CUET PG Commerce [] 2024 Latest Syllabus, Books, Exam Pattern, Career Scope, Question Paper, Merit List & Eligiblity Criteria

In This Article We Will Discuss All Important Information about CUET-PG Commerce [COQP08], Like Latest Syllabus, Exam patterns, Level of Difficulty, Best Books, Previous Year Papers & Many More Details.
CUET -PG Commerce [Code – COQP08] Entrance Exam for Post Graduation [PG] of [20 Central Universities] The Following Universities are – Central University of Rajasthan, South Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Naidu, Karnataka, Kerala, Punjab, Jammu, Gujrat & Haryana, B.R Ambedkar University, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya Chattisgarh, Pondicherry University, North-Eastern Hill University, Indira Gandhi national TribalUniversityAmarkantak, JNU, Banaras Hindu University, Apex University, Rajasthan
One of The Important Subjects of CUET, the CUET PG Commerce Subject is Divided into 24 Units & Asked 75 Questions Based on MCQ, [CBT] , 25 Questions Based on English, General Awareness, Mathematical Aptitude, and Analytical Skills. Total 100 Marks Paper Negative marking is also applicable, 0.25 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer, Total 100 Questions Asked in Exam. Economics Subjects Based on Details Topics Like – Micro Economics,Currency and Banking,Office Management,Accounting,Business Organization etc
Overview of CUET-PG Commerce [COQP08] Exam 2024
Particulars | Details |
Examination Mode | Computer Based Test (Online) |
Duration | 2 Hours |
Number of Papers in CUET PG | 2 Paper General Aptitude & Specific Subject |
Section | General Aptitude (GA)Candidate Selected Subject |
Type of Questions | Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) |
Design of Questions | The questions are designed to test the listed abilities Application Analysis Comprehension Recall Synthesis |
Number of Questions | 100 Questions (including 25 questions from General Aptitude) |
Total Marks | 400 Marks |
Marking Scheme | All of the questions will be worth 4 marks |
official Website | |
Negative Marking | 1 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer |
CUET PG Commerce Exam Date | Expected in June 2024 |
- Overview of CUET-PG Commerce [COQP08] Exam 2024
- There are 24 Units/Chapters in CUET-PG Commerce [COQP08] are Given Below–
- Let’s Discuss Syllabus of CUET -PG Commerce Subject in Details 2024-
- CUET-PG Commerce Latest Syllabus Subject Wise-
- Unit -1 Micro Economics
- Unit -2 Currency and Banking
- Unit -3 Essential of Management
- Unit -4 Office Management
- Unit -5 Accounting
- Unit-6 Business Organization
- Unit-7 Statistical Methods
- Unit-8 Public Finance
- Unit-9 Business Law
- Unit-10 Cost Accounting
- Unit-11 Company law and Secretarial Practice
- Unit-12 Selling and Advertising
- Unit-13 Selling and Advertising Business Mathematics
- Unit-14 Insurance Law and Accounts
- Unit -15 Income Tax Law and Accounts
- Unit -16 Contemporary Audit
- Unit -17 Indian Economic Structure
- Unit -18 Marketing, Practice and Finance
- Unit -19 Macro- Economics
- Unit -20 Trade of India
- Unit -21 Applied & Business Statistics
- Unit -22 Law and Practice of Banking
- Unit -23 Development Banking
- Unit -24 Quantitative Economics
- CUET-PG General Paper Syllabus 2024: Part A
- Benefits Of Analysis Latest CUET Commerce [COQP08] Syllabus 2024
- Career Scope after post Graduation in Commerce
- Average salary package after in india
- CUET 2024 Eligibility Criteria for CUET Commerce University Wise –
- Who Can Apply for CUET-PG Commerce Exam?
- CUET-PG Commerce [Code- COQP08] Exam Pattern 2024-
- Latest Books for CUET-PG Commerce Check Below-
- CUET PG Counseling Process Commerce []-
- Factors Affecting CUET 2024 Cut Off
- How to Check the CUET 2024 Cut-Off?
- What Are the Factors Affecting the CUET Commerce Cutoff
- CUET-PG Commerce Cut-off 2023 [University Wise]
- CUET-PG Commerce Previous year Question Paper 2023 –
- How to Prepare for CUET-PG Commerce [COQP08] –
- CUET-PG Commerce Four-Month Preparation Plan 2024
- CUET-PG Commerce Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ] –
- CUET PG Commerce Cut-off 2023 [University Wise]
- Question-7 What is Career Scope After Qualified CUET-PG Commerce ?
There are 24 Units/Chapters in CUET-PG Commerce [COQP08] are Given Below–
- Micro Economics
- Currency and Banking
- Essential of Management
- Office Management
- Accounting
- Business Organization
- Statistical Methods
- Public Finance
- Business Law
- Cost Accounting
- Company law and Secretarial Practice
- Selling and Advertising
- Business Mathematics
- Insurance Law and Accounts
- Income Tax Law and Accounts
- Contemporary Audit
- Indian Economic Structure
- Marketing, Practice and Finance
- Macro- Economics
- Trade of India
- Applied & Business Statistics
- Law and Practice of Banking
- Development Banking
- Quantitative Economics
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Let’s Discuss Syllabus of CUET -PG Commerce Subject in Details 2024-
To Analysis Syllabus is Very Important to know the Details about the Paper. CUET-PG Commerce Syllabus Divided into 24 Units Includes Subject As Micro Economics,Office Management,Accounting,Business Organization etc. More than 50 Topics are Given in Each Unit most of Part of the Syllabus is Based on theoretical Concepts & Numerical Each Unit has Equal Weightage in Terms of Marks.
CUET-PG Commerce Latest Syllabus Subject Wise-
The Syllabus of CUET-PG Commerce Is Vast . Here you will get Topics from Commerce & Management both like Micro Economics,Currency and Banking,Office Management,Accounting,Business Organization so you need to cover all topics given in the syllabus because all are important
The subject code for CUET-PG Commerce Code -COQP08 comprises two online papers namely Paper-I & Paper-II [Commerce] with Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)s.
- CUET PG Commerce Paper 1 Syllabus tests Logical and reasoning ability, English Grammer, comprehension, divergent thinking, and general awareness.
- CUET PG Commerce Paper 2 Syllabus is based on Commerce Subjects. It tests your depth of knowledge and expertise in the respective subject.
Unit -1 Micro Economics
- Definition Nature and Scope of Economics, Marshall & Robins Views. Utility of Economics, Micro vs. Macromedia of Economics Study, Economic Theory and Business Decisions.
- Utility Analysis, Consumer Behavior, Consumer’s Equilibrium. Traditional Approach and
Indifference Curve and Analysis: Price Income and Substitution Effects. Some Application of Indifference Curve Techniques, Elasticity of Demand. - Production – Equal Product Curves, Scale of Production: Input-Output Relationship, Cost Curves Variable Cost Conditions and Law of Variable Proportions, Producers’ Equilibrium. Product Pricing– Market Format, Perfect Competition, Monopoly and Imperfect Completion.
