासन मिश्रित अर्थव्यवस्था संघवाद समाजवाद उपयोगितावाद हिंदू कोड बिल निस्पंदन सिद्धांत ऐतिहासिक तरीके आगे की नीति साहित्यिक चोरी इतिहास में चूक नैतिकता और नैतिकता का सिद्धांत लिखना |
Unit – I | सूत्रों की बातचीत: पुरातत्व स्रोत: अन्वेषण, उत्खनन, एपिग्राफी और न्यूमिज़माटिक्स। पुरातत्व स्थलों की डेटिंग. साहित्यिक स्रोत: स्वदेशी साहित्य: प्राथमिक और माध्यमिक: डेटिंग की समस्या धार्मिक और धर्मनिरपेक्ष साहित्य, मिथक, किंवदंतियाँ, आदि विदेशी खाते: ग्रीक, चीनी और अरबी। पशुचारण और खाद्य उत्पादन: नवपाषाण और ताम्रपाषाण चरण: बंदोबस्त, वितरण, उपकरण और विनिमय के पैटर्न। सिंधु/हड़प्पा सभ्यता: उत्पत्ति, विस्तार, प्रमुख स्थल, बसावट पैटर्न, शिल्प विशेषज्ञता, धर्म, समाज और राजनीति, सिंधु सभ्यता का पतन, आंतरिक और बाहरी व्यापार, भारत में पहला शहरीकरण। वैदिक और बाद में वैदिक काल; आर्य वाद-विवाद, राजनीतिक और सामाजिक संस्थाएं, राज्य की संरचना और राज्य के सिद्धांत; वर्णों और सामाजिक का उदय स्तरीकरण, धार्मिक और दार्शनिक विचार। लौह प्रौद्योगिकी का परिचय, दक्षिण भारत के मेगालिथ। राज्य प्रणाली का विस्तार: महाजनपद, राजशाही और रिपब्लिकन राज्य, आर्थिक और सामाजिक विकास और दूसरे शहरीकरण का उदय वीं शताब्दी ईसा पूर्व; विधर्मी संप्रदायों का उदय-जैन धर्म, बौद्ध धर्म और आजिविका। |
Unit -2 | राज्य से साम्राज्य तक: मगध का उदय, सिकंदर के अधीन यूनानी आक्रमण और उसका प्रभाव, मौर्य विस्तार, मौर्य राज्य व्यवस्था, समाज, अर्थव्यवस्था, अशोक का धम्म और इसकी प्रकृति, मौर्य साम्राज्य का पतन और विघटन, मौर्य कला और वास्तुकला, अशोकन शिलालेख: भाषा और लिपि। साम्राज्य का विघटन और क्षेत्रीय शक्तियों का उदय: इंडो-यूनानी, शुंग, सातवाहन, कुषाण और शक-क्षत्रप, संगम साहित्य, राजनीति और संगम साहित्य में प्रतिबिम्बित दक्षिण भारत का समाज। व्यापार एवं वाणिज्य दूसरी शताब्दी ईसा पूर्व से तीसरी शताब्दी सीई तक, रोमन दुनिया के साथ व्यापार, उभरना महायान बौद्ध धर्म, खारवेल और जैन धर्म, मौर्योत्तर कला और आर्किटेक्चर। गांधार, मथुरा और अमरावती स्कूल। गुप्त वाकाटक युग: राजनीति और समाज, कृषि अर्थव्यवस्था, भूमि अनुदान, भूमि राजस्व और भूमि अधिकार, गुप्त सिक्के, मंदिर वास्तुकला की शुरुआत, पौराणिक हिंदू धर्म का उदय, संस्कृत भाषा का विकास और साहित्य। विज्ञान प्रौद्योगिकी, खगोल विज्ञान, गणित और में विकास दवा। हर्ष एंड हिज़ टाइम्स: एडमिनिस्ट्रेशन एंड रिलिजन। आंध्रदेश में सलंकयान और विष्णुकुंडिन। |
Unit – III | क्षेत्रीय राज्यों का उदय: दक्कन में राज्य: गंगा, कदमबास, पश्चिमी और पूर्वी चालुक्य, राष्ट्रकूट, कल्याणी चालुक्य, काकतीय, होयसला और यादव। दक्षिण भारत में राज्य: पल्लव, सेरस, कोला और पांड्य, पूर्वी भारत में राज्य: बंगाल के पाल और सेना, कामरूप के वर्मन, उड़ीसा के भौमाकार और सोमवंशी। पश्चिमी भारत में राज्य: वल्लभी के मैत्रक और गुजरात के चालुक्य। उत्तर भारत में राज्य: गुर्जर-प्रतिहार, कलकुरी-चेदिस, गढ़वाल और परमारस। प्रारंभिक मध्यकालीन भारत की विशेषताएं: प्रशासन और राजनीतिक संरचना राजत्व का वैधीकरण। कृषि अर्थव्यवस्था; भूमि अनुदान, उत्पादन संबंध बदलना; श्रेणीबद्ध भूमि अधिकार और किसान, जल संसाधन, कराधान प्रणाली, सिक्के और मुद्रा प्रणाली; व्यापार और शहरीकरण: व्यापार के पैटर्न, और शहरी बस्तियां, बंदरगाह और व्यापार मार्ग, व्यापार और विनिमय, व्यापार संघ; दक्षिण पूर्व एशिया में व्यापार और उपनिवेशीकरण। ब्राह्मणवादी धर्मों का विकास: वैष्णववाद और शैववाद; मंदिर; संरक्षण और क्षेत्रीय सुधार; मंदिर वास्तुकला और क्षेत्रीय शैलियाँ। दाना, तीर्थ और भक्ति, तमिल भक्ति आंदोलन – शंकर, माधव और रामानुजाचार्य। समाज: वर्ण, जाति और जातियों का प्रसार, महिलाओं की स्थिति; लिंग, विवाह और संपत्ति संबंध; सार्वजनिक जीवन में महिलाएं। किसान के रूप में जनजातियाँ और वर्ण क्रम में उनका स्थान। अस्पृश्यता। शिक्षा और शैक्षणिक संस्थान: अग्रहार, मठ और महाविहार शिक्षा के केंद्र। क्षेत्रीय भाषाओं का विकास। प्रारंभिक मध्ययुगीन भारत में राज्य गठन की बहस: ए) सामंती मॉडल; बी) खंडीय मॉडल; सी) एकीकृत मॉडल अरब अनुबंध: सुलेमान गजनवीद की विजय। अलबरूनी के खाते। |
