CSIR NET Life Science[Biology] Exam 2024! Latest Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Eligibility Criteria, Latest Books, Previous year Paper

Life Science is One of the Highest Chosen subjects for the CSIR NET Exam. Give you Edge of Career in Biology Filed, CSIR NET Life Science is One the Important Subject include 3 Part A, B and C Total 200 Marks Paper.
CSIR NET Life Science [Biology] is One of The Important Subjects of the CSIR NET Exam. With a Vast Syllabus Based on Applied Biology, Cell communication, cell signaling, INHERITANCE BIOLOGY & Many More Subjects. Every Year More Then 80000+ Aspirants Apply for UGC NET Commerce The Sucess Rate is Just 7 %. But Don’t Worry If You Have Proper Knowledge About Exam Like, Syllabus, Pattern, Books, How to Prepare for Life Science, etc You Can Easily Crack CSIR NET Biology, In This Article, We Will Discuss All the Important information About Exam Like Latest Syllabus, Exam patterns, books, eligibility Criterion, Cut off & Many More Before Start Preparing UGC NET Exam You Must Know All These Details Thoroughly.
First We Start With Syllabus to Analysis Syllabus Before starting Preparation is so Much Important, Because Syllabus Will Tell you Which Topics you Have to Covered & How Many Topics Include
In This Article, We will Discuss All Important Information about Life Science [Biology]like syllabus, exam patterns, important topics, Eligibility Criterion, Exam Pattern & Question Paper, etc. to give your preparation Tips
- CSIR NET Life Science [Biology] Exam Overview 2024
- What is the Syllabus of CSIR NET General Paper Part A?
- What is CSIR NET Life Science [biology] Latest Syllabus 2024?
- What is CSIR NET Life Science [Biology] Syllabus in Hindi As Per the Updated Syllabus 2024?
- Important Topics of Part ‘B’ Paper [Life Science]
- Important Topics of Part ‘C’ Paper [Life Science]
- CSIR NET Life Science [Biology] Exam pattern 2024-
- The table below shows the exam pattern of UGC NET Life Science Part A, B & C :
- UGC NET Life Science [Biology] Solved Question Paper 2019 & 2020 Download PDF –
- Latest Books for CSIR NET Life Science [Biology] 2024-
- What is the Eligibility Criterion for CSIR NET Life Science [Biology] 2024?
- CSIR NET Life Science Eligibility Criteria 2024-
- Nationality
- CSIR NET Life Science Age Limit 2024
- CSIR NET Life Science [Biology] Educational Qualification 2024-
- CSIR NET Life Science [Biology] 2024 Reservation Criteria
- Selection of Junior Research Fellowship and Lectureship
- UGC NET Life Science Latest Study Notes & Material
- How to Prepare for CSIR NET Life Science?
- CSIR NET Life Science 4-Month Preparation Plan 2024
- CSIR NET Life Science Cut-off 2023?
- Career Scope after Qualified CSIR NET Life Science & Job Opportunities –
- Areas of Recruitment For NET/JRF Life Science
- Salary Packages for UGC NET Life Science [Biology] Qualified
- Government Jobs For NET/JRF Life Science Aspirants 2024
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- CSIR NET Life Science Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]-
CSIR NET Life Science [Biology] Exam Overview 2024
Particulars | Details |
Name of the Exam | National Eligibility Test (NET) |
Conducting Body | National Testing Agency (NTA) |
Frequency of the Exam | Twice a Year |
Mode of Examination | Online |
Type of Questions | Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) |
Number of Papers | Paper I [Part A] Paper-II [Part B] Paper-III [Part C] |
Number of Questions | 155 |
Compulsory to Attempt | 75 |
Time Duration | 3 hours |
Negative Marking | No |
Official Website | https://csirnet.nta.nic.in/ |
Exam Date | june 2024 |
What is the Syllabus of CSIR NET General Paper Part A?
Ans – CSIR NET General Paper Syllabus is Not been defined. Based on such Topics.
The questions in this section are based on General Aptitude with an emphasis on logical reasoning, graphical analysis, analytical and numerical ability, quantitative comparison, series formation, & puzzles. Check the topics which are included in the syllabus
Our Faculties Who Have JRF in Life Science & Chemical Science Design Complete Syllabus of Part -A
Divide into 5 Categories (Units)
Expected Number of Questions in Part ‘A’ Paper
Part ‘A’ | ||
S. No. | Topic | Weightage of Questions |
1. | NUMERICAL ABILITY UNIT – 1 | 3-5 Questions |
2. | MODERN MATHS UNIT – 2 | 3-5 Questions |
3. | DATA INTEPRETATION UNIT – 3 | 5 Questions |
4. | GEOMETRY AND MENSURATION UNIT – 4 | 3 to 4 Questions |
What is CSIR NET Life Science [biology] Latest Syllabus 2024?
Having complete knowledge of the CSIR NET Life Science [Biology] Latest Syllabus and Exam pattern is necessary if you want to have a good start on your preparation plan. The Syllabus of Life Science is Divided into 13 Chapters Each Chapter Includes More Than 80 Topics.
Chapter | Topics |
Chapter -1 MOLECULES AND THEIR INTERACTION RELEVANT TO BIOLOGY | A. Structure of atoms, molecules, and chemical bonds. B Composition, structure, and function of biomolecules (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, and vitamins). C. Stabilizing interactions (Van der Waals, electrostatic, hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic interaction, etc.). D Principles of biophysical chemistry (pH, buffer, reaction kinetics, thermodynamics, colligative properties). E. Bioenergetics, glycolysis, oxidative phosphorylation, coupled reaction, group transfer, biological energy transducers. F. Principles of catalysis, enzymes and enzyme kinetics, enzyme regulation, mechanism of enzyme catalysis, isozymes G. Conformation of proteins (Ramachandran plot, secondary structure, domains, motif and folds). H. Conformation of nucleic acids (helix (A, B, Z), t-RNA, micro-RNA). I. Stability of proteins and nucleic acids. J. Metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids nucleotides, and vitamins. |
Chapter -2 CELLULAR ORGANIZATION | A) Membrane structure and function (Structure of model membrane, lipid bilayer, and membrane protein diffusion, osmosis, ion channels, active transport, membrane pumps, mechanism of sorting and regulation of intracellular transport, electrical properties of membranes). B) Structural organization and function of intracellular organelles (Cell wall, nucleus, mitochondria, Golgi bodies, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, peroxisomes, plastids, vacuoles, chloroplast, structure & function of the cytoskeleton and its role in motility). C) Organization of genes and chromosomes (Operon, unique and repetitive DNA, interrupted genes, gene families, the structure of chromatin and chromosomes, heterochromatin, euchromatin, transposons). D) Cell division and cell cycle (Mitosis and meiosis, their regulation, steps in cell cycle, regulation and control of cell cycle). E) Microbial Physiology (Growth yield and characteristics, strategies of cell division, stress response) |
Chapter -3 FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES | A) DNA replication, repair, and recombination (Unit of replication, enzymes involved, replication origin and replication fork, the fidelity of replication, extrachromosomal replicons, DNA damage and repair mechanisms, homologous and site-specific recombination). B) RNA synthesis and processing (transcription factors and machinery, formation of initiation complex, transcription activator, and repressor, RNA polymerases, capping, elongation, and termination, RNA processing, RNA editing, splicing, and polyadenylation, structure, and function of different types of RNA, RNA transport). C) Protein synthesis and processing (Ribosome, formation of initiation complex, initiation factors and their regulation, elongation and elongation factors, termination, genetic code, aminoacylation of tRNA, tRNA-identity, aminoacyl tRNA synthetase, and translational proof-reading, translational inhibitors, Post-translational modification of proteins). D) Control of gene expression at the transcription and translation level (regulating the expression of phages, viruses, prokaryotic and eukaryotic genes, the role of chromatin in gene expression and gene silencing). |