- Pricing of Factors of Production, Concept of Marginal Productivity, Theories of Rent, Wages, Theories of Interest and Profit.
Unit -2 Currency and Banking
- Functions Significance of Money, Various Forms of Money, Causes, Remedies and Effects of
Inflation, Deflation and Reflation Indian Money Market, Principles Methods of Note Issues,
Monetary Standard – Gold Standard, Bi-metallize and Managed Currency Standard. - Meaning and Significance of Credit. Factors Influencing the Volume of Credit in Country, Credit Creations of Bank, Credit Control by RBI.
- Functions of Commercial Bank, Types of Banks, Unit and Branch Banking System, Concept of Mix Banking, Central Bank and its Functions, Reserve Bank of India, State Bank of India, Regional Rural Banks, Progress of Nationalized Banks in India
- Concept of Foreign Exchange and Exchange Rate, Factors Causing Fluctuation in Exchange
Control Meaning, Objective and Methods.
Unit -3 Essential of Management
- Nature, Scope and Functions of Management, Evolution of Management Thought, Various
Approaches to Management, Functions of a Manager, Introduction to Corporate Social
Responsibility. - Planning: Objective, Nature and Process of Planning, SWOT Analysis, Formulation of Plans,
Decision Making Process. Organizing: Objectives, Nature and Process of Organizing Formal - Staffing: Concept, Manpower Planning, Recruitment, Selection, Training and Development,
Performance Appraisal. Directing: Concept and Techniques of Motivation and Leadership.
Process and Barriers to Communication. - Controlling: Concept, Need and Techniques. Controlling: Concept, Process and Techniques and Control, Management by Objectives (MBO) Management by Exception (MBE), Essentials of Effective Control, Managerial Effectiveness.
Unit -4 Office Management
- Office: Meaning, Importance, Activities, Emerging Trends, Concept of Paperless Office.
- Office Management: Meaning, Functions. Office Organization: Definition, Characteristics, Types of Organization, Office Systems and Procedures, Charts and Manuals. Office Location, Layout and Environment, Flow of Work.
- Computer Fundamentals: Concept, Components and Types of Computers. Operating System: Concept, Functions, Types. Managing Files and Folders. Internet: Basics, Features, Methods of Access. Applications and Benefits of Computerization and Internet in Office. Introduction to Word Processing and Spreadsheets: Templates and Creation of Documents, Editing and Formatting, Creating tables, Basic Applications.
- Office Record Management: Importance, Filing Essentials, Modern Methods of Filing, Modern Filing Devices, Indexing System. Office Forms: Meaning, Principles, Design and Control of Office Forms.
- Office Supplies: Management and Control of Office Supplies. Office Correspondence: Types, Centralized and Decentralized Correspondence, Procedure of Handling Inward and Outward Correspondence, Electronic Communication.
- Office Information System: Concept, Basic Types and Business Applications. Planning and
Designing of Information System: System Development Life Cycle, Flow Charts. Office Reports: Types of Reports, Report Writing and Precis Writing. - E-Commerce: Concepts, Types, Business Models, E-payment Systems.
Unit -5 Accounting
- Accounting an Introduction: Accounting Standard – National and International, Partnership
Accounts – Admission, Retirement & Death and Dissolution of Partnership Firm. - Absorption, Amalgamation and Reconstruction of Companies, Liquidation of Companies and Preparation of a Liquidator’s Final Statement of Account.
- Hire Purchase and Instalment Accounts, Royalties Accounts, Insolvency Accounts.
- Branch Account: Voyage Accounts, Accounts of Empties and Packages; Insurance Claim for Lossof Stock and Loss of Profit
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Unit-6 Business Organization
- Definition, Nature and Scope of Business, Business and Society, Social Responsibility of Business, Factors Determining the Size of Business Unit. Forms of Business Organization – A Comparative Study.
- Monopolistic Combination, Production Management, Rationalization & Methods of
Remunerating Labor. - Organization Process – Importance, Principles, Various Aspects of Organization, Organization
Structure, Departmentation, Line and Staff Relationships, Span of Control, Delegation of
Authority, Decentralization. - Produce and Stock Exchange: Its Organization and Economic Functions.
Unit-7 Statistical Methods
- General – The Nature and Scope of Statistics: Definition of Statistics. Law of Statistical Regularity:Law of Inertia of Large Numbers. Probability and Sampling. Limitations of Statistics.
- Methods of Statistical Enquiry – Types and Characteristics of Units. Methods of Collection of Data; Questionnaire and Schedule; Proximations and Accuracy, Errors and their Effects.
- Classification and Tabulation – Objects, General- Rules for the Construction of Tables; Statistical Series.
- Measure of Central Tendency – Mean Mode, Median, Quartile Harmonic and Geometric Mean.
- Measurement of Dispersion and Skewness – Range, Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation,
Standard Deviation and their Coefficients; Measures of Skewness. - Correlation Analysis – Graphic Method, Scatter Diagram, Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of
Correlation, Spearman’s Ranking Method, Lag and Lead, Probable and Standard Error. - Regression Analysis – Linear Regression, Regression Lines, Regression Equations.
- Interpolation – Assumptions, Newtons’ Advancing Differences, LaGrange’s’ Formula; Parabolic Curve Method; Binominal Expansion Method
Unit-8 Public Finance
- Public Finance – Definition and Scope; Public and Private Finance.
- Public Revenue – Sources of Public Revenue; Nature and Principles of Taxation; Classification of Taxes; Problems Principles of Equity in Taxation. Incidence of Taxation; Shifting of Taxes. Effects of Taxation. Requirements of a Sound tax System. Canons of Taxation.
- Principle of Maximum Social Advantage.
- Public Expenditure – Classification, Effects and Canons of Public Expenditure, Public Debt,
External and Internal Debt. Methods of Debt Redemption. Capital Levy, Deficit Financing. - Administration, Budget- Its Preparation, Legislation and Execution.
- Analysis of Trends in Central Government’s Revenue, Expenditure and Debt. Financing of Five YearPlans, Deficit Financing in India.
- State and Local Finance, Heads of Revenue and Items of Expenditure and Related Issues.
Unit-9 Business Law
- Contract
- Agency, Sale of Goods
- Partnership, Negotiable Instruments and Hundis and Consumer Protection Act 1986
- Common Carriers and Carriage of Goods of Land and Air. Foreign Exchange Management Act. 2000: Definitions & Main Provisions.