Unit – IV | मध्यकालीन भारतीय इतिहास का स्रोत: पुरातत्व, पुरालेख और मुद्राशास्त्रीय स्रोत, भौतिक साक्ष्य और स्मारक; इतिहास; साहित्यिक स्रोत फारसी, संस्कृत और क्षेत्रीय भाषाएं; दफ्तर खन्ना: फ़िरमैन, बहिस / पोथी / अख़बारत; विदेशी यात्रियों के खाते – फारसी और अरबी। राजनीतिक विकास – दिल्ली सल्तनत – गोरी, तुर्क, थे खिलजी, तुगलक, सैय्यद और लोदी। दिल्ली सल्तनत का पतन। मुगल साम्राज्य की नींव – बाबर, हुमायूँ और सूरी; विस्तार और अकबर से औरंगजेब तक का एकीकरण। मुगल साम्राज्य का पतन। बाद में मुगल और मुगल साम्राज्य का विघटन। विजयनगर और बहमनी – दक्कन सल्तनत; बीजापुर, गोलकुंडा, बीदर, बरार और अहमदनगर – उदय, विस्तार और विघटन; पूर्व का गंगा और सूर्यवंशी गजपति। मराठों का उदय और शिवाजी द्वारा स्वराज की नींव; इसके तहत विस्तार पेशवा; मुगल-मराठा संबंध, मराठा संघ, के कारण पतन। |
Unit – V | प्रशासन और अर्थव्यवस्था: सल्तनत के अधीन प्रशासन, राज्य की प्रकृति – थियोक्रेटिक एंड थियोसेन्ट्रिक, केंद्रीय, प्रांतीय और स्थानीय प्रशासन, कानून उत्तराधिकार। शेर शाह के प्रशासनिक सुधार; मुगल प्रशासन – केंद्रीय, प्रांतीय और स्थानीय: मनसबदारी और जागीरदारी सिस्टम। दक्कन में प्रशासनिक प्रणाली – विजयनगर राज्य और राजनीति, बहमनी प्रशासनिक प्रणाली; मराठा प्रशासन – अस्त प्रधान। दिल्ली सल्तनत और मुगलों के अधीन सीमांत नीतियां। सल्तनत और मुगलों के दौरान अंतर्राज्यीय संबंध। कृषि उत्पादन और सिंचाई प्रणाली, ग्रामीण अर्थव्यवस्था, किसान, अनुदान और कृषि ऋण, शहरीकरण और जनसांख्यिकीय संरचना। उद्योग – सूती वस्त्र, हस्तशिल्प, कृषि आधारित उद्योग, संगठन, कारखाने और प्रौद्योगिकी। व्यापार और वाणिज्य – राज्य नीतियां, आंतरिक और बाहरी व्यापार: यूरोपीय व्यापार, व्यापार केंद्र और बंदरगाह, परिवहन और संचार। हुंडी (विनिमय बिल) और बीमा, राज्य आय और व्यय, मुद्रा, टकसाल प्रणाली; अकाल और किसान विद्रोह। |
Unit – VI | समाज और संस्कृति: सामाजिक संगठन और सामाजिक संरचना। सूफी – उनके आदेश, विश्वास और व्यवहार, प्रमुख सूफी संत, सामाजिक तादात्म्य। भक्ति आंदोलन – शैववाद; वैष्णववाद, शक्तिवाद। मध्ययुगीन काल के संत – उत्तर और दक्षिण – सामाजिक राजनीतिक और धार्मिक जीवन पर उनका प्रभाव – मध्यकालीन भारत की महिला संत। सिख आंदोलन – गुरु नानक देव: उनकी शिक्षाएं और अभ्यास, आदि ग्रंथ; खालसा। सामाजिक वर्गीकरण: शासक वर्ग, प्रमुख धार्मिक समूह, उलेमा, व्यापारिक और व्यावसायिक वर्ग – राजपूत समाज। ग्रामीण समाज – छोटे सरदार, ग्राम अधिकारी, किसान और गैर-कृषि वर्ग, कारीगर। महिलाओं की स्थिति – जनाना प्रणाली – देवदासी प्रणाली। शिक्षा का विकास, शिक्षा और पाठ्यचर्या केंद्र, मदरसा शिक्षा। ललित कला – चित्रकला के प्रमुख विद्यालय – मुगल, राजस्थानी, पहाड़ी, गढ़वाली; संगीत का विकास। कला और वास्तुकला, इंडो-इस्लामिक वास्तुकला, मुगल वास्तुकला, क्षेत्रीय शैलियाँ। इंडो-अरबी वास्तुकला, मुगल गार्डन, मराठा किले, तीर्थ और मंदिर |
Unit –VII | आधुनिक भारतीय इतिहास के स्रोत: अभिलेखीय सामग्री, आत्मकथाएँ और संस्मरण, समाचार पत्र, मौखिक साक्ष्य, रचनात्मक साहित्य और पेंटिंग, स्मारक, सिक्के। ब्रिटिश शक्ति का उदय: 16 . में भारत में यूरोपीय व्यापारी 18वीं शताब्दी से – पुर्तगाली, डच, फ्रेंच और ब्रिटिश। भारत में ब्रिटिश डोमिनियन की स्थापना और विस्तार। प्रमुख भारतीय राज्यों के साथ ब्रिटिश संबंध – बंगाल, अवध, हैदराबाद, मैसूर, कर्नाटक और पंजाब। 1857 का विद्रोह, कारण, प्रकृति और प्रभाव। कंपनी और क्राउन का प्रशासन; केंद्रीय और प्रांतीय का विकास ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी के तहत संरचना। कंपनी के तहत सर्वोपरि, सिविल सेवा, न्यायपालिका, पुलिस और सेना; क्राउन के तहत रियासतों में ब्रिटिश नीति और सर्वोच्चता। स्थानीय स्वशासन। संवैधानिक परिवर्तन, 1909 – 1935। |