Chapter -4 Cell communication and cell signaling | A) Host-parasite interaction Recognition and entry processes of different pathogens like bacteria, viruses into animal and plant host cells, alteration of host cell behavior by pathogens, virus-induced cell transformation, pathogen-induced diseases in animals and plants, cell-cell fusion in both normal and abnormal cells. B) Cell signaling Hormones and their receptors, cell surface receptors, signaling through G-protein coupled receptors, signal transduction pathways, second messengers, regulation of signaling pathways, bacterial and plant two-component systems, light signaling in plants, bacterial chemotaxis, and quorum sensing. C) Cellular communication Regulation of hematopoiesis, general principles of cell communication, cell adhesion and roles of different adhesion molecules, gap junctions, extracellular matrix, integrins, neurotransmission, and its regulation. D) Cancer Genetic rearrangements in progenitor cells, oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, cancer and the cell cycle, virus-induced cancer, metastasis, interaction of cancer cells with normal cells, apoptosis, therapeutic interventions of uncontrolled cell growth. E) Innate and adaptive immune system Cells and molecules involved in innate and adaptive immunity, antigens, antigenicity and immunogenicity. B and T cell epitopes, structure and function of antibody molecules. generation of antibody diversity, monoclonal antibodies, antibody engineering, antigen-antibody interactions, MHC molecules, antigen processing and presentation, activation and differentiation of B and T cells, B and T cell receptors, humoral and cell-mediated immune responses, primary and secondary immune modulation, the the complement system, Toll-like receptors, cell-mediated effector functions, inflammation, hypersensitivity and autoimmunity, immune response during bacterial (tuberculosis), parasitic (malaria) and viral (HIV) infections, congenital and acquired immunodeficiencies, vaccines |
Chapter -5 DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY | A) Basic concepts of development: Potency, commitment, specification, induction, competence, determination, and differentiation; morphogenetic gradients; cell fate and cell lineages; stem cells; genomic equivalence and the cytoplasmic determinants; imprinting; mutants and transgenics in the analysis of development B) Gametogenesis, fertilization, and early development: Production of gametes, cell surface molecules in sperm-egg recognition in animals; embryo sac development and double fertilization in plants; zygote formation, cleavage, blastula formation, embryonic fields, gastrulation and formation of germ layers in animals; embryogenesis, the establishment of symmetry in plants; seed formation and germination. C) Morphogenesis and organogenesis in animals: Cell aggregation and differentiation in Dictyostelium; axes and pattern formation in Drosophila, amphibia, and chick; organogenesis – vulva formation in Caenorhabditis elegans, eye lens induction, limb development and regeneration in vertebrates; differentiation of neurons, post-embryonic development- larval formation, metamorphosis; environmental regulation of normal development; sex determination. D) Morphogenesis and organogenesis in plants: Organization of shoot and root apical meristem; shoot and root development; leaf development and phyllotaxy; transition to flowering, floral meristems and floral development in Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum E) Programmed cell death, aging, and senescence F. Solute transport and photoassimilate translocation – uptake, transport and translocation of water, ions, solutes, and macromolecules from soil, through cells, across membranes, through xylem and phloem; transpiration; mechanisms of loading and unloading of photoassimilates. G. Secondary metabolites – Biosynthesis of terpenes, phenols, and nitrogenous compounds and their roles. H. Stress physiology – Responses of plants to biotic (pathogen and insects) and abiotic (water, temperature, and salt) stresses. |
Chapter -6 SYSTEM PHYSIOLOGY – PLANT | A. Photosynthesis – Light-harvesting complexes; mechanisms of electron transport; photoprotective mechanisms; CO2 fixation-C3, C4, and CAM pathways. B. Respiration and photorespiration – Citric acid cycle; plant mitochondrial electron transport and ATP synthesis; alternate oxidase; photorespiratory pathway. C. Nitrogen metabolism – Nitrate and ammonium assimilation; amino acid biosynthesis. D. Plant hormones – Biosynthesis, storage, breakdown, and transport; physiological effects and mechanisms of action. E. Sensory photobiology – Structure, function, and mechanisms of action of phytochromes, cryptochromes, and phototropins; stomatal movement; photoperiodism and biological clocks. SYSTEM PHYSIOLOGY – ANIMAL A. Blood and circulation – Blood corpuscles, hemopoiesis, and formed elements, plasma function, blood volume, blood volume regulation, blood groups, hemoglobin, immunity, hemostasis. B. Cardiovascular System: Comparative anatomy of heart structure, myogenic heart, specialized tissue, ECG – its principle and significance, cardiac cycle, heart as a pump, blood pressure, neural and chemical regulation of all above. C. Respiratory system – Comparison of respiration in different species, anatomical considerations, transport of gases, exchange of gases, waste elimination, neural and chemical regulation of respiration. D. Nervous system – Neurons, action potential, gross neuroanatomy of the brain and spinal cord, central and peripheral nervous system, neural control of muscle tone and posture. E. Sense organs – Vision, hearing, and tactile response. F. Excretory system – Comparative physiology of excretion, kidney, urine formation, urine concentration, waste elimination, micturition, regulation of water balance, blood volume, blood pressure, electrolyte balance, and acid-base balance. G. Thermoregulation – Comfort zone, body temperature – physical, chemical, neural regulation, acclimatization. H. Stress and adaptation I. Digestive system – Digestion, absorption, energy balance, BMR. J. Endocrinology and reproduction – Endocrine glands, the basic mechanism of hormone action, hormones, and diseases; reproductive processes, gametogenesis, ovulation, neuroendocrine regulation |
Chapter -7 SYSTEM PHYSIOLOGY – ANIMAL | A. Blood and circulation – Blood corpuscles, hemopoiesis and formed elements, plasma function, blood volume, blood volume regulation, blood groups, hemoglobin, immunity, hemostasis. B. Cardiovascular System: Comparative anatomy of heart structure, myogenic heart, specialized tissue, ECG – its principle and significance, cardiac cycle, heart as a pump, blood pressure, neural and chemical regulation of all above. C. Respiratory system – Comparison of respiration in different species, anatomical considerations, transport of gases, exchange of gases, waste elimination, neural and chemical regulation of respiration. D. Nervous system – Neurons, action potential, gross neuroanatomy of the brain and spinal cord, central and peripheral nervous system, neural control of muscle tone and posture. E. Sense organs – Vision, hearing, and tactile response. F. Excretory system – Comparative physiology of excretion, kidney, urine formation, urine concentration, waste elimination, micturition, regulation of water balance, blood volume, blood pressure, electrolyte balance, and acid-base balance. G. Thermoregulation – Comfort zone, body temperature – physical, chemical, neural regulation, acclimatization. H. Stress and adaptation I. Digestive system – Digestion, absorption, energy balance, BMR. J. Endocrinology and reproduction – Endocrine glands, the basic mechanism of hormone action, hormones, and diseases; reproductive processes, gametogenesis, ovulation, neuroendocrine regulation |
Chapter -8 INHERITANCE BIOLOGY | A) Mendelian principles: Dominance, segregation, independent assortment. B) Concept of gene: Allele, multiple alleles, pseudoallele, complementation tests C) Extensions of Mendelian principles: Codominance, incomplete dominance, gene interactions, pleiotropy, genomic imprinting, penetrance and expressivity, phenocopy, linkage and crossing over, sex linkage, sex-limited and sex influenced characters. D) Gene mapping methods: Linkage maps, tetrad analysis, mapping with molecular markers, mapping by using somatic cell hybrids, development of mapping population in plants. E) Extra chromosomal inheritance: Inheritance of Mitochondrial and chloroplast genes, maternal inheritance. F) Microbial genetics: Methods of genetic transfers – transformation, conjugation, transduction and sex-duction, mapping genes by interrupted mating, fine structure analysis of genes. G) Human genetics: Pedigree analysis, lod score for linkage testing, karyotypes, genetic disorders. H) Quantitative genetics: Polygenic inheritance, heritability, and its measurements, QTL mapping. I) Mutation: Types, causes, and detection, mutant types – lethal, conditional, biochemical, loss of function, the gain of function, germinal verses somatic mutants, insertional mutagenesis. J) Structural and numerical alterations of chromosomes: Deletion, duplication, inversion, translocation, ploidy, and their genetic implications. K) Recombination: Homologous and non-homologous recombination including transposition. |