Unit-10 Cost Accounting
- Definition, Nature, Scope and Significance, Cost Unit, Cost Centre, Elements of Costs, System of Ascertainment of Cost, Control and Ascertainment of Materials, Labor and Overhead Costs,
Allocation, Apportionment and Absorption of Overheads. - Single Output or Unit Costing, Contract and Job Costing, Calculation of Tender, Quotation,
Estimated Price, Process and Operating Costing. - Marginal Costing – its use in Management Standard Costing, Variance Analysis.
- Integrated Accounts.
- Reconciliation of Cost and Financial Accounts, Cost Accounting/ Cost Control Accounts, Interfirm Comparison
Unit-11 Company law and Secretarial Practice
- Company: Definition, Classification, Incorporation, Memorandum of Association, Articles of
Association. Doctrine of Constructive Notice, Doctrine of Indoor Management, Commencementof Business. Company Management: Appointment, Rights and Obligations of Directors, Managers and Secretary. - Steps before Issue of Prospects, Definition and Contents of Prospectus, Liability for Untrue
Statements. Shares: Definition, Share Vs Stock, Classes of Shares, Voting Rights, Issue of Shares at Per, Premium and Discount, ESOP, Bonus, Rights, Buyback, Public Shares at Par, Premium and Discount, ESOP, Bonus, Rights, Buyback, Public Issue, Calls, Forfeiture, Lean and Surrender, Transfer and Transmission, Statutory Restriction on Transfer, Borrowing Power, Mortgages and Changes, Debentures. - Secretarial Practice: Duties and Responsibilities of Company Secretary, Secretarial Duties Relating to Issue and Allotment of Shares, Calls, For Feature Lien and Transfer of Shares. MajorityPowers and Minority Rights, Revelation of Oppression and Management. Specimen of Certificate of Incorporation. Certificate of Commencement of Business, Share Certificates and Share Warrants, Dematerialization of Shares.
- Meeting and Proceedings: Provisions Relating to the Company and Board Meetings, Secretarial Duties Relating to Meetings, Notice, Agenda, Proxy, Motion, Resolution, Minutes and Reports.
Unit-12 Selling and Advertising
- Selling: Concept, Nature and Role in Marketing. Personal Selling: Evolving Face of Personal
Selling, Nature and Importance of Personal Selling, Characteristics of a Successful Salesperson,
Sales as a Career Option, Sale Training, Consumer Psychology and Buying Motives, Selling of
Consumer and Industrial Products (Goods and Services) - Selling Process: Prospecting, Pre-approach, Approach, Sales Presentation and Demonstration,
Handling Objections, Closing the Sale, After Sale Service. Effective Selling Techniques, Role of Relationship Marketing in Personal Selling, Tools of Selling, Motivating and Remunerating Sales Persons.
- Advertising: Concept, role, functions, scope and types, Economic, Social, Legal and Ethical
aspects of Advertising. Advertising Appeals: Meaning, types and methods, Advertising as a
persuasive communication process. Advertising Design: Characteristics and basic elements of Advertising copy. Creation, Production and Planning of Advertisements. - Advertising Budget: Types, Components and Process of Preparing. Advertising Agency: Functions and Selection of Agency.
- Advertising as a Component of Integrated Marketing Communication, AIDA and DAGMAR
Model. Advertising Media: Types (Print, Outdoor, Electronic and Other), Characteristics, Merits
and Limitations of Each Media Type. Media Planning: Selection of Media Category; their Reach, Frequency, Impact, Cost and Other Factors Influencing Media Choice. Problems in Reaching Ruraland Remote Audience. Evaluation of Advertising Effectiveness: Importance, Difficulties andMethods of Measuring Advertising Effectiveness.
Unit-13 Selling and Advertising Business Mathematics
- Calculus: (Problems and Theorems Involving Trigonometrically Ratios are not to be done)
Differentiation: Partial Derivatives up to Second Order; Total Differentials. Maxima and Minima Cases of one Variable Involving Second or Higher Order; Cases of two Variables Involving not more than One Constraint, Integration as Anti-derivative Process; Standard Forms; Methods of Regrating –by Substitution, by parts, and by use of Partial Functions; Definite Regrating; Finding Areas in Simple Cases. - Matrices and Determinants: Definition of a Matrix, Types of Matrices; Algebra of Matrices;
Properties of Determinants; Calculation of Values of Determinants upto Third Order, Adjoint a Matrix; Elementary Row or Column Operations; Finding Inverse of Matrix through Adjoint and Elementary Row and Column Operations; Solution of a System of Linear Equations having Unique Solution and Involving not more than three Variables. - Linear Programming – Formulation of LPP: Graphical Method of Solution; Problems Relating to two Variables Including the Case of Mixed Constraints; Simplex Method – Solution of Problems up to three Variables, Duality, Transportation Problem.
- Compound Interest and Annuities Certain, Different Types of Interest Rates; Concept of Present Value and Amount of a Sum; Equation of Payments, Types of Annuities; Present Value and Amount of an Annuity, Including the Case of Continuous Compounding; Analysis of Annuity; Valuation of Simple Loans and Debentures; Problems Relating to Sinking Funds
Unit-14 Insurance Law and Accounts
- Introduction to Insurance: Purpose and Need of Insurance, Insurance as a Social Security Tool; Insurance and Economic Development, Fundamentals/ Principles of Insurance. Contract of Insurance.
- Life Insurance – Principles and Practice of Life Assurance. Life Assurance Contract, their Nature and Characteristics, Parties to the Contract and their Rights and Duties. Conditions and terms of Policy. Nominations and Assignment Practice in Connection with Collection of Premium, Revivals,
Loans, Surrenders, Claims, Bonuses and Annuity Payments, Mortality Table. - Fire Insurance – The Basic Principles of Fire Insurance Contracts. Fire Policy, Conditions,
Assignment of Policy, Claims. Marine Insurance – General Principles – Insurable Interest and Value Disclosure Marine Policy and their Conditions, Premium Double Insurance: Assignment ofPolicy - Introduction to Insurance: Purpose and Need of Insurance, Insurance as a social security tool;
Insurance and economic development, Fundamentals/ Principles of Insurance. Contract of
Insurance. Life Insurance – Principles and practice of life assurance. Life assurance contract, their nature and characteristics, Parties to the contract and their rights and duties. Conditions and terms of policy. Nominations and Assignment Practice in connection with collection of premium, revivals, loans, surrenders, claims, bonuses and annuity payments, Mortality Table. - Fire Insurance – The basic principles of Fire Insurance contracts. Fire Policy, conditions,
Assignment of Policy, Claims. Marine Insurance – General Principles – Insurable interest and
value disclosure Marine Policy and their conditions, Premium double insurance: assignment ofpolicy warranties the voyage, Loss and abandonment: partial losses and particular charges; salvage; total losses and measures of indemnity, Subrogation. - Insurance Intermediaries – Agents and Procedure for Becoming and Agent: Pre-Requisite for Obtaining a License: Duration of License; Cancellation of License, Revocation of Suspension/ Termination of Agent Appointment; Code of Conduct; Unfair Practices, Insurance Accounts – Life Insurance and General Insurance Company.