Unit – VIII | औपनिवेशिक अर्थव्यवस्था: व्यापार की संरचना, मात्रा और दिशा बदलना। कृषि का विस्तार और व्यावसायीकरण, भूमि अधिकार, भूमि बंदोबस्त, ग्रामीण ऋणग्रस्तता, भूमिहीन श्रम, सिंचाई और नहर प्रणाली। उद्योगों का पतन – कारीगरों की सामाजिक-आर्थिक स्थितियों में परिवर्तन; डी-शहरीकरण; आर्थिक नाली; विश्व युद्ध और अर्थव्यवस्था। ब्रिटिश औद्योगिक नीति; प्रमुख आधुनिक उद्योग; कारखाना विधान की प्रकृति; श्रम और ट्रेड यूनियन आंदोलन। मौद्रिक नीति, बैंकिंग, मुद्रा और विनिमय, रेलवे और सड़क परिवहन, संचार – डाक और तार। नए शहरी केंद्रों का विकास; टाउन प्लानिंग और आर्किटेक्चर की नई विशेषताएं, शहरी समाज और शहरी समस्याएं। अकाल, महामारी और सरकार की नीति। आदिवासी और किसान आंदोलन। संक्रमण में भारतीय समाज: ईसाई धर्म के साथ संपर्क – मिशन और मिशनरी; भारतीय सामाजिक और आर्थिक प्रथाओं और धार्मिक की आलोचना विश्वास; शैक्षिक और अन्य गतिविधियाँ। नई शिक्षा – सरकार की नीति; स्तर और सामग्री; अंग्रेज़ी भाषा; विज्ञान, प्रौद्योगिकी, सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य और चिकित्सा का विकास – आधुनिकता की ओर। भारतीय पुनर्जागरण – सामाजिक-धार्मिक सुधार; मध्यम वर्ग का उदय; जाति संघ और जाति गतिशीलता |
Unit – IX | भारतीय राष्ट्रवाद का उदय: राष्ट्रवाद का सामाजिक और आर्थिक आधार। भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस का जन्म; भारतीय विचारधाराएं और कार्यक्रम राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस, 1885-1920: प्रारंभिक राष्ट्रवादी, मुखर राष्ट्रवादी और क्रांतिकारी। स्वदेशी और स्वराज। गांधीवादी जन आंदोलन; सुभाष चंद्र बोस और आईएनए; मध्यम वर्ग की भूमिका राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन में; राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन में महिलाओं की भागीदारी। वामपंथी राजनीति। दलित वर्ग आंदोलन। सांप्रदायिक राजनीति; मुस्लिम लीग और पाकिस्तान की उत्पत्ति। स्वतंत्रता और विभाजन की ओर। स्वतंत्रता के बाद का भारत: विभाजन की चुनौतियाँ; भारतीयों का एकीकरण रियासतें; कश्मीर, हैदराबाद और जूनागढ़। NS। अम्बेडकर – भारतीय संविधान का निर्माण, इसकी विशेषताएं। नौकरशाही की संरचना। नई शिक्षा नीति। आर्थिक नीतियां और योजना प्रक्रिया; विकास, विस्थापन और आदिवासी मुद्दे। राज्यों का भाषाई पुनर्गठन; केंद्र-राज्य संबंध। विदेश नीति पहल – पंचशील; भारतीय राजनीति की गतिशीलता-आपातकाल; भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था का उदारीकरण, निजीकरण और वैश्वीकरण |
Unit – X | ऐतिहासिक विधि, अनुसंधान, कार्यप्रणाली और इतिहासलेखन: इतिहास का दायरा और महत्व इतिहास में निष्पक्षता और पूर्वाग्रह ह्यूरिस्टिक्स ऑपरेशन, इतिहास में आलोचना, संश्लेषण और प्रस्तुति इतिहास और उसके सहायक विज्ञान इतिहास एक विज्ञान, कला या एक सामाजिक विज्ञान इतिहास में कारण और कल्पना क्षेत्रीय इतिहास का महत्व भारतीय इतिहास के हाल के रुझान अनुसंधान क्रियाविधि इतिहास में परिकल्पना प्रस्तावित अनुसंधान का क्षेत्र स्रोत – डेटा संग्रह, प्राथमिक / माध्यमिक, मूल और पारगमन सूत्रों का कहना है ऐतिहासिक अनुसंधान में रुझान हाल का भारतीय इतिहासलेखन इतिहास में विषय का चयन नोट्स लेना, संदर्भ, फुटनोट और ग्रंथ सूची थीसिस और असाइनमेंट लेखन साहित्यिक चोरी, बौद्धिक बेईमानी और इतिहास लेखन ऐतिहासिक लेखन की शुरुआत – ग्रीक, रोमन और चर्च हिस्टोरिओग्राफ़ी पुनर्जागरण और इतिहास लेखन पर इसका प्रभाव ऐतिहासिक लेखन के नकारात्मक और सकारात्मक स्कूल इतिहास लेखन में बर्लिन क्रांति – वॉन रैंके इतिहास का मार्क्सवादी दर्शन – वैज्ञानिक भौतिकवाद इतिहास का चक्रीय सिद्धांत – ओसवाल्ड स्पेंगलर चुनौती और प्रतिक्रिया सिद्धांत – अर्नोल्ड जोसेफ टॉयनबी इतिहास में उत्तर-आधुनिकतावाद |
UGC NET History Latest Syllabus in Hindi
Benefits Of Analysis Latest UGC NET History Syllabus 2023
For any preparation to be successful, knowing the syllabus and exam pattern is essential. You can definitely score more with the proper use of the UGC NET History Syllabus.