Chapter -9 DIVERSITY OF LIFE FORMS: | A. Principles & methods of taxonomy: Concepts of species and hierarchical taxa, biological nomenclature, classical & quantitative methods of the taxonomy of plants, animals, and microorganisms. B. Levels of structural organization: Unicellular, colonial, and multicellular forms. Levels of organization of tissues, organs & systems. Comparative anatomy, adaptive radiation, adaptive modifications. C. Outline classification of plants, animals & microorganisms: Important criteria are used for classification in each taxon. Classification of plants, animals, and microorganisms. Evolutionary relationships among taxa. D. Natural history of the Indian subcontinent: Major habitat types of the subcontinent, geographic origins, and migrations of species. Common Indian mammals, birds. Seasonality and phenology of the subcontinent. E. Organisms of health & agricultural importance: Common parasites and pathogens of humans, domestic animals, and crops. F. Organisms of conservation concern: Rare, endangered species. Conservation strategies |
Chapter -10 ECOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES | The Environment: Physical environment; biotic environment; biotic and abiotic interactions. Habitat and Niche: Concept of habitat and niche; niche width and overlap; fundamental and realized niche; resource partitioning; character displacement. Population Ecology: Characteristics of a population; population growth curves; population regulation; life history strategies (r and K selection); the concept of metapopulation – demes and dispersal, intergenic extinctions, age-structured populations. Species Interactions: Types of interactions, interspecific competition, herbivory, carnivory, pollination, symbiosis. Community Ecology: Nature of communities; community structure and attributes; levels of species diversity and its measurement; edges and ecotones. Ecological Succession: Types; mechanisms; changes involved in succession; concept of climax. Ecosystem Ecology: Ecosystem structure; ecosystem function; energy flow and mineral cycling (C, N,P); primary production and decomposition; structure and function of some Indian ecosystems: terrestrial (forest, grassland) and aquatic (freshwater, marine, eustarine). Biogeography: Major terrestrial biomes; theory of island biogeography; biogeographical zones of India. Applied Ecology: Environmental pollution; global environmental change; biodiversity: status, monitoring, and documentation; major drivers of biodiversity change; biodiversity management approaches. Conservation Biology: Principles of conservation, major approaches to management, Indian case studies on conservation/management strategy (Project Tiger, Biosphere reserves) |
Chapter -11 EVOLUTION AND BEHAVIOUR | A. Emergence of evolutionary thoughts Lamarck; Darwin–concepts of variation, adaptation, struggle, fitness, and natural selection; Mendelism; Spontaneity of mutations; The evolutionary synthesis. B. Origin of cells and unicellular evolution: Origin of basic biological molecules; Abiotic synthesis of organic monomers and polymers; Concept of Oparin and Haldane; Experiment of Miller (1953); The first cell; Evolution of prokaryotes; Origin of eukaryotic cells; Evolution of unicellular eukaryotes; Anaerobic metabolism, photosynthesis, and aerobic metabolism. C. Paleontology and Evolutionary History: The evolutionary time scale; Eras, periods and epoch; Major events in the evolutionary time scale; Origins of unicellular and multicellular organisms; Major groups of plants and animals; Stages in primate evolution including Homo. D. Molecular Evolution: Concepts of neutral evolution, molecular divergence, and molecular clocks; Molecular tools in phylogeny, classification, and identification; Protein and nucleotide sequence analysis; origin of new genes and proteins; Gene duplication and divergence. E. The Mechanisms: Population genetics – Populations, Gene pool, Gene frequency; Hardy-Weinberg Law; concepts and rate of change in gene frequency through natural selection, migration and random genetic drift; Adaptive radiation; Isolating mechanisms; Speciation; Allopatricity and Sympatricity; Convergent evolution; Sexual selection; Co-evolution. F. Brain, Behavior, and Evolution: Approaches and methods in the study of behavior; Proximate and ultimate causation; Altruism and evolution-Group selection, Kin selection, Reciprocal altruism; Neural basis of learning, memory, cognition, sleep, and arousal; Biological clocks; Development of behavior; Social communication; Social dominance; Use of space and territoriality; Mating systems, Parental investment, and Reproductive success; Parental care; Aggressive behavior; Habitat selection and optimality in foraging; Migration, orientation and navigation; Domestication and behavioral changes |
Chapter -12 APPLIED BIOLOGY: | A. Microbial fermentation and production of small and macromolecules. B. Application of immunological principles, vaccines, diagnostics. Tissue and cell culture methods for plants and animals. C. Transgenic animals and plants, molecular approaches to diagnosis and strain identification. D. Genomics and its application to health and agriculture, including gene therapy. E. Bioresource and uses of biodiversity. F. Breeding in plants and animals, including marker-assisted selection G. Bioremediation and phytoremediation H. Biosensors |
Chapter -13 METHODS IN BIOLOGY | A. Molecular Biology and Recombinant DNA methods: Isolation and purification of RNA, DNA (genomic and plasmid), and proteins, different separation methods. Analysis of RNA, DNA and proteins by one and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, Isoelectric focusing gels. Molecular cloning of DNA or RNA fragments in bacterial and eukaryotic systems. Expression of recombinant proteins using bacterial, animal, and plant vectors. Isolation of specific nucleic acid sequences Generation of genomic and cDNA libraries in the plasmid, phage, cosmid, BAC, and YAC vectors. In vitro mutagenesis and deletion techniques, gene knock out in bacterial and eukaryotic organisms. Protein sequencing methods, detection of post-translation modification of proteins. DNA sequencing methods, strategies for genome sequencing. Methods for analysis of gene expression at RNA and protein level, large scale expression, such as micro array-based techniques Isolation, separation, and analysis of carbohydrate and lipid molecules RFLP, RAPD, and AFLP techniques B. Histochemical and Immunotechniques Antibody generation, Detection of molecules using ELISA, RIA, western blot, immunoprecipitation, flowcytometry and immunofluorescence microscopy, detection of molecules in living cells, in situ localization by techniques such as FISH and GISH. C Biophysical Method: Molecular analysis using UV/visible, fluorescence, circular dichroism, NMR, and ESR spectroscopy Molecular structure determination using X-ray diffraction and NMR, Molecular analysis using light scattering, different types of mass spectrometry and surface plasma resonance methods. D Statistical Methods: Measures of central tendency and dispersal; probability distributions (Binomial, Poisson and normal); Sampling distribution; Difference between parametric and non-parametric statistics; Confidence Interval; Errors; Levels of significance; Regression and Correlation; t-test; Analysis of variance; X2 test;; Basic introduction to Muetrovariate statistics, etc. E. Radiolabeling techniques: Detection and measurement of different types of radioisotopes normally used in biology, incorporation of radioisotopes in biological tissues and cells, molecular imaging of radioactive material, safety guidelines. F. Microscopic techniques: Visualization of cells and subcellular components by light microscopy, resolving powers of different microscopes, microscopy of living cells, scanning and transmission microscopes, different fixation and staining techniques for EM, freeze-etch and freeze-fracture methods for EM, and image processing methods in microscopy. G. Electrophysiological methods: Single neuron recording, patch-clamp recording, ECG, Brain activity recording, lesion and stimulation of the brain, pharmacological testing, PET, MRI, fMRI, CAT. H. Methods in field biology: Methods of estimating population density of animals and plants, ranging patterns through direct, indirect, and remote observations, sampling methods in the study of behavior, habitat characterization: ground and remote sensing methods.. |
Total Chapters | 13 |
What is CSIR NET Life Science [Biology] Syllabus in Hindi As Per the Updated Syllabus 2024?