Unit -15 Income Tax Law and Accounts
- Basic Concepts: Income, Agricultural Income, Casual Income, Assessment Year Previous Year, Gross Total Income, Total Income Person. Tax Evasion, Avoidance and Tax Planning. Basic of Charge; Scope of Total Income, Residence and Tax Liability, Income which does not form Part of Total Income. Deduction from Gross Total Income.
- Head of the Income: Salaries; Income from House Property; Profit and Gains to Business or
Profession. Capital Gains; Income from Other Sources. - Computations of Total Income of an Individual, H.U.F and Firm.
- Deemed Income: Aggregation of Income, Set-off and Carry Forward of Losses; Tax Authorities; Assessment Procedures.
Unit -16 Contemporary Audit
- Introduction: Meaning and objectives of Auditing: Types of Audits; Internal Audit. Audit Process: Audit Programmed; Audit and Books; Working Papers and Evidences; Consideration for Commencing an Audit; Routine Checking and Test Checking. Internal Check System: Internal Control.
- Audit Procedure: Vouching; Verification of Assets and Liabilities. Audit of Limited Companies: Company Auditor- Appointment, Powers, Duties, and Liabilities.
- Auditing Standards – Appointment, Power, Duties and Liability of Auditor. Broad Outlines of Company Audit and Auditor’s Report. Special Audit – Banking Companies, Educational
Institutions, Insurance Companies. Investigation, Audit of Non-profit Organization, Divisible Profit & Dividend.
Unit -17 Indian Economic Structure
- Nature of Indian Economy, Features of a Developing Economy. Characteristics and Problems of Indian Economy. Objectives of Economics Planning in India. India’s Five-Year Plans –
Achievements and Failures. Indian Agriculture – Its Features and Problems. Agricultural
Development in Planned Era. Green Revaluation, Agricultural Marketing, Rural Poverty and
Indebtedness. Rural Industrialization. Rural Development Programmed, Cooperative Movement. - Population Growth and Population Explosion. Population Policy and Programmed. Problem of
Unemployment. Forms of Unemployment. Employment Programmed and Poverty Alleviation. - Large Scale, Small Scale and Cottage Industries. Industrial Development during Five Year Plans. Public Sectors and Private Sector, Industrial Relations, Industrial Policy. Industrial Sickness, Industrial Finance. Money Market and Capital Market Structure. Capital Formation, Indian Money Market and Fiscal Policies, Deficit Financing and its Implications.
Unit -18 Marketing, Practice and Finance
- Introduction: Nature and Scope of Marketing: Importance of Marketing as a Business Functionand in the Economy; Marketing Concepts- Traditional and Modern; Selling Vs. Marketing; Marketing mix; Marketing Environment.
- Consumer Behavior and Market Segmentation; Nature, Scope and Significance of Consumer Behavior; Market Segmentation Concept and Importance; Basis for Market Segmentation.
- Promotion; Methods of promotion; Optimum promotion mix; Advertising Media – their Relative Merits and Limitations; Characteristics of an Effective Advertisement; Personal Selling; Selling asa Career; Classification of a Successful Sales Person; Functions of Salesman.
- Product: Concept of Product, Consumer and Industrial Goods; Product Planning and
Development; Packaging – Role and Functions; Brand name and Trade Mark; after Sales
Service; Product Life Cycle Concept. Price: Importance of Price in the Marketing mix; Factors
Affecting Price of a Product / Service; Discounts and Rebates. - Distribution Channels – Concept and Role; Types of Distribution Channels; Factors Affecting
Choice of a Distribution Channel; Retailer and Wholesale; Physical Distribution of Goods;
Transportation; Warehousing; Inventory Control; Order Processing.
Unit -19 Macro- Economics
1.Concept – Definition and Scope of Macro-Economics, Statics and Dynamics, The Circular Flow of Income. The Analysis and Measurement of Economic Activity – National Income Accounting –
Concept and Definitions of National Income. Various Component of National Income, Methods of Measurement of National Income and Welfare.
- The consumption function – The Keynesian Consumption Function, Relative Income Hypothesis,
Permanent Income Hypothesis Multiplier and the Process of Income – Propagation. The Investment
Function – Autonomous and Induced Investment. Government and the Theory of Income
Determination – Government Purchases and Income, Taxes and EquilibriumLevel of Income, Tax Multiplier Determination of the Equilibrium Level of Income – The SimpleKeynesian Model. - Marginal Efficiency of Capital, Relation between MEC and MEI. The Derivation and Shift in IS and LM Curves, the Interaction between IS and LM Curves. The Acceleration Principle. Theories of
Employment – Say’s Law of Market and Classical Theory of Employment, Saving Investment
Analysis. An Outline of Keynesian Theory of Employment.
- Theory of Inflation – Concepts of Inflation, Inflationary Gaps Demand Pull and Cost Push Inflation.
The Philips Curve, Effects of Inflation, Anti-Inflation Policies – Mentary and Fiscal Policies.
Fluctuation and Growth – Hawtrey, Hayek, Sehumpeter, Samuelson, Hicks. Theories ofPopulation
– Malthusian Theory and Theory of Optimum Population
Unit -20 Trade of India
- Introduction – Trade its meaning and types. Difference between Internal and International Trade. Theories of International Trade with Particular reference to the Theory of ComparativeCost.
Trade: Terminology and Abbreviations. India’s Internal Trade – Characteristics and Problems. Coastal Trade and Trade of Uttar Pradesh. - Foreign Trade of India – Brief History before Independence Recent Trends in India’s Foreign
Trade. Composition of Imports and Exports – Changes during Planning Period. Important Items of Imports and Exports. - Direction of India’s Foreign Trade – Changes in Directional Pattern during Planning Period.
India’s Major Trading Partners. State Trading Organizations, Financing of India’s Foreign Trade Role of EXIM, Bank ECGC and other Institutions in Financing of Foreign Trade, STC, MMTC. - Trade Policy in India – General Developments during Planning Period. Import Substitution and Export Promotion. Recent Changes in Trade Policy, Trade Agreements – Bilateral and
Multilateral Trade Agreements. GATT & UNCTAD. India’s Balance of Trade and Balance of
Payments – Trends during Planning Period. Problems of Bot, BOP and Corrective Measures.
Unit -21 Applied & Business Statistics
- Statistical System in India- Indian Statistical Machinery – Organization at Central State Level, National Sample Survey – Design and Technique. Agricultural Statistics in India – Nature of Crop Estimates, Estimation of Area and Yield, Industrial Statistics, Annual Survey of Industries. Statistics of Prices, Wage, Trade and Transport.
- Population Statistics – Vital Statistics, Computation of Birth, Death and Survival Rates. Methods of Population Projection. Population Census in India.