Some notable benefits of the new UGC NET History 2023 Syllabus are as below:
- UGC NET History Syllabus covers all topics that are important for the examinations.
- UGC NET Syllabus for History also mentions the weightage allotted to different units and chapters, knowing which you may form a strategy for preparing for chapters with high or low weightage.
- Question paper format is also explained in a syllabus.
- Having a clear understanding of your syllabus and the weightage of various sections will definitely help you decide how much time you should dedicate to each section.
- Generally, the exam papers for each course are designed as per the syllabus prescribed for that course.
- So, preparing according to the topic and instructions mentioned in the syllabus obviously helps to crack the exam with good scores.
Latest Books for UGC NET History are Given Below –
Here are Some Suggested Books for History subjects in English & Hindi Medium
Book Name | Author | Publisher | Date of Published |
UGC NET History (E) | Aditya Dubey | Arihant | 2020 |
Trueman’s UGC Net History Paperback | Pramod Singh | Trueman | 2021 |
UGC NET History Hindi | Aditya Dubey | Arihant | 2020 |
Trueman’s UGC Net Itihas (History) – Hindi | Pramod Singh | Trueman | 2021 |
UGC NET History [Question Bank ] Unit Wise / Topic Wise 4000+ [MCQ] Question Answer | Diwakar education hub | Amazon | 2023 |
If You Looking Best & Details Study Notes UGC NET History Design by Expert Faculties of Diwakar Education Hub Take Free Demo Now Click on Below Link Hindi/English

Other References Book History
Book Name | Author | Available on | Type of Topics Include |
India’s Ancient Past | R. S. Sharma. | Flipkart / AMAZON | India’s Ancient Past is a comprehensive work that captures the historical strides from neolithic and chalcolithic times to Harappan civilization, Vedic times, rise of Mauryas, Gupta’s. Satvahanas right up to the times of Harshavardhana. |
History of Medieval India: From 647 A.D. to the Mughal Conquest | Satish Chandra | Flipkart/Amazon | Satish Chandra’s History of Medieval India is a comprehensive overview of the history of the Indian subcontinent during the thousand-year period between the eighth and the eighteenth century. History of Medieval India studies this interesting period in Indian history when the land underwent drastic changes and was deeply influenced by the invading armies, religious movements, and the vicissitudes of the changing political, economic and cultural scene. To tell the history of a land spanning the geographical dimensions and the political divisions of the Indian subcontinent is in itself a formidable task. Satish Chandra executes this difficult mission withthe eye of an enquirer and the pen of a scholar |
History of Modern India | Bipan Chandra | Flipkart/Amazon | History Of Modern India is a book that revolves around the history of British India, throwing light on the nationalist movement and colonialism. History Of Modern India is a book that is written by renowned historian, Bipan Chandra. |
Contemporary India: Economy, Society, Politics | Neera Chandhoke | Flipkart/Amazon | Contemporary India: Economy, Society, Politics, published in 1999, takes an in-depth look into the different types of issues that this country faces. It covers various aspects of contemporary India and focuses on both nation-states, as well as the civil society. This book is divided into three sections, namely Economy, Society, and Politics. It contains various conceptual and empirical themes. The authors have used democracy as a common thread to bind different topics to each other. |
A History of Modern World | Jain and Mathur | Flipkart/ Amazon | This is an educational book for World History students. The world history from 1500 AD to 2000 AD is given in this book. Basically it is designed exactly as per UPSC (Union Public Service Commission of India) syllabus, Also Helpful for UGC NET |
A Comprehensive History of Medieval India: From Twelfth to the Mid-Eighteenth Century | Farooqui Salma Ahmed | Flipkart/Amazon | Departing from the conventional accounts of the history of medieval India Salma Ahmed Farooqui’s A Comprehensive History of Medieval India presents a consolidated timeline from the pre-sultanate period to eighteenth century India by taking into account the period that marked the end of ancient India and focusing on the importance of the transitory centuries when Delhi, with its strategic location, had begun to surface as the new power center |
UGC NET History Exam Pattern 2024 –
Total Number of Questions in UGC NET
- UGC NET 2024 will have a total of 150 multiple-choice questions.
- Paper 1 will have 50 questions and Paper 2 will have 100 questions.
- There is No Restriction to moving to and fro among the Papers.
- All the questions are compulsory to attempt.
- you will get 2 marks for each correct response
- If a question is found to be incorrect/ambiguous during the critical challenge, only those candidates who have attempted the question and chosen one of the correct answers would be given credit. Only for dropped question(s), if any, marks will be given to all the candidates.