Chapter | Topics |
अध्याय -1 जीव विज्ञान से संबंधित अणु और उनकी बातचीत | A. परमाणुओं, अणुओं और रासायनिक बंधों की संरचना। बी जैव अणुओं की संरचना, संरचना और कार्य (कार्बोहाइड्रेट, लिपिड, प्रोटीन, न्यूक्लिक एसिड और विटामिन)। सी। स्थिर बातचीत (वैन डेर वाल्स, इलेक्ट्रोस्टैटिक, हाइड्रोजन बॉन्डिंग, हाइड्रोफोबिक बातचीत, आदि)। डी बायोफिजिकल केमिस्ट्री के सिद्धांत (पीएच, बफर, रिएक्शन कैनेटीक्स, थर्मोडायनामिक्स, अनुबंधित विशेषताएं)। ई। बायोएनेरगेटिक्स, ग्लाइकोलाइसिस, ऑक्सीडेटिव फास्फारिलीकरण, युग्मित प्रतिक्रिया, समूह स्थानांतरण, जैविक ऊर्जा ट्रांसड्यूसर। एफ। कटैलिसीस के सिद्धांत, एंजाइम और एंजाइम कैनेटीक्स, एंजाइम विनियमन, तंत्र एंजाइम उत्प्रेरण, आइसोजाइम जी. प्रोटीन की संरचना (रामचंद्रन प्लॉट, सेकेंडरी स्ट्रक्चर, डोमेन, मोटिफ) और तह)। एच. न्यूक्लिक एसिड (हेलिक्स (ए, बी, जेड), टी-आरएनए, माइक्रो-आरएनए) की संरचना। I. प्रोटीन और न्यूक्लिक एसिड की स्थिरता। जे। कार्बोहाइड्रेट, लिपिड, अमीनो एसिड न्यूक्लियोटाइड और विटामिन का चयापचय। |
अध्याय -2 सेलुलर संगठन | ए) झिल्ली संरचना और कार्य (मॉडल झिल्ली की संरचना, लिपिड बाईलेयर और झिल्ली प्रोटीन प्रसार, परासरण, आयन चैनल, सक्रिय परिवहन, झिल्ली पंप, छँटाई और विनियमन का तंत्र इंट्रासेल्युलर परिवहन, झिल्लियों के विद्युत गुण)। बी) इंट्रासेल्युलर ऑर्गेनेल का संरचनात्मक संगठन और कार्य (कोशिका दीवार, नाभिक, माइटोकॉन्ड्रिया, गॉल्जी बॉडीज, लाइसोसोम, एंडोप्लाज्मिक रेटिकुलम, पेरोक्सिसोम, प्लास्टिड्स, रिक्तिकाएं, क्लोरोप्लास्ट, साइटोस्केलेटन की संरचना और कार्य और गतिशीलता में इसकी भूमिका)। सी) जीन और गुणसूत्रों का संगठन (ऑपेरॉन, अद्वितीय और दोहराव वाला डीएनए, बाधित जीन, जीन परिवार, क्रोमैटिन की संरचना और गुणसूत्र, हेटरोक्रोमैटिन, यूक्रोमैटिन, ट्रांसपोज़न)। डी) कोशिका विभाजन और कोशिका चक्र (माइटोसिस और अर्धसूत्रीविभाजन, उनका विनियमन, कोशिका चक्र में कदम, सेल चक्र का विनियमन और नियंत्रण)। ई) माइक्रोबियल फिजियोलॉजी (विकास उपज और विशेषताओं, कोशिका विभाजन की रणनीतियाँ, तनाव के प्रति प्रतिक्रिया) |
अध्याय -3 मौलिक प्रक्रियाएं | ए) डीएनए प्रतिकृति, मरम्मत और पुनर्संयोजन (प्रतिकृति की इकाई, शामिल एंजाइम, प्रतिकृति मूल और प्रतिकृति कांटा, प्रतिकृति की निष्ठा, एक्स्ट्राक्रोमोसोमल प्रतिकृतियां, डीएनए क्षति और मरम्मत तंत्र, समजातीय और साइट-विशिष्ट पुनर्संयोजन)। बी) आरएनए संश्लेषण और प्रसंस्करण (प्रतिलेखन कारक और मशीनरी, का गठन) दीक्षा परिसर, प्रतिलेखन उत्प्रेरक और दमनकर्ता, आरएनए पोलीमरेज़, कैपिंग, बढ़ाव, और समाप्ति, आरएनए प्रसंस्करण, आरएनए संपादन, स्प्लिसिंग, और पॉलीएडेनाइलेशन, विभिन्न प्रकार के आरएनए, आरएनए परिवहन की संरचना और कार्य)। सी) प्रोटीन संश्लेषण और प्रसंस्करण (राइबोसोम, दीक्षा परिसर का गठन, दीक्षा कारक और उनका विनियमन, बढ़ाव और बढ़ाव कारक, समाप्ति, आनुवंशिक कोड, टीआरएनए, टीआरएनए-पहचान, एमिनोएसिल टीआरएनए सिंथेटेस, और ट्रांसलेशनल का एमिनोसाइलेशन प्रूफ-रीडिंग, ट्रांसलेशनल इनहिबिटर, प्रोटीन का पोस्ट-ट्रांसलेशनल मॉडिफिकेशन)। डी) प्रतिलेखन और अनुवाद स्तर पर जीन अभिव्यक्ति का नियंत्रण (विनियमन) फेज, वायरस, प्रोकैरियोटिक और यूकेरियोटिक जीन की अभिव्यक्ति, में क्रोमेटिन की भूमिका जीन अभिव्यक्ति और जीन मौन)। |
अध्याय -4 सेल संचार और सेल सिग्नलिंग | ए) मेजबान परजीवी बातचीत विभिन्न की पहचान और प्रवेश प्रक्रियाएं रोगजनकों जैसे बैक्टीरिया, वायरस जानवरों और पौधों की मेजबान कोशिकाओं में, मेजबान का परिवर्तन रोगजनकों द्वारा कोशिका व्यवहार, वायरस-प्रेरित कोशिका परिवर्तन, रोगज़नक़-प्रेरित जानवरों और पौधों में रोग, सामान्य और असामान्य दोनों में कोशिका-कोशिका संलयन कोशिकाएं। बी) सेल सिग्नलिंग हार्मोन और उनके रिसेप्टर्स, सेल सतह रिसेप्टर, सिग्नलिंग जी-प्रोटीन युग्मित रिसेप्टर्स के माध्यम से, सिग्नल ट्रांसडक्शन पथ, दूसरा संदेशवाहक, संकेतन पथों का नियमन, जीवाणु और पादप दो घटक प्रणालियाँ, पौधों में प्रकाश संकेतन, जीवाणु केमोटैक्सिस और कोरम संवेदन सी) सेलुलर संचार हेमटोपोइजिस का विनियमन, सेल के सामान्य सिद्धांत संचार, कोशिका आसंजन और विभिन्न आसंजन अणुओं की भूमिकाएं, अंतराल जंक्शन, बाह्य