- Analysis of Time Series – Trend Measurement Different Method of Computing Seasonal Indices. Cyclical and Irregular-Fluctuations.
- National Income Statistics: Methods of Measuring National Income and Related Aggregates. Statistical Quality Control Construction and uses of Control Charts.
Unit -22 Law and Practice of Banking
- The Ordinary, Practice of Bankers with Regard to the Opening and Conduct of Banking Accounts,
Closing of Accounts. Banker and Customer – General and Special Relations. - Law Relating to Cheques, Bill of Exchange and other Negotiable Instruments. Discounting of Bill
of Exchange, the Practice relating to Cheques Bills of Exchange and Other Negotiable Instruments. - Banker’s Credit, Advance and Overdrafts Traveler Cheque, Letter of Credit, Confirmed Bankers
Credit, Unconfirmed Bankers Credit, Acceptance Credits and Documentary Credit.
Unit -23 Development Banking
- Meaning, Determinant and Obstacles of Economic Development, Sources and Problems of Rural and Industrial Finance.
- Meaning Objective, Characteristics and Functioning of Development Banks, Difference between Commercial and Development Banks.
- Role of Commercial Banks in Agricultural and Industrial Finance. Terms Lending Operations of Land Development Banks.
- National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD) – Objectives Organisation and Functions.
- Structure of Development Banks in India, Progress of these Banks (terms lending institutions) and Deficiencies in their Working.
- National Level Financial Corporation – IFCI, IDBI, ICICI & IRBI – their Objectives Functions
andEvaluations of Performance. - State level Financial Corporation – SFCs and SIDCs – their Objectives
Organizations, Functions and Evaluations of Performance. - Capital Market in India & Industrial Growth – Structure, Present
Position, Problems and Stepstaken by the Government to Active and
Capital Market.
Unit -24 Quantitative Economics
- Economics of a Fir – Applications of Differential Calculus, Cost Minimization, Profit
Maximization, Price – Quantity Determination, Elementary Partial Differentiation and Economic
Application, Partial Elasticities, Elementary Integral Calculus and Economics Applications. - Linear Programming – Meaning, Application, Limitation Simple Formulation, Graphic Method, Simplex Method Duality.
- Games theory – Classifying Pay off Matrix, Principle of Dominance, Strategy – Pure Strategy and mixed Strategies – 2x2mx2, 2xn Games.
- Decision Theory Decision Making Under Risk, Decision Making Under Inconstantly- Maximum Criterion, Maximax Criterion, Hurvics, Criterion Savage Criterion, Laplace Criterion Inventory
Economics – Inventory Costs, Various Inventory Models – EOQ with Uniform Demand,
Production Inventory Model, Back-order Inventory Model Inventory Model with Quantity
Discount, Price Break Approach, Re-order point Safety Stock and Stock-outs, Determining
Optimum Safety Stock Levels, ABC Analysis. - Input- Output Analysis – Meaning Assumption Viability of System, Technological Co-efficient Closed & Open Economy, Determination of Out-put Labor Requirement Price Equibrium and
Value Added. - Query Problems – Query Discipline Formulae for Solving Single-channel Quiring Problems
CUET-PG General Paper Syllabus 2024: Part A
The CUET PG syllabus of Part A of all four subjects is the same. Part A contains questions related to General awareness, Quantitative Reasoning, and Mathematical aptitude & English. Part A contains 25 MCQs and candidates are required to answer all 25 questions. Each question carries four marks. The total marks allocated to Part A are 100 out of the total 400. Have a look at the syllabus of Part A below:
Section | Topics |
Reasoning | Analytical Reasoning Syllogisms Analogies DirectionsCoding-Decoding Classification Alphabet Series Symbols and Notations Similarities and Differences Number Series Blood Relationships Arrangements Statements Data Sufficiency Non-verbal Reasoning Visual Ability Graphical AnalysisData Analysis |
Quantitative Aptitude | SimplificationsNumber System Average Algebra PercentageTime & WorkSimple & Compound InterestTime & Speed HCF, LCM ProblemsAreaProfit & Loss Bar Graph, Pictorial Graph, Pie ChartRatio & Proportion Permutation & Combination |
General Awareness | Dams, Awards,Scientific Names Of Plants, Wildlife Sanctuaries,Minerals in India with top Producer States and Countries,Rivers in India, Check Their Lengths, Origins and Tributaries, Important Mountain Passes of India,World Organisations and Their Headquarters Etc. Download Diwakar Education Prep App to Read General Awareness Books for Free |
English Aptitude | Conjunction Rules Tense Subject Verb Agreement Rules Rules of English Grammar – Adverbs Error Spotting Fill the Blank Parajumbals idioms and phrases synonyms and antonyms |
Benefits Of Analysis Latest CUET Commerce [COQP08] Syllabus 2024
Knowing the syllabus and exam pattern is essential for any preparation to be successful. You can definitely score more with the proper use of the CUET Commerce Syllabus.
Some notable benefits of the new CUET-PG Commerce 2024 Syllabus are as below:
- CUET-PG Commerce [COQP08] Syllabus covers all topics that are important for the examinations.
- CUET-PG Commerce [COQP08] also mentions the weightage allotted to different units and chapters, knowing which you may form a strategy for preparing for chapters with high or low weightage.
- The question paper format is also explained in the syllabus.
- Having a clear understanding of your syllabus and the weightage of various sections will definitely help you decide how much time you should dedicate to each section.
- Generally, the exam papers for each course are designed as per the syllabus prescribed for that course.
- So, preparing according to the topic and instructions mentioned in the syllabus obviously helps to crack the exam with good scores
Career Scope after post Graduation in Commerce
After completing a post-graduation in Commerce (M.Com), you open up a variety of career opportunities in the field of finance, accounting, business management, and more. Your career path will largely depend on your interests, specialization, skills, and the specific industry you wish to enter. Here are some potential career options after completing an M.Com:
- Accounting and Finance Roles:
- Financial Analyst: Analyze financial data, trends, and market conditions to provide insights for investment decisions.
- Accountant: Handle financial records, prepare financial statements, and ensure compliance with tax regulations.
- Tax Consultant: Provide guidance on tax planning, compliance, and strategies to individuals and businesses.
- Auditor: Examine financial records and assess internal controls to ensure accuracy and legality.
- Treasury Manager: Manage a company’s cash flow, investments, and financial risk management strategies.
- Banking and Financial Services:
- Banking Officer: Work in retail or corporate banking, managing customer accounts, loans, and financial services.
- Investment Banker: Advise clients on mergers, acquisitions, IPOs, and other financial transactions.
- Wealth Manager: Assist clients in managing their investment portfolios and financial planning.
- Business Management:
- Business Analyst: Analyze business processes, identify opportunities for improvement, and propose strategies for growth.