The table below shows the exam pattern of UGC NET Paper 1 and Paper 2:
Particulars | UGC NET Paper-I Overview | UGC NET Paper-II [History] Overview |
Exam mode | Online | Online |
Exam duration | 3 hours (180 minutes) | |
Type of paper | Common for all candidates | Subject-specific questions |
Total questions | 50 | 100 |
Type of questions | MCQs; 4 options with only 1 correct option | MCQs; 4 options with only 1 correct option |
Total marks | 100 | 200 |
Marking scheme | 2 marks for the correct answer 0 for an incorrect answer | 2 marks for the correct answer 0 for an incorrect answer |
Language of paper | English and Hindi | English & Hindi |
UGC NET Marking Scheme 2024
- A uniform marking scheme is followed in the exam i.e. for both Paper 1 and 2, each correct answer will fetch you 2 marks.
- As per the revised exam pattern of the UGC NET exam, there is no negative marking for incorrect answers.
- Hence, instead of skipping a question, one can use their calculated guess and mark the answer.
The updated marking scheme of UGC NET is given below:
Type of Answer | Marks Allotted |
Correct Answer | 2 marks |
Incorrect Answer | 0 mark |
No Answer | 0 mark |
Go through the exam pattern of the UGC NET History Paper 1 syllabus mentioned below:
Topics | Questions | Marks |
Part I: Teaching Aptitude | 5 | 10 |
Part II: Research Aptitude | 5 | 10 |
Part III: Reading Comprehension | 5 | 10 |
Part IV: Communication | 5 | 10 |
Part V: Reasoning (including Maths) | 5 | 10 |
Part VI: Logical Reasoning | 5 | 10 |
Part VII: Data Interpretation | 5 | 10 |
Part VIII: Information & Communication Technology (ICT) | 5 | 10 |
Part IX: People & Environment | 5 | 10 |
Part X: Higher Education System: Governance, Polity & Administration | 5 | 10 |
Total | 50 | 100 |
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Eligibility for UGC NET History: Educational Qualification 2024
Candidates securing at least 55% marks in their Master’s Degree or equivalent Degree/ Diploma from recognized universities in History or in Relevant Subject Like Ex – Ma History, Ma in Archeology, etc.
- However, candidates belonging to the non-creamy layer of other backward classes (OBC-NC), scheduled caste (SC), scheduled tribe (ST), persons with disability (PwD), and transgender category have to score at least 50% marks.
- Candidates who are pursuing their Master’s degree or are waiting for their results or whose qualifying examinations have been delayed can apply for the test.
- However, such candidates will be admitted provisionally and will be considered for award of JRF or recruitment as Assistant Professor only when they will pass their Master’s Degree with at least 55% marks (50% marks for reserved category).
- Such candidates will also have to complete their Master’s degree within two years from the date of the UGC NET 2024 Result with the required percentage of marks, failing which they will be treated as disqualified.
- Candidates with Ph.D. degrees whose Master’s level examination was completed before September 19, 1991 (irrespective of the date of declaration of result) will be eligible for a relaxation of 5% in aggregate marks (i.e. from 55% to 50%) for appearing in UGC NET 2021.
- Transgender candidates will be provided the same relaxation in fee, age, and qualifying criteria for NET (i.e. JRF and Assistant Professor) as are available to SC/ ST/ PwD categories. The subject-wise cutoffs for the transgender category will be the lowest among those for SC/ ST/ PwD/ OBC–NCL categories in the respective subject.
- Candidates are suggested to choose the same NET subject for Paper 2 as their specialization in Post Graduation. However, if your post-graduation subject is not covered in the list of 81 NET subjects, you can appear in a related subject.
- Candidates possessing Post Graduation Diploma/ Certificate awarded by an Indian University/ Institute or a foreign degree/ diploma/ certificate awarded by a foreign University/ institute should in their own interest, ascertain the equivalence of their diploma/ degree/ certificate with a Master’s degree of recognized Indian universities from Association of Indian Universities (AIU), New Delhi.
UGC NET JRF Age Limit and Relaxation 2024 UGC NET 2024 Age Limit and Relaxation for Junior Research Fellowship and Assistant Professorship are given below:
- Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Eligibility: Candidates should not be more than 31 years as of June 1, 2024.
- Candidates belonging to OBC-NC, SC, ST, PwD categories, Transgenders, and women applicants are provided a relaxation of up to 5 years.
- Candidates with research experience will also be provided age relaxation equivalent to the years/ period spent on research in the respective subject or Post Graduation Degree.
- Relaxation for researchers can be for up to 5 years and will only be provided on the production of a certificate from the appropriate authority.
- Candidates with L.L.M. Degree will be permitted an upper age relaxation of 3 years.
- Candidates who have served in the armed forces will be provided the benefit of relaxation of up to 5 years subject to the length of service in the armed forces up to June 1, 2021.
- Total age relaxation on the above ground(s) shall not exceed five years under any circumstances.
- Assistant Professor: There is no upper age limit to apply for Assistant Professor.
UGC NET Exemptions for Assistant Professor
NET/ SET/ SLET is the minimum eligibility condition for recruitment and appointment of Assistant Professorship in Indian Universities and Colleges. However, certain exemptions from NET/ SET/ SLET will be governed by UGC regulations and amendments notified in the Gazette of India from time to time.
- Candidates who have passed UGC/ CSIR/ JRF examination before 1989 are exempted from appearing in NET.
- Candidates who have cleared States Eligibility Test (SET) accredited by UGC for Assistant Professor held before June 1, 2002, are exempted from appearing in NET and are eligible to apply for Assistant Professor anywhere in India.