मैट्रिक्स, इंटीग्रिन, न्यूरोट्रांसमिशन और इसके विनियमन। डी) पूर्वज कोशिकाओं, ऑन्कोजीन, ट्यूमर शमन जीन में कैंसर आनुवंशिक पुनर्व्यवस्था, कैंसर और कोशिका चक्र, वायरस से प्रेरित कैंसर, मेटास्टेसिस, कैंसर की बातचीत सामान्य कोशिकाओं के साथ कोशिकाएं, एपोप्टोसिस, अनियंत्रित कोशिका के चिकित्सीय हस्तक्षेप विकास। ई) जन्मजात और अनुकूली प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली जन्मजात में शामिल कोशिकाएं और अणु और अनुकूली प्रतिरक्षा, प्रतिजन, प्रतिजनता और प्रतिरक्षाजन्यता। बी और टी सेल एपिटोप, एंटीबॉडी अणुओं की संरचना और कार्य। एंटीबॉडी की पीढ़ी विविधता, मोनोक्लोनल एंटीबॉडी, एंटीबॉडी इंजीनियरिंग, एंटीजन-एंटीबॉडी बातचीत, एमएचसी अणु, प्रतिजन प्रसंस्करण और प्रस्तुति, सक्रियण और बी और टी कोशिकाओं, बी और टी सेल रिसेप्टर्स, ह्यूमरल और सेल मध्यस्थता प्रतिरक्षा प्रतिक्रिया, प्राथमिक और माध्यमिक प्रतिरक्षा मॉडुलन के भेदभाव, पूरक प्रणाली, टोल-जैसे रिसेप्टर्स, सेल-मध्यस्थता प्रभावकारक कार्य, सूजन, अतिसंवेदनशीलता और स्वप्रतिरक्षा, प्रतिरक्षा प्रतिक्रिया के दौरान बैक्टीरियल (तपेदिक), परजीवी (मलेरिया) और वायरल (एचआईवी) संक्रमण, जन्मजात और अधिग्रहित इम्युनोडेफिशिएंसी, टीके |
अध्याय -5 विकासात्मक जीव विज्ञान | ए) विकास की बुनियादी अवधारणाएं: क्षमता, प्रतिबद्धता, विनिर्देश, प्रेरण, क्षमता, दृढ़ संकल्प और भेदभाव; मॉर्फोजेनेटिक ग्रेडिएंट्स; कोशिका भाग्य और कोशिका वंश; मूल कोशिका; जीनोमिक तुल्यता और साइटोप्लाज्मिक निर्धारक; छापना; उत्परिवर्ती और विकास के विश्लेषण में ट्रांसजेनिक्स बी) युग्मकजनन, निषेचन और प्रारंभिक विकास: युग्मकों का उत्पादन, कोशिका की सतह जानवरों में शुक्राणु-अंडे की पहचान में अणु; भ्रूण थैली विकास और दोहरा निषेचन पौधों में; युग्मनज गठन, दरार, ब्लास्टुला गठन, भ्रूण क्षेत्र, गैस्ट्रुलेशन और जानवरों में रोगाणु परतों का गठन; भ्रूणजनन, पौधों में समरूपता की स्थापना; बीज गठन और अंकुरण। सी) जानवरों में मोर्फोजेनेसिस और ऑर्गोजेनेसिस: सेल एग्रीगेशन एंड डिफरेंशियल इन डिक्टियोस्टेलियम; ड्रोसोफिला, उभयचर और चूजे में कुल्हाड़ियों और पैटर्न का निर्माण; जीवजनन – कैनोर्हाडाइटिस एलिगेंस, आई लेंस इंडक्शन, लिम्ब डेवलपमेंट और में वल्वा फॉर्मेशन कशेरुकियों में पुनर्जनन; न्यूरॉन्स का विभेदन, भ्रूण के बाद के विकास- लार्वा गठन, कायापलट; सामान्य विकास का पर्यावरण विनियमन; लिंग निर्धारण। डी) पौधों में मोर्फोजेनेसिस और ऑर्गोजेनेसिस: शूट और रूट एपिकल का संगठन विभज्योतक; शूट और रूट विकास; पत्ती विकास और फ़ाइलोटेक्सी; फूल में संक्रमण, अरबीडॉप्सिस और एंटिरहिनम में पुष्प विभज्योतक और पुष्प विकास ई) क्रमादेशित कोशिका मृत्यु, उम्र बढ़ने और बुढ़ापा एफ। विलेय परिवहन और फोटोएसिमिलेट ट्रांसलोकेशन – तेज, परिवहन और कोशिकाओं के माध्यम से मिट्टी से पानी, आयनों, विलेय और मैक्रोमोलेक्यूल्स का स्थानांतरण, जाइलम और फ्लोएम के माध्यम से झिल्लियों के आर-पार; वाष्पोत्सर्जन; के तंत्र photoassimilates की लोडिंग और अनलोडिंग। जी माध्यमिक चयापचयों – टेरपेन्स, फिनोल और नाइट्रोजन का जैवसंश्लेषण यौगिक और उनकी भूमिकाएँ। एच. तनाव शरीर क्रिया विज्ञान – जैविक (रोगजनक और कीड़े) के लिए पौधों की प्रतिक्रियाएँ और अजैविक (पानी, तापमान और नमक) तनाव। |
अध्याय -6 प्रणाली शरीर क्रिया विज्ञान – पादप | ए प्रकाश संश्लेषण – हल्की कटाई परिसरों; इलेक्ट्रॉन के तंत्र परिवहन; फोटोप्रोटेक्टिव तंत्र; CO2 निर्धारण-C3, C4 और CAM मार्ग। बी श्वसन और प्रकाश श्वसन – साइट्रिक एसिड चक्र; संयंत्र माइटोकॉन्ड्रियल इलेक्ट्रॉन परिवहन और एटीपी संश्लेषण; वैकल्पिक ऑक्सीडेज; प्रकाश-श्वसन मार्ग। सी नाइट्रोजन चयापचय – नाइट्रेट और अमोनियम आत्मसात; एमिनो एसिड जैवसंश्लेषण। डी. संयंत्र हार्मोन – जैवसंश्लेषण, भंडारण, टूटना और परिवहन; शारीरिक प्रभाव और क्रिया के तंत्र। ई. संवेदी फोटोबायोलॉजी – संरचना, कार्य और क्रिया की क्रियाविधि फाइटोक्रोम, क्रिप्टोक्रोम और फोटोट्रोपिन; रंध्र गति; फोटोपेरियोडिज्म और जैविक घड़ी। सिस्टम फिजियोलॉजी – पशु ए रक्त और परिसंचरण – रक्त कणिकाएं, हीमोपोइजिस और गठित तत्व, प्लाज्मा फ़ंक्शन, रक्त की मात्रा, रक्त की मात्रा का विनियमन, रक्त समूह, हीमोग्लोबिन, प्रतिरक्षा, हेमोस्टेसिस। बी