- Management Consultant: Provide advice to organizations on improving efficiency, solving problems, and achieving goals.
- Teaching and Academia:
- Professor/Lecturer: Pursue a teaching career in universities, colleges, or educational institutions.
- Researcher: Conduct research in commerce-related areas, contributing to academic knowledge and industry insights.
- Entrepreneurship:
- Start your own business or venture, utilizing your knowledge of commerce and business management.
- Corporate Sector:
- Corporate Finance Manager: Manage the financial operations of a company, including budgeting, financial planning, and analysis.
- Financial Controller: Oversee the financial reporting and compliance of an organization.
- E-commerce and Digital Marketing:
- E-commerce Manager: Manage online sales platforms, marketing strategies, and customer engagement.
- Digital Marketing Specialist: Develop and implement online marketing campaigns to promote products or services.
- Risk Management:
- Risk Analyst: Identify and assess potential risks that could impact a company’s financial stability and develop risk management strategies.
- Government and Public Sector:
- Public Finance Analyst: Work in government agencies to manage public funds, budgets, and fiscal policies.
- Non-profit and NGO Sector:
- Financial Manager: Oversee financial operations and budgeting in non-profit organizations.
Remember that to excel in any of these career paths, it’s essential to continuously update your skills, stay informed about industry trends, and possibly consider additional certifications or qualifications that align with your chosen field. Networking, internships, and relevant work experience can also significantly enhance your career prospects.
Average salary package after in india
Salaries after completing an M.Com in India can vary widely based on factors such as the city or region you’re working in, the specific industry, the company’s size and reputation, your level of experience, and your specialization within commerce. I can provide you with a general idea of the average salary ranges for M.Com graduates in different sectors:
- Finance and Accounting:
- Financial Analyst: ₹3,00,000 to ₹6,00,000 per year
- Accountant: ₹2,50,000 to ₹5,00,000 per year
- Tax Consultant: ₹3,00,000 to ₹6,00,000 per year
- Auditor: ₹3,00,000 to ₹5,00,000 per year
- Banking and Financial Services:
- Banking Officer: ₹3,00,000 to ₹6,00,000 per year
- Investment Banking Analyst: ₹4,00,000 to ₹8,00,000 per year
- Wealth Manager: ₹3,50,000 to ₹7,00,000 per year
- Business Management:
- Business Analyst: ₹3,50,000 to ₹7,00,000 per year
- Management Consultant: ₹4,00,000 to ₹8,00,000 per year
- Teaching and Academia:
- Lecturer/Assistant Professor: ₹3,00,000 to ₹6,00,000 per year (may vary based on institute and experience)
- Corporate Sector:
- Corporate Finance Manager: ₹5,00,000 to ₹10,00,000 per year
- Financial Controller: ₹6,00,000 to ₹12,00,000 per year
- E-commerce and Digital Marketing:
- E-commerce Manager: ₹3,50,000 to ₹7,00,000 per year
- Digital Marketing Specialist: ₹3,00,000 to ₹6,00,000 per year
Please note that these figures are approximate and can vary significantly. Additionally, the job market and salary trends can change over time. It’s recommended to research current salary information through job portals, industry reports, and networking to get the most accurate and up-to-date insights on salary expectations in your desired field and location.
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CUET 2024 Eligibility Criteria for CUET Commerce University Wise –
The Eligibility Criteria of CUET PG Commerce is Different for Each University Commerce [] Program. The Eligibility Criteria of All 19 Universities are Given Below, You Can Check Your University Criteria given in Table
University | Course Offered | Eligibility Criteria CUET MSc Environment Science [University Wise] |
University of Delhi | | B.Com. (Hons.)/ B.Com. (Pass/Program)/ Bachelor Degree in Commerce/ Bachelor of Management Studies (B.M.S.)/ Bachelor of Business Studies (B.B.S.)/ Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.)/ Bachelor of Business Administration in Financial Investment Analysis (B.B.A-F.I.A.)/ Bachelor of Financial and Investment Analysis (B.F.I.A.)/ Bachelor in Business Economics (B.B.E) / B.A. (Hons.) Business Economics (B.B.E.) from a recognised University OR B.Com. (Hons.)/ B.Com. (Pass/Program)/ Bachelor Degree in Commerce/ Bachelor of Management Studies (B.M.S.)/ Bachelor of Business Studies (B.B.S.)/ Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.)/ Bachelor of Business Administration in Financial Investment Analysis (B.B.A-F.I.A.)/ Bachelor of Financial and Investment Analysis (B.F.I.A.)/ Bachelor in Business Economics (B.B.E)/ B.A. (Hons.) Business Economics (B.B.E.) from University of Delhi 50% marks in aggregate or equivalent grade for candidates belonging to UR/OBC/EWS category 45% marks in aggregate or equivalent grade for candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwBD category |
Central University Haryana | | A candidate seeking admission to M. Com. Course must have: B.Com. (Hons.) Degree from a recognized Indian or foreign university (foreign recognition to be as per AIU list) with at least 50% marks or equivalent grade. OR B.Com. Degree from a recognized Indian or foreign university (foreign recognition to be as per AIU list) with at least 55% marks or equivalent grade. OR B.A. (Hons.) Economics degree from a recognized Indian or foreign university (foreign recognition to be as per AIU list) with at least 50% marks or equivalent grade. OR Passed B.B.S., B.B.A., B.I.F.A., B.B.E. or B.Voc. in Retail & Logistics Management degree from a recognized Indian or foreign university (foreign recognition to be as per AIU list) with at least 60% marks or equivalent grade. (Relaxation of 5% to the SC/ST/PWD/ OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) candidates). |
Banaras Hindu University | | B.Com (Hons.)/ B.Com./B.Com.(Hons.)-FMM under (10+2+3) Pattern Securing a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate including all subjects studies at B.Com. level except those subjects where only pass marks are required and which do not contribute to the total in the Final (degree) mark-sheet. |
Mahatma Gandhi Central University Bihar | | B.Com (H)/B.Com/B.B.A. under (10+2+3) pattern securing a minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate including all subjects studied at B.Com level except those subjects where only pass marks are required and which do not contribute to the total in the final (degree) mark-sheet from a recognized Indian or Foreing University (foreing recognition to be as per AIU list). A relaxation of 5% of marks, from 55% to 50%, or an equivalent relaxation of grade, may be allowed for those belonging to SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/Differently-abled /EWS candidates. |
Pondicherry University | | Any B.Com. degree with a minimum of 50% marks |
Central Universiy Kerala | | Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce (B Com/ B Com honours/Bachelors of Business Management (BBM)/ Bachelors of Business Administration (BBA) (study in 10+2+3 system) or equivalent with not less than 50% marks or equivalent grade in aggregate from a recognized University or institute. Up to 5% relaxation marks is granted to SC/ST candidates. No upper age limit. |
Sikkim University | | B.Com. Hons. with 45 % marks or B.Com pass graduate with 56% marks. |
Jawaharlal Nehru University | | Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce (B Com/ B Com honours/Bachelors of Business Management (BBM)/ Bachelors of Business Administration (BBA) (study in 10+2+3 system) or equivalent with not less than 50% marks or equivalent grade in aggregate from a recognized University or institute. Up to 5% relaxation marks is granted to SC/ST candidates. No upper age limit. |
Central University Rajasthan | | B. Com. (Hons.)/B.Com. with minimum securing a minimum of 50% marks or equivalent grade in aggregate including all subjects studied at B. Com. Level for general category and 45% or equivalent grade for SC/ST/OBC/PWD/EWS candidates |
Central University Jharkhand | | B.Com, BBA or BBS with a minimum 50% marks or equivalent grade in aggregate for General Category and 45% or equivalent grade in aggregate for SC/ST/OBC (noncreamy layer)/ PWD. |
Central University of Karnataka | | Bachelor’s degree in Commerce / Business Management/ Business Administration/ Equivalent from a recognized Indian or foreign university (as per the AIU foreign equivalence list) with at least 50% marks aggregate (45% for OBC {NON CREAMY LAYER}, SC, ST, PWD and Kashmiri Migrant and non-migrants Students). All seats will be filled on the basis of merit in the CUET-2022 to be conducted by NTA. |
Central University Kashmir | | B.Com/BBA from a recognized University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent on grading scale of respective Universities (45% for OBC/ SC/ ST/ PWD candidates) |
Who Can Apply for CUET-PG Commerce Exam?