- However, candidates qualified in SET held after June 1, 2003, are eligible to apply for the post of Assistant Professor only in the universities and colleges situated in the respective states.
Difficulty Level of UGC NET History Subject –
Category | JRF Cut Off Marks | JRF Total | Assistant Professor Cut Off Marks | Assistant Professor Total |
UNRESERVED | 60.00 | 81 | 54.00 | 672 |
EWS | 58.00 | 26 | 50.00 | 223 |
OBC(NCL) | 56.67 | 66 | 49.33 | 655 |
SC | 52.67 | 37 | 46.00 | 383 |
ST | 52.67 | 17 | 44.67 | 169 |
As Per the Cut-off For JRF 64 & For NET 54 Its Mean, You Have to Make Target of 70 % At least to Qualified in One Attempt
UGC NET History Cut-off 2023 Check Table Below
UGC NET History is one of the Favorite subjects of the students Among the UGC NET Exam History Subject, In Six Months Term Around 50000 to 60000 Students appeared for UGC NET History this time [December 2023] 49631 students appeared for UGC NET History and As per the past year cutoff This time Gone Quite Same As Past Year you can check all the details below in Table.
Code | Subject Name | Total Appeared | Qualified for NET | Qualified for NET & JRF | Percentile for NET | Percentile for JRF |
06 | History | 49631 | 2453 | 560 | Gen- 98.872344 EWS – 94.6489926 OBC – 94.5774265 SC- 89.6396253 ST – 85.228526 | Gen- 99.4741958 EWS – 99.5594085 OBC- 98.5153765 SC – 97.4642189 ST – 95.5760666 |
UGC NET History Study Notes 2024 –
UGC NET History Previous Year Question Paper-
Advantages of Solving UGC NET History Previous Year Question Papers
To Analysis the Previous year’s Question Paper it’s the best move to crack UGC NET Exam because the previous year’s question paper is like a Mirror which tells you all details about the Paper. These papers are available in the form of a PDF file. Solving the UGC NET English Literature previous year question papers has several benefits mentioned below.
- Candidates will get knowledge about the exam pattern of the entrance exam.
- Aspirants must practice question papers to know about the question type and difficulty level of the exam.
- In this way, candidates can decide which section they need to focus on more and need improvement to enhance their ability to solve questions.
- By referring to the question papers, candidates will get an idea of how much time they will require for solving those questions.
- Candidates can focus more on the questions asked repeatedly in the previous years.
- Candidate confidence will get increased while solving the various question papers of UGC NET.
- Aspirants can refer to the previous year’s question papers to get an idea about the UGC NET marking scheme.
Additional Benefits Practice UGC NET History Previous Year Question Papers
1. Helps understand the Exam Pattern –
Previous Year Papers will assist you with understanding the test design followed by NTA NET. This not only increases your speed at attempting the exam but also ensures time Efficiency.
2. Helps Prepare for the difficulty level of questions –
This examination isn’t going to be a joyride for you. having depth Knowledge about the Syllabus & Difficulty level of the Exam will help you a lot to crack the UGC NET Exam
When you will go through the UGC NET Previous Year Question Papers, you will get acquainted with the difficulty level of the questions asked from the topics and sub-topics of both the Papers, i.e., Paper-I and Paper-II.
3. Develops an understanding of the Important topics –
UGC NET Previous Year Question Papers will help you in recognizing significant topics that are regularly asked in the exams. In any case, to speed up your exam preparation for 2021 you should concentrate on rehearsing the significant subjects first. This can effectively be done by recognizing them through the Previous Year Question Papers.
4. Identify and balance Strong and Weak areas –
It’s no rocket science to know that we all have our strengths and weaknesses, rather than being ignorant about the weaknesses and overconfident about the strengths, why not focus on finding a balance between the two?
While I recommend focusing on both of them, always work a little harder on topics you’re a little weak in.
Not just from the point of view of the exam but also in general, so that you don’t lack any skill.
As the exam has no negative marking, try to make your strengths a solid case so that you can absolutely nail the exam.
5. Increases Accuracy –
It’s a known fact, that the more you practice your speech before going on stage, the lesser you’re bound to fumble or make a mistake.
Similarly, the more you Practice on the UGC NET Previous Year Papers, the more accurate you will be, which in the long run will lead you to secure a high score in the test.
Methodology to calculate UGC NET Cut Off for Assistant Professor (AP)
As mentioned earlier, NTA employs a formula to determine the number of qualified candidates from various categories for each subject. This is based on the total slots determined for each category, as mentioned in ‘Step 2’ above.
Now, let’s understand the formula with the help of an example (Subject – History & Category – General):
A comparative method will be executed for determining the UGC NET subject-wise qualifying marks for all classes.
Example: | |
Number of candidates to be declared qualified for eligibility for Assistant Professor in the subject ‘History’ for the General category | The Number of candidates belonging to the General category who secure at least 40%* aggregate marks in both the papers taken together for the General category for ‘History’ (x) Total slots derived for General category as per Step 2 (÷) Total number of candidates belonging to General category overall subjects who secure at least 40%* aggregate marks in both the papers taken together. |
- The same will be 35% for reserved categories.
- So, this formula above gives us the total number of qualifying candidates.
- From there, NTA utilizes the aggregate percentage of the two papers in relation to the no. of candidates arrived at (utilizing the above formula) to determine the Cut Off for eligibility for AP.
- Similarly, the cut-off can be determined for different subjects for all categories.
Methodology to Calculate UGC NET Cut off for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF)
- Now, the candidates who had applied for both ‘JRF & AP’, from the total number of qualified candidates as determined above, will constitute the consideration for JRF.