कार्डियोवास्कुलर सिस्टम: हृदय संरचना की तुलनात्मक शरीर रचना, मायोजेनिक हृदय, विशेष ऊतक, ईसीजी – इसका सिद्धांत और महत्व, हृदय चक्र, एक पंप के रूप में हृदय, रक्तचाप, तंत्रिका और उपरोक्त सभी का रासायनिक विनियमन। C. श्वसन प्रणाली – विभिन्न प्रजातियों में श्वसन की तुलना, संरचनात्मक विचार, गैसों का परिवहन, गैसों का आदान-प्रदान, अपशिष्ट उन्मूलन, तंत्रिका और श्वसन का रासायनिक विनियमन। डी. तंत्रिका तंत्र – न्यूरॉन्स, क्रिया क्षमता, मस्तिष्क की सकल न्यूरानाटॉमी और रीढ़ की हड्डी, केंद्रीय और परिधीय तंत्रिका तंत्र, मांसपेशियों का तंत्रिका नियंत्रण स्वर और मुद्रा। ई. इंद्रिय अंग – दृष्टि, श्रवण और स्पर्श प्रतिक्रिया। एफ। उत्सर्जन प्रणाली – उत्सर्जन, गुर्दे, मूत्र का तुलनात्मक शरीर क्रिया विज्ञान गठन, मूत्र एकाग्रता, अपशिष्ट उन्मूलन, संग्रह, पानी का नियमन संतुलन, रक्त की मात्रा, रक्तचाप, इलेक्ट्रोलाइट संतुलन, अम्ल-क्षार संतुलन। जी थर्मोरेग्यूलेशन – आराम क्षेत्र, शरीर का तापमान – भौतिक, रासायनिक, तंत्रिका विनियमन, अनुकूलन। एच. तनाव और अनुकूलन I. पाचन तंत्र – पाचन, अवशोषण, ऊर्जा संतुलन, बीएमआर। जे एंडोक्रिनोलॉजी और प्रजनन – अंतःस्रावी ग्रंथियां, का मूल तंत्र हार्मोन क्रिया, हार्मोन और रोग; प्रजनन प्रक्रियाएं, युग्मकजनन, ओव्यूलेशन, न्यूरोएंडोक्राइन विनियमन |
अध्याय -7 प्रणाली शरीर क्रिया विज्ञान – पशु | ए रक्त और परिसंचरण – रक्त कणिकाएं, हीमोपोइजिस और गठित तत्व, प्लाज्मा फ़ंक्शन, रक्त की मात्रा, रक्त की मात्रा का विनियमन, रक्त समूह, हीमोग्लोबिन, प्रतिरक्षा, हेमोस्टेसिस। बी कार्डियोवास्कुलर सिस्टम: हृदय संरचना की तुलनात्मक शरीर रचना, मायोजेनिक हृदय, विशेष ऊतक, ईसीजी – इसका सिद्धांत और महत्व, हृदय चक्र, एक पंप के रूप में हृदय, रक्तचाप, तंत्रिका और उपरोक्त सभी का रासायनिक विनियमन। C. श्वसन प्रणाली – विभिन्न प्रजातियों में श्वसन की तुलना, संरचनात्मक विचार, गैसों का परिवहन, गैसों का आदान-प्रदान, अपशिष्ट उन्मूलन, तंत्रिका और श्वसन का रासायनिक विनियमन। डी. तंत्रिका तंत्र – न्यूरॉन्स, क्रिया क्षमता, मस्तिष्क की सकल न्यूरानाटॉमी और रीढ़ की हड्डी, केंद्रीय और परिधीय तंत्रिका तंत्र, मांसपेशियों का तंत्रिका नियंत्रण स्वर और मुद्रा। ई. इंद्रिय अंग – दृष्टि, श्रवण और स्पर्श प्रतिक्रिया। एफ। उत्सर्जन प्रणाली – उत्सर्जन, गुर्दे, मूत्र का तुलनात्मक शरीर क्रिया विज्ञान गठन, मूत्र एकाग्रता, अपशिष्ट उन्मूलन, संग्रह, पानी का नियमन संतुलन, रक्त की मात्रा, रक्तचाप, इलेक्ट्रोलाइट संतुलन, अम्ल-क्षार संतुलन। जी थर्मोरेग्यूलेशन – आराम क्षेत्र, शरीर का तापमान – भौतिक, रासायनिक, तंत्रिका विनियमन, अनुकूलन। एच. तनाव और अनुकूलन I. पाचन तंत्र – पाचन, अवशोषण, ऊर्जा संतुलन, बीएमआर। जे एंडोक्रिनोलॉजी और प्रजनन – अंतःस्रावी ग्रंथियां, का मूल तंत्र हार्मोन क्रिया, हार्मोन और रोग; प्रजनन प्रक्रियाएं, युग्मकजनन, ओव्यूलेशन, न्यूरोएंडोक्राइन विनियमन |
अध्याय -8 वंशानुक्रम जीव विज्ञान | ए) मेंडेलियन सिद्धांत: प्रभुत्व, अलगाव, स्वतंत्र वर्गीकरण। बी) जीन की अवधारणा: एलील, मल्टीपल एलील, स्यूडोएली, पूरक परीक्षण सी) मेंडेलियन सिद्धांतों का विस्तार: कोडिनेंस, अधूरा प्रभुत्व, जीन इंटरैक्शन, प्लियोट्रॉपी, जीनोमिक इंप्रिंटिंग, पैठ और अभिव्यक्ति, फीनोकॉपी, लिंकेज और क्रॉसिंग ओवर, सेक्स लिंकेज, सेक्स लिमिटेड और सेक्स प्रभावित चरित्र। डी) जीन मानचित्रण विधियाँ: लिंकेज मानचित्र, टेट्राड विश्लेषण, आणविक मार्करों के साथ मानचित्रण, दैहिक कोशिका संकरों का उपयोग करके मानचित्रण, पौधों में जनसंख्या मानचित्रण का विकास। ई) अतिरिक्त गुणसूत्र वंशानुक्रम: माइटोकॉन्ड्रियल और क्लोरोप्लास्ट जीन की विरासत, मातृ विरासत। एफ) माइक्रोबियल आनुवंशिकी: आनुवंशिक स्थानान्तरण के तरीके – परिवर्तन, संयुग्मन, पारगमन और सेक्स-डक्शन, इंटरप्टेड मेटिंग द्वारा जीन की मैपिंग, जीन की फाइन स्ट्रक्चर एनालिसिस। जी) मानव आनुवंशिकी: वंशावली विश्लेषण, लिंकेज परीक्षण के लिए दर्ज स्कोर, कैरियोटाइप, आनुवंशिक विकार। एच) मात्रात्मक आनुवंशिकी: पॉलीजेनिक वंशानुक्रम, आनुवंशिकता और इसके माप, क्यूटीएल मानचित्रण। I) उत्परिवर्तन: प्रकार, कारण और पता लगाना, उत्परिवर्ती प्रकार – घातक, सशर्त, जैव रासायनिक, हानि कार्य का, कार्य का लाभ, जर्मिनल छंद दैहिक उत्परिवर्ती, सम्मिलन उत्परिवर्तन। जे) गुणसूत्रों के संरचनात्मक और संख्यात्मक परिवर्तन: विलोपन, दोहराव, उलटा, स्थानान्तरण, प्लोइडी और उनके आनुवंशिक प्रभाव। के) पुनर्संयोजन: पारस्परिकता सहित समरूप और गैर-समरूप पुनर्संयोजन। |