To Apply for CUET Commerce Subject You Must Have Under Graduation in a Related Stream of MSc Environmental Science. The following Degree is Given Below
- Commerce
- Honours
- for Any Graduation Degree in Commerce
CUET-PG Commerce [Code- COQP08] Exam Pattern 2024-
Total Number of Questions in CUET 2024
- CUET 2024 will have a total of 75 + 25 (General Aptitude) questions.
- General Aptitude will have 25 questions and CUET-PG Commerce will have 75 questions.
- There is No Restriction to move to and from among the Papers.
- All the questions are compulsory to attempt.
- One mark would be deducted for every wrong answer
- Each question would carry FOUR marks for a correct answer
The table below shows the exam pattern of CUET General Aptitude and CUET-PG Commerce
CUET Paper | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Duration |
General Aptitude | 25 | 100 | Cumulative time duration of 2 hours.Shift 1: 10.00 AM – 12.00 PM Shift 2: 3.00 PM – 5.00 PM |
75 | 300 | Negative Marking 0.25 | |
Total | 100 MCQs | 400 Marks | 120 minutes |
Latest Books for CUET-PG Commerce Check Below-
The syllabus is too Vast Given 24 Units & 18 Subjects so individual book is not available you want to cover complete syllabus then you have take multiple book.but here is all in one Question Bank for you can check details given below.
Book Name- CUET PG Commerce Question Bank | 3000+Expected Question Answer |
Cover all 24 Chapters MCQ With Explanation | Check Free Sample Now |
CUET PG Counseling Process Commerce []-
How to download CUET Merit List
Follow the steps mentioned below to download the CUET 2023 merit list.
Steps to download CUET Merit List
Step 1. Go to the official website of a particular participating university.
Step 2. Press the official CUET 2023 merit list link.
Step 3. Press on the link of the subject of your choice.
Step 4. A PDF file including all the shortlisted students along with their numbers and CET scores will appear.
Step 5. Download and print the PDF file for further use.
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What to check in CUET Merit List 2024
Candidates must check the following details in the CUET 2024 merit list.
- Name of the candidate
- Category
- Number of Seats available
- Subjects name
- Name of the University
- CET Score of candidate
How is the CUET 2024 merit list prepared?
The CUET 2024 merit list is formulated based on the candidate’s marks in the qualifying examination (10+2) and the marks scored by them in the CUET exam.
While calculating the ranks in the CUET merit list 2024, the universities take 30 percent of marks secured by candidates in the qualifying examination marks and 70 percent of the marks secured in the CUET 2024 exams.
Calculating aggregate for Qualifying Exam
Marks secured in Qualifying Exam / Total marks of Qualifying Exam * 30
For example: 1500/1800*30 = 25
Calculating the aggregate of CUET 2024
Marks obtained in CUCET 2021/100*70
For example: 50/100*70 = 35
The CUET score will be calculated as given below-
The aggregate of the Qualifying exam + The aggregate of CUET 2024
For example: 25+35 = 60
CUET Merit List 2024 – Important Points
- Each participating university releases its own CUET 2024 merit list.
- Candidates have to pay an extra fee to conduct the CUET counselling in the online mode.
- Shortlisted candidates who are mentioned in the CUET 2024 for the different programmes have to appear for the online/offline counseling conducted by the participating university
Factors Affecting CUET 2024 Cut Off
The factors which will affect the cut off for CUET 2024 are listed below.
- Total number of candidates that appeared for the CUET 2024 exam
- Seats offered by the participating universities through CUET 2024
- The difficulty level of the exam
- The candidate’s performance in the exam
How to Check the CUET 2024 Cut-Off?
Candidates can follow the steps given below to check their CUET 2024 cut off.
- Step 1: Go to the official CUET website.
- Step 2: The link to check the current academic session’s CUET cut off will be available on the homepage.
- Step 3: Click on it.
- Step 4: The candidates will be redirected to a new page, where they would be asked to log in.
- Step 5: Candidates will be able to access the CUET 2024 cutoff after submitting their login credentials.
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What Are the Factors Affecting the CUET Commerce Cutoff
The cutoffs for admission do not only depend on the CUET result. It depends on various other factors
- The difficulty level of the CUET exam question paper.
- A total number of seats available in the University.
- The reservation criteria are applicable as per the University.
- A total number of candidates appeared in the CUET.
- A total number of candidates qualified for the entrance test.
CUET-PG Commerce Cut-off 2023 [University Wise]
University Name | GEN [Marks] | OBC [Marks] | SC [Marks] | ST [Marks] | EWS [Marks] |
Central University of South Bihar | 220 Marks | 200 Marks | 186 Marks | 180 Marks | 210Marks |
Central University of Rajasthan | 237 Marks | 227 Marks | 172 Marks | 157 Marks | 235 Marks |
Central University of Haryana | 227 Marks | 213 Marks | 170 Marks | 165 Marks | 140 Marks |
Central University Karnataka | 225 Marks | 215 Marks | 190 Marks | 182 Marks | 218 Marks |
Central University of Kerala | 214 Marks | 205 Marks | 180 Marks | 172 Marks | 207 Marks |
Central University of Punjab | 200 Marks | 190 Marks | 169 Marks | 150 Marks | 200 Marks |
Central University Tamil Naidu | 260 Marks | 240 Marks | 180 Marks | 150 Marks | 220 Marks |
Delhi University | 360 Marks | 330 Marks | 320 Marks | 290 Marks | 360 Marks |
CUET-PG Commerce Previous year Question Paper 2023 –
How to Prepare for CUET-PG Commerce [COQP08] –
You Just Have to Fellow These Simple Steps to Crack CUET Commerce Exam –
Lets Check
- Allow 120 days for preparation of CUET Commerce Subjects.