- That said, it is the assessment authority, or the NTA, that determines the total number of slots available for awarding JRF.
- Also, the total number of slots accessible for granting UGC NET JRF is distributed among various categories according to the reservation policy of the Government of India (GoI).
- Now, let’s understand the formula with the help of an example (Subject – Physical Education & Category – EWS):
- Methodology for the subject-wise cum class-wise distribution of JRF spaces is down below:
Example: | |
Number of candidates to be declared qualified for JRF & Eligibility for Assistant Professor both in the subject ‘Physical Education’ for the economically Weaker Section (EWS) category | The Number of candidates belonging to the EWS category who have opted for JRF and have qualified for Eligibility for Assistant Professor both in the subject ‘Physical education (x) Total JRF slots available for the EWS category (÷) Total number of candidates belonging to EWS category overall subjects who have opted for EWS and have qualified for Eligibility for Assistant Professor. |
The aggregate of the two paper scores compared to the numbers of JRF openings calculated above will decide the passing Cutoff for JRF in ‘Physical Education’ for the EWS classification.
Download UGC NET Paper-1 Previous Year Questions Paper –
UGC NET Paper -1 Question Paper Year Wise | Link to Download PDF |
UGC NET Paper-1 Question Paper -2020 | Click Here to Download |
UGC NET Paper-1 Question Paper -2019 | Click Here to Download |
UGC NET Paper-1 Question Paper -2018 | Click Here to Download |
UGC NET Paper-1 Question Paper -2017 | Click Here to Download |
UGC NET Paper-1 Question Paper -2016 | Click Here to Download |
UGC NET Paper-1 Question Paper -2015 | Click Here to Download |
UGC NET Paper-1 Question Paper -2014 | Click Here to Download |
UGC NET Paper-1 Question Paper -2013 | Click Here to Download |
UGC NET Paper-1 Question Paper -2012 | Click Here to Download |
UGC NET History Career Scope & Job Opportunities after NET/jrf Qualified-
Here are five areas that prove the scope of UGC NET. History is rich and varied:
1. Archeology
Archaeology is a highly research-oriented field of study. Archaeologists are experts who investigate the different facets of human, cultural, and material development. They excavate and unearth things of historical importance like coins, inscriptions, monuments, etc., and analyze them to find out which period they belong to, their purpose, how they were used, and so on.
The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) is responsible for maintaining heritage buildings, museums, sites, and historical research institutions. So, for an aspiring Archeologist, ASI is the ideal employment institution.
2. Museology
As the name suggests, Museology refers to the study of museums. A Museologist studies and investigates the History of museums, their societal importance, and the activities they propagated. This branch of study will teach you how to curate and preserve a museum.
Furthermore, Museologists perform detailed documentation work concerning artifacts and museum management. They work in museums, heritage galleries, and also in various non-governmental organizations.
3. Academia
The teaching profession is the best career choice for History graduates who want to educate the next generation and infuse their knowledge back into society. This is undoubtedly one of the most respectable jobs.
As a History teacher, you can work in schools, colleges, universities, and online learning institutions. A B.Ed degree is necessary for the school level, whereas for colleges/universities, you must pass the UGC NET exam.
4. Research
Research is another excellent fit for History graduates. As a researcher, you will learn to understand past civilizations and societies’ History by studying, examining, and interpreting evidence (texts, pictures, paintings, maps, physical remains of historical sites, etc.).
Other Job Opportunities after Qualified UGC NET History Exam
1. Historian
Historians are academics, and researchers rolled into one. They mainly deal with studying the events of the past. Historians research, analyze, and interpret historical events and write their inferences about them.
They collect data from libraries, archives, and artifacts, determine the authenticity and importance of historical data, translate historical documents into human languages, preserve artifacts and documents in museums, and publish their writings in academic journals.
The average yearly salary of Historians in India is ₹927,828 LPA.

2. Archivist
Archivists are primarily responsible for acquiring, curating, and managing a permanent collection of documents, artifacts, and other materials of historical and cultural importance. Their archive generally includes historic books, papers, maps, photographs, prints, films, videotapes, and computer-generated records.
In essence, Archivists preserve the past for the present and future generations of learners, researchers, and the general public. Apart from this, Archivists liaise with donors and depositors of archives and maintain computer-aided search systems.
The national average salary of Archivists in India is ₹563,928 LPA.
3. Curator
Curators take on a managerial role in museums, art galleries, or heritage centers. They develop collections of valuable exhibits such as artworks, paintings, sculptures, scriptures, etc. Curators organize events like exhibitions, conferences, and audio-visual presentations to display their collections.
4. History Teacher / Professor – Assistant Professor
While History Teachers work in schools, Professors teach at colleges and universities. School teachers are responsible for imparting foundational History knowledge to students. They teach students about important historical events in brevity, prepare lesson plans, grade papers, develop class activities schedules, and accompany students on field trips to historical sites.
History Professors teach specialized and advanced history courses to students in their undergraduate/postgraduate degree programs. They offer lectures on different historical periods, events, theories, etc., and write detailed research papers, articles, and books.
A high school History Teacher’s average salary is ₹303,734 LPA, and that of a History Professor in India is ₹1,011,304 LPA.
How to Prepare for UGC NET History 2024?
Understand the UGC NET History exam pattern: The exam pattern of UGC NET History helps you in shaping your preparation in many ways.
- First, it tells you that only multiple-choice questions are asked in the UGC NET History exam, so there is no point in preparing for subjective answers of 5-10 lines. Your preparation needs to be objective-oriented. You will have to allot more time to learn specific details and not whole paras.
