UGC NET Hindi Shatiya[हिंदी साहित्य] Cut-off 2022 Out Check Now

UGC NET Hindi Shatiya Cut off December 2022 Category Wise, This time Approx 50000+ Students Appeared for the Exam & 4136 Students Qualified NET & JRF As per Paper analysis the Medium of Paper was Medium to Hard As Compared to Past Year 2021 Cut-off This Time cut-off Goes little bit high but the number of students appeared in Exam goes Less Compare to Past Year Lets check category wise Cut-off of Hindi Shatiya given in This Article.
यूजीसी नेट हिंदी Shaitya कट ऑफ दिसंबर 2022 के अनुसार, इस बार लगभग 50000+ छात्रों ने परीक्षा दी और 4136 छात्रों ने नेट और जेआरएफ क्वालिफाई किया। समय कट-ऑफ थोड़ा अधिक हो जाता है, लेकिन परीक्षा में उपस्थित होने वाले छात्रों की संख्या पिछले वर्ष की तुलना में कम हो जाती है, आइए इस लेख में दी गई हिंदी शतिया की श्रेणीवार कट-ऑफ देखें।
UGC NET Hindi Shatiya Cut-off 2022
यूजीसी नेट हिंदी छात्रों के पसंदीदा विषय में से एक है, यूजीसी नेट परीक्षा हिंदी विषय में, हर छह महीने की अवधि में इस बार यूजीसी नेट हिंदी के लिए लगभग 55000 से 60000 छात्र उपस्थित हुए [दिसंबर 2022] 47248 छात्र यूजीसी नेट के लिए उपस्थित हुए और पिछले वर्ष के कटऑफ के अनुसार इस बार थोड़ा अधिक गई है आप नीचे दी गई तालिका में सभी विवरण देख सकते हैं:
Code | Subject Name | Total Appeared | Qualified for NET | Qualified for NET & JRF | Percentiale for NET | Percentiale for JRF |
20 | Hindi Shatiya | 47248 | 3721 | 742 | Gen- 97.1827618 EWS – 92.7057923 OBC – 92.5774265 SC- 84.6396253 ST – 80.228526 | Gen- 99.6441958 EWS – 99.3394085 OBC- 98.5153765 SC – 96.4642189 ST – 95.5760666 |
UGC NET Hindi Shatiya Cut-off 2021
यूजीसी नेट हिंदी छात्रों के पसंदीदा विषय में से एक है, यूजीसी नेट परीक्षा हिंदी विषय में, हर छह महीने की अवधि में इस बार यूजीसी नेट हिंदी के लिए लगभग 55000 से 60000 छात्र उपस्थित हुए [दिसंबर 2020 और जून 2021] 46164 छात्र यूजीसी नेट के लिए उपस्थित हुए और पिछले वर्ष के कटऑफ के अनुसार इस बार थोड़ा अधिक गई है आप नीचे दी गई तालिका में सभी विवरण देख सकते हैं:
Code | Subject Name | Total Appeared | Qualified for NET | Qualified for NET & JRF | Percentiale for NET | Percentiale for JRF |
20 | Hindi Shatiya | 45248 | 3629 | 820 | Gen- 96.872344 EWS – 91.6489926 OBC – 91.5774265 SC- 82.6396253 ST – 79.228526 | Gen- 99.4741958 EWS – 98.5594085 OBC- 98.5153765 SC – 93.4642189 ST – 92.5760666 |
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How to Calculate Cut-Off Marks for UGC NET?
The candidates should know how to calculate the UGC NET Cut-Off 2022 Marks. To calculate the UGC NET Cut Off Marks, the candidates should follow the procedure given below.
- The total number of qualified candidates in the exam, is equal to 6% of the candidates who appeared in both papers of the exam.
- The total number of slots that have been allocated to candidates belonging to different categories as per the reservation policy of the Government of India.
- Minimum qualifying marks required by candidates to be considered for Junior Research Fellow and/or Assistant Professor.
- Qualifying factors for candidates who pass the UGC NET exam will depend on their category.
- The aggregate percentage secured by candidates in both papers corresponding to the number of slots will determine the qualifying UGC NET cut-off.
- The total number of slots available for the JRF and Assistant Professor are administered among various categories as per the reservation policy of the Government of India.
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Factors Determining UGC NET Cut-off
NTA calculates the cut-off based on the following factors:
- The number of candidates appearing for the exam
- The level of difficulty of the question paper
- Candidate’s performance
- The number of seats available
- Previous year UGC NET cut-off trends
UGC NET Qualifying Marks 2022
The NTA determines the minimum qualifying marks that a candidate needs to score in order to pass the UGC NET exam. Candidates will have to score the qualifying marks in both papers of UGC NET to be considered for shortlisting. Candidates can check the category-wise qualifying marks of UGC NET 2022 from the following table:
Category | Paper I (Out of 100 Marks) | Paper II (Out of 200 Marks) |
UGC NET qualifying marks for General Category (Unreserved) | 40 (40%) | 40 (40%) |
OBC Non-creamy layer, PWD/SC/ST and Transgenders | 35 (35%) | 35 (35%) |
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FAQs on UGC NET Cut-off Hindi Shatiya 2022
Q: Who releases UGC NET cut-off scores?
Ans: The National Testing Agency (NTA) releases the cut-off of UGC NET.
Q: What are the UGC NET cut-off marks?
Ans: The UGC NET cut-off marks are the minimum qualifying marks that a candidate needs to score to qualify for the exam. The candidates who get scores equal to or more than the cut-off marks will qualify for UGC NET.
Q: What are the minimum qualifying marks for the UGC NET exam?
Ans: The minimum qualifying marks for UGC NET are 40% for unreserved categories and 35% for reserved category candidates.Q: Is there any UGC NET subject-wise cut-off?
Ans: Yes, NTA releases the UGC NET subject-wise cut-off for all categories. Therefore, candidates will have to score subject-wise cut-offs to qualify for the exam.
Q: On what basis will the UGC NET cut-off be released?
Ans: The officials will consider various factors such as the difficulty level of the paper, reservation policies, the number of candidates who appeared for the exam, the number of candidates who passed the exam, the availability of seats, and the marking scheme to determine the UGC NET cut-off scores.
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