अध्याय -9 जीवन रूपों की विविधता: | ए। वर्गीकरण के सिद्धांत और तरीके: प्रजातियों की अवधारणा और पदानुक्रमित कर, जैविक नामकरण, शास्त्रीय और पौधों, जानवरों और सूक्ष्मजीवों के वर्गीकरण के मात्रात्मक तरीके। बी संरचनात्मक संगठन के स्तर: एककोशिकीय, औपनिवेशिक और बहुकोशिकीय रूप। ऊतकों, अंगों के संगठन के स्तर और सिस्टम। तुलनात्मक शरीर रचना विज्ञान, अनुकूली विकिरण, अनुकूली संशोधन। सी. पौधों, जानवरों और सूक्ष्मजीवों का रूपरेखा वर्गीकरण: प्रत्येक टैक्सोन में वर्गीकरण के लिए उपयोग किए जाने वाले महत्वपूर्ण मानदंड। पौधों का वर्गीकरण, पशु और सूक्ष्मजीव। टैक्सा के बीच विकासवादी संबंध। D. भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप का प्राकृतिक इतिहास: उपमहाद्वीप के प्रमुख आवास प्रकार, भौगोलिक उत्पत्ति और प्रवास प्रजातियां। आम भारतीय स्तनधारी, पक्षी। मौसम और फेनोलॉजी की उपमहाद्वीप ई. स्वास्थ्य और कृषि महत्व के जीव: मनुष्यों, घरेलू पशुओं और फसलों के सामान्य परजीवी और रोगजनक। एफ। संरक्षण की चिंता के जीव: दुर्लभ, लुप्तप्राय प्रजातियां। संरक्षण रणनीतियाँ |
अध्याय -10 पारिस्थितिक सिद्धांत | पर्यावरण: भौतिक पर्यावरण; जैविक पर्यावरण; जैविक और अजैविक बातचीत। पर्यावास और आला: आवास और आला की अवधारणा; आला चौड़ाई और ओवरलैप; मौलिक और आला महसूस किया; संसाधन विभाजन; चरित्र विस्थापन। जनसंख्या पारिस्थितिकी: जनसंख्या के लक्षण; जनसंख्या वृद्धि वक्र; जनसंख्या विनियमन; जीवन इतिहास रणनीतियाँ (आर और के चयन); की अवधारणा मेटापॉपुलेशन – डेमो और फैलाव, इंटरडेमिक विलुप्त होने, आयु संरचित आबादी। प्रजातियों की बातचीत: बातचीत के प्रकार, अंतर-प्रतिस्पर्धा, शाकाहारी, मांसाहारी, परागण, सहजीवन। सामुदायिक पारिस्थितिकी: समुदायों की प्रकृति; सामुदायिक संरचना और गुण; प्रजातियों की विविधता के स्तर और इसकी माप; किनारों और इकोटोन। पारिस्थितिक उत्तराधिकार: प्रकार; तंत्र; उत्तराधिकार में शामिल परिवर्तन; संकल्पना चरमोत्कर्ष का। पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र पारिस्थितिकी: पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र संरचना; पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र समारोह; ऊर्जा प्रवाह और खनिज सायक्लिंग (सी, एन, पी); प्राथमिक उत्पादन और अपघटन; संरचना और फ़ंक्शन कुछ भारतीय पारिस्थितिक तंत्रों में से: स्थलीय (जंगल, घास का मैदान) और जलीय (ताजा पानी, समुद्री, यूस्टारिन)। जीवनी: प्रमुख स्थलीय बायोम; द्वीप जीवनी का सिद्धांत; भारत के जैव-भौगोलिक क्षेत्र। अनुप्रयुक्त पारिस्थितिकी: पर्यावरण प्रदूषण; वैश्विक पर्यावरण परिवर्तन; जैव विविधता: स्थिति, निगरानी और प्रलेखन; जैव विविधता परिवर्तन के प्रमुख चालक; जैव विविधता प्रबंधन दृष्टिकोण। संरक्षण जीवविज्ञान: संरक्षण के सिद्धांत, प्रबंधन के लिए प्रमुख दृष्टिकोण, संरक्षण/प्रबंधन रणनीति पर भारतीय केस स्टडीज (प्रोजेक्ट टाइगर, बायोस्फीयर) भंडार) |
अध्याय -11 विकास और व्यवहार | ए. विकासवादी विचारों का उदय लैमार्क; डार्विन-विविधता, अनुकूलन, संघर्ष, फिटनेस और प्राकृतिक की अवधारणाएं चयन; मेंडेलिज्म; उत्परिवर्तन की सहजता; विकासवादी संश्लेषण। बी। कोशिकाओं की उत्पत्ति और एककोशिकीय विकास: बुनियादी जैविक अणुओं की उत्पत्ति; कार्बनिक मोनोमर्स का अजैविक संश्लेषण और बहुलक; ओपेरिन और हल्दाने की अवधारणा; मिलर का प्रयोग (1953); पहली सेल; प्रोकैरियोट्स का विकास; यूकेरियोटिक कोशिकाओं की उत्पत्ति; एककोशिकीय का विकास यूकेरियोट्स; अवायवीय चयापचय, प्रकाश संश्लेषण और एरोबिक चयापचय। सी. पालीटोलॉजी और विकासवादी इतिहास: विकासवादी समय पैमाने; युग, काल और युग; विकासवादी में प्रमुख घटनाएं समय का पैमाना; एककोशिकीय और बहुकोशिकीय जीवों की उत्पत्ति; पौधों के प्रमुख समूह और जानवर; होमो सहित अंतरंग विकास के चरण। डी आणविक विकास: तटस्थ विकास, आणविक विचलन और आणविक घड़ियों की अवधारणाएं; फाइलोजेनी, वर्गीकरण और पहचान में आण्विक