- Second, since there is no negative marking, it allows you to take risks and go for answers to what you think might be the correct option.
- Third, you get to know how many marks you will be awarded for every written answer – 2 marks for every correct answer. So, you can set an easy target for yourself accordingly
In-depth analysis of the UGC NET Syllabus Paper 1 & Paper 2: The syllabus is no less than the bible to the students.
- Proper analysis of the syllabus is especially important in order to understand what all topics must be covered in order to be able to answer questions that come in the exam.
- The main point behind following the syllabus is that it saves a lot of your time. History as a subject is so vast that there can be no end to what you have to study, but now that you have a well-framed syllabus in your hand you have the advantage to stick to it.
- Work towards time management: From the above tip you must have known by now that you get only 3 hours to complete 150 MCQs without any break. That can be tough for those who are not good in managing time.
- For getting a better hand over completing the paper on time, you will need to solve old UGC NET History question papers. The more you practice, the more you will get used to handling the questions in time. You should use a stopwatch to calculate your speed and time.
- Secondly, if you will have a look at your syllabus, the first thing which will come to your mind is its length. You do not have to get discouraged by assuming that it’s lengthy and impossible. What you need to do instead is prepare a study schedule for yourself.
- Revision is the secret recipe: Revision is the final touch that you give to your exam preparation to make your foundation more and more concrete. It is very important to revise what you have been studying all along so that you are confident of the syllabus in general and each topic in particular. The best way to revise is to take mock tests and solve practice papers that can be found online and even in bookstores.
- To be even surer of your preparations, you can solve the previous year’s question papers and check your scores to assess your progress.
- One other way to revise is by making notes while you are preparing. Once you are done with the syllabus, you can go through your notes where you have noted down all the important points covering each topic. This way when you write your spelling also gets stronger and you memorize the names properly.
- Another important tip is that you should always start your revision with sections that are relatively tougher for you so that they also change to stronger topics in time.
- Motivate yourself physically and mentally: The last and the most important thing to complete your preparation properly is your personal well-being. Your physical and mental well-being can be ensured by not over-stressing yourself and doing away with any presumptions that an exam is tough and it is very hard to qualify. You need to focus on your eight hours of study and completion of the syllabus,
Frequently Asked Questions UGC NET History [FAQ]
Question 1. What is the Weightage of Paper-1 Subject in UGC NET History Paper-2?
Ans – Total 150 Questions in Exam. Out of it 100 Questions from UGC NET History [100 Questions & 50 Questions from Paper-1, Each Question of 2 Marks totals 300 Marks You Can attempt all 150 MCQ.
Question 2. How Many Questions Come from Each Unit of UGC NET History Subject?
Ans – From Each unit 7 to 10 Questions Asked in Exam of UGC NET History Each Unit is Equally Important
Question 3- What is the Cut-off of UGC NET History?
Ans – the Following Cut-off of UGC NET UGC NET History
Category | JRF Cut Off Marks | JRF Total | Assistant Professor Cut Off Marks | Assistant Professor Total |
UNRESERVED | 60.00 | 81 | 54.00 | 672 |
EWS | 58.00 | 26 | 50.00 | 223 |
OBC(NCL) | 56.67 | 66 | 49.33 | 655 |
SC | 52.67 | 37 | 46.00 | 383 |
ST | 52.67 | 17 | 44.67 | 169 |
Question 4 -What are the Best Books for UGC NET History Subject?
Ans The Following the Best Books for UGC NET History
Book Name | Author | Publisher | Date of Published |
UGC NET History (E) | Aditya Dubey | Arihant | 2020 |
Trueman’s Ugc Net History Paperback | Pramod Singh | Trueman | 2021 |
UGC NET History Hindi | Aditya Dubey | Arihant | 2020 |
Trueman’s Ugc Net Itihas (History) – Hindi | Pramod Singh | Trueman | 2021 |
Question 5– Can I get a job after qualifying for UGC NET History?
Ans- Yes, you will get many career opportunities in the government and private sectors both after qualifying for the UGC NET History Exam. You can check the job options from here.
Question -6 How can I revise the UGC NET HistorySyllabus?
Ans.) To revise the UGC NET History Syllabus, first, you should highlight and make short notes while preparing for the exam. It will be easy for you to save time and revise all the topics quickly. You should start the revision with basic concepts
Question -7 Does Online Test Series Help to Crack UGC NET History Exam?
Ans- Yes It’s Help you Lot, after clearing all Concepts you must Practice MCQ through the Online Test Series which Help you Understand your Level of Preparation & You can analyze your Strength & Weakness.Also Compare with other Students’ Scores. Check Diwakar education Hub’s Best Test series Click here
Question – 8 What is the UGC NET History minimum Educational Qualification?
A student has to complete his or her Post-Graduation in History or Any Relevant Subjects. Example Ma History, Ma Ancient History, etc
Question -9 What type of questions are asked in History?
UGC NET History Paper includes questions that are Direct/Conceptual(42), Comprehensive(10), Match the following(10), Statements/Definitions Based(2), Assertion and Reasoning Based(6), Chronological Order(6), Multiple Correct Options Based(24).
Question -10 Is the UGC NET History Syllabus difficult?
Yes. The level of the UGC NET History Syllabus is difficult. But with hard work & Right Guidance, you can be Qualified UGC NET Exam Take Free Mentorship Call us at -7310762592,7078549303
Question -11 What is the UGC NET History paper pattern?
UGC NET History paper will be a total of 150 questions (50 in Paper I and 100 in Paper II). The total number of marks is 300 (100 for Paper I and 200 for Paper II).
Free Video Lecture History Hindi –
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