- According to this timetable, divide each topic week-wise.
- Look at the syllabus for Commerce– CUET (Given Above)
- Check out the Best Study Notes available at Diwakar Education Hub
- During the preparation time, make summary notes for each and every topic
- don՚t waste time deciding which topic is most important and which is not, give equal attention to each topic
- If possible Make a List of weeks with the topic you allotted and one extra column is about whether you successfully completed this topic or not, Because it will helps you later when you revise the syllabus (it՚s silly but try it)
- Do not depends on just one material try to get more and more information from different books, Wikipedia, various blogs and websites and video tutorials.
Step 2: Solve Previous Year Paper
- After the completion of preparation it՚s not over here, it՚s just the first step. The next step is evaluation of your preparation which is done by solving the previous year’s papers.
- Spend at list one week time for this paper solving section, because you will get a better idea about your preparation week area and paper pattern.
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Step 3: Revision
- After gathering your weakness next step is revision.
- Same as above allot at list 1 to 2 weeks for revision and in this days go through all the notes which you prepare and week topics gathered in paper solving.
- Also check reviews for each topic you have made and study according to that.
CUET-PG Commerce Four-Month Preparation Plan 2024
CUET 2024 will be conducted in 2024 Next Time. This gives you 4 months to prepare for the examination. Now we are fully aware of the fact that a single time-table cannot suit everyone’s preference. So, being mindful of that, we have prepared you a standard plan which you can modify as per your Schedule and daily schedule.
Preparation Time | 4 Months (16 Weeks) |
Total Chapters/ Topics to Prepare | 7 |
Total Sub-Topics | Over 60 |
Studying Hours Per Day | 4 – 5 Hours |
Number of Days Required to Prepare Each Chapter | 12 Days |
Number of Chapters Completed in a Month | 2 Chapters |
Break Days or Extra Days Each Month | 2 – 3 Days* |
Time Taken to Complete Entire Syllabus | 3 Months |
Remaining Time | One Month |
Days to Solve Sample Papers/ Model Papers/ Mock Tests | 20 Days |
Days Left for Final Revision | 10 Days |
CUET-PG Commerce Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ] –
Question 1. What is the Weightage of the General Aptitude Subject in CUET PG Commerce Paper-2?
Ans – Total 100 Questions in Exam. Out of it 100 Questions 75 Questions Asked CUET PG Commerce & 25 Questions from General Aptitude, Each Question of 4 Marks total 400 Marks You Can attempt all 100 MCQs.
Question 2. How Many Questions Come from Each Unit of CUET PG Commerce Subject?
Ans – From Each unit, 5 to 7 Questions Asked in the Exam of CUET-PG Commerce Each Unit is Equally Important
Question 3- What is the Cut-off of CUET-PG Commerce ?
Ans – the Following Cut-off of CUET-PG Commerce Universities Wise
CUET PG Commerce Cut-off 2023 [University Wise]
University Name | GEN [Marks] | OBC [Marks] | SC [Marks] | ST [Marks] | EWS [Marks] |
Central University of South Bihar | 220 Marks | 200 Marks | 186 Marks | 180 Marks | 210Marks |
Central University of Rajasthan | 237 Marks | 227 Marks | 172 Marks | 157 Marks | 235 Marks |
Central University of Haryana | 227 Marks | 213 Marks | 170 Marks | 165 Marks | 140 Marks |
Central University Karnataka | 225 Marks | 215 Marks | 190 Marks | 182 Marks | 218 Marks |
Central University of Kerala | 214 Marks | 205 Marks | 180 Marks | 172 Marks | 207 Marks |
Central University of Punjab | 200 Marks | 190 Marks | 169 Marks | 150 Marks | 200 Marks |
Central University Tamil Naidu | 260 Marks | 240 Marks | 180 Marks | 150 Marks | 220 Marks |
Delhi University | 360 Marks | 330 Marks | 320 Marks | 290 Marks | 360 Marks |
Question 4 -What are the Best Books for CUET-PG Commerce Subject?
Ans The Following the Best Books for CUET PG Commerce
Book Name- CUET PG Commerce Question Bank | 3000+Expected Question Answer |
Cover all 24 Chapters MCQ With Explanation | Check Free Sample Now |
Question-7 What is Career Scope After Qualified CUET-PG Commerce ?
Ans- Yes, you will get many career opportunities in the government and private sectors both after Secure Seats in Central University & Complete PG You Will Have Many Great Opportunities in the Commerce field.
Question -6 How can I revise the CUET Commerce Syllabus?
Ans.) To revise the CUET Commerce Syllabus, first, you should highlight and make short notes while preparing for the exam. It will be easy for you to save time and revise all the topics quickly. You should start the revision with basic concepts
Question -7 Does Online Test Series Help to Crack CUET PG Commerce Exam?
Ans- Yes It’s Help you Lot, after clearing all Concepts you must Practice MCQ through the Online Test Series which Help you Understand your Level of Preparation & You can analyze your Strength & Weakness. Also Compare with other Students’ Scores. Check Diwakar Education Hub’s Best Test series Click here
Question – 8 What is the CUET-PG Commerce minimum Educational Qualification?
A student has to complete his or her Graduation [PG] in CUET MSc Commerce or Any Relevant Subject. The University Wise Qualification Given Above in Article
Question -9 What type of questions are asked in CUET-PG Commerce ?
CUET-PG Commerce Paper includes questions that are Direct/Conceptual(42), Comprehensive(10), Match the following(10), Statements/Definitions Based(2), Assertion and Reasoning Based(6), Chronological Order(6), Multiple Correct Options Based(24).
Question -10 Is the CUET-PG Commerce Syllabus difficult?
Yes. The level of the CUET-PG Commerce Syllabus is difficult. But with hard work & Right Guidance, you can Qualify CUET Exam Take Free Mentorship Call us at -7310762592,7078549303
Question -11 What is the CUET-PG Commerce paper pattern?
CUET-PG Commerce paper will be a total of 100 questions (25 in Paper I and 75 in Paper-II). The total number of marks is 400 (100 for Paper I and 300 for Paper-II).
Read More Artcile of CUET PG Subjects–
CUET MSc Computer Science | CUET MA Economics |
CUET MA Psychology | CUET MSc Life Science |
CUET Geography | CUET Environment Science |