उपकरण; प्रोटीन और न्यूक्लियोटाइड अनुक्रम विश्लेषण; नए जीन और प्रोटीन की उत्पत्ति; जीन दोहराव और विचलन। ई. तंत्र: जनसंख्या आनुवंशिकी – जनसंख्या, जीन पूल, जीन आवृत्ति; हार्डी-वेनबर्ग कानून; प्राकृतिक चयन, प्रवास और के माध्यम से जीन आवृत्ति में परिवर्तन की अवधारणा और दर यादृच्छिक आनुवंशिक बहाव; अनुकूली विकिरण; अलग तंत्र; प्रजाति; एलोपेट्रिसिटी और सहानुभूति; संसृत विकास; यौन चयन; सह-विकास। एफ। मस्तिष्क, व्यवहार और विकास: व्यवहार के अध्ययन में दृष्टिकोण और तरीके; निकटतम और अंतिम कारण; परोपकारिता और विकास-समूह चयन, परिजन चयन, पारस्परिक परोपकारिता; तंत्रिका आधार सीखने, स्मृति, अनुभूति, नींद और उत्तेजना की; जैविक घड़ियां; विकास व्यवहार का; सामाजिक संचार; सामाजिक प्रभुत्व; अंतरिक्ष और क्षेत्रीयता का उपयोग; संभोग प्रणाली, माता-पिता का निवेश और प्रजनन सफलता; माता पिता द्वारा देखभाल; आक्रामक व्यवहार; चारागाह में आवास चयन और इष्टतमता; प्रवासन, अभिविन्यास और नेविगेशन; घरेलू और व्यवहार परिवर्तन |
अध्याय -12 अनुप्रयुक्त जीव विज्ञान: | ए माइक्रोबियल किण्वन और छोटे और मैक्रो अणुओं का उत्पादन। बी. प्रतिरक्षाविज्ञानी सिद्धांतों, टीकों, निदानों का अनुप्रयोग। ऊतक और पौधों और जानवरों के लिए सेल संस्कृति के तरीके। सी. ट्रांसजेनिक जानवर और पौधे, निदान के लिए आणविक दृष्टिकोण और तनाव की पहचान डी. जीनोमिक्स और स्वास्थ्य और कृषि में इसके अनुप्रयोग, जीन सहित चिकित्सा। ई. जैव संसाधन और जैव विविधता के उपयोग। एफ. पौधों और जानवरों में प्रजनन, मार्कर-सहायक चयन सहित जी. बायोरेमेडिएशन और फाइटोरेमेडिएशन एच. बायोसेंसर |
अध्याय -13 जीव विज्ञान में विधियाँ | A. आणविक जीव विज्ञान और पुनः संयोजक डीएनए विधियाँ: आरएनए, डीएनए (जीनोमिक और प्लास्मिड) और प्रोटीन का अलगाव और शुद्धिकरण, अलग करने के तरीके। एक और दो आयामी जेल द्वारा आरएनए, डीएनए और प्रोटीन का विश्लेषण वैद्युतकणसंचलन, आइसोइलेक्ट्रिक फ़ोकसिंग जैल। बैक्टीरिया और यूकेरियोटिक प्रणालियों में डीएनए या आरएनए अंशों की आणविक क्लोनिंग। जीवाणु, जंतु और पादप सदिशों का उपयोग करते हुए पुनः संयोजक प्रोटीनों की अभिव्यक्ति। विशिष्ट न्यूक्लिक एसिड अनुक्रमों का अलगाव प्लास्मिड, फेज, कॉस्मिड, बीएसी और वाईएसी . में जीनोमिक और सीडीएनए पुस्तकालयों का निर्माण वैक्टर इन विट्रो उत्परिवर्तजन और विलोपन तकनीकों में, जीवाणु में जीन नॉक आउट और यूकेरियोटिक जीव। प्रोटीन अनुक्रमण के तरीके, प्रोटीन के पोस्ट ट्रांसलेशन संशोधन का पता लगाना। डीएनए अनुक्रमण विधियाँ, जीनोम अनुक्रमण के लिए रणनीतियाँ। आरएनए और प्रोटीन स्तर पर जीन अभिव्यक्ति के विश्लेषण के लिए तरीके, बड़े पैमाने पर अभिव्यक्ति, जैसे कि सूक्ष्म सरणी आधारित तकनीक कार्बोहाइड्रेट और लिपिड अणुओं का अलगाव, पृथक्करण और विश्लेषण RFLP, RAPD और AFLP तकनीक बी हिस्टोकेमिकल और इम्यूनोटेक्निक एंटीबॉडी निर्माण, एलिसा, आरआईए, पश्चिमी धब्बा का उपयोग करके अणुओं का पता लगाना, इम्यूनोप्रेजर्वेशन, फ्लूसाइटोमेट्री और इम्यूनोफ्लोरेसेंस माइक्रोस्कोपी, जीवित कोशिकाओं में अणुओं का पता लगाना, मछली जैसी तकनीकों द्वारा सीटू स्थानीयकरण में और जीआईएसएच। सी बायोफिजिकल विधि: यूवी/दृश्यमान, फ्लोरेसेंस, सर्कुलर डाइक्रोइज्म, एनएमआर और ईएसआर का उपयोग करके आणविक विश्लेषण स्पेक्ट्रोस्कोपी एक्स-रे विवर्तन और एनएमआर का उपयोग करके आणविक संरचना निर्धारण, प्रकाश प्रकीर्णन, विभिन्न प्रकार के मास स्पेक्ट्रोमेट्री और . का उपयोग करते हुए आणविक विश्लेषण सतह प्लाज्मा अनुनाद विधियाँ। डी सांख्यिकीय तरीके: केंद्रीय प्रवृत्ति और फैलाव के उपाय; संभाव्यता वितरण (द्विपद, पॉइसन और सामान्य); नमूने का वितरण; पैरामीट्रिक और के बीच अंतर गैर-पैरामीट्रिक आँकड़े; विश्वास अंतराल; त्रुटियां; महत्व के स्तर; प्रतिगमन और सहसंबंध; टी-परीक्षण; भिन्नता का विश्लेषण; X2 परीक्षण ;; मूल परिचय Muetrovariate सांख्यिकी, आदि के लिए। ई. रेडियोलेबलिंग तकनीक: आमतौर पर इस्तेमाल किए जाने वाले विभिन्न प्रकार के रेडियो आइसोटोप का पता लगाना और मापना जीव विज्ञान, जैविक ऊतकों और कोशिकाओं में रेडियोआइसोटोप का समावेश, आणविक रेडियोधर्मी सामग्री की इमेजिंग, सुरक्षा दिशानिर्देश। एफ। सूक्ष्म तकनीक: प्रकाश माइक्रोस्कोपी द्वारा कोशिकाओं और उप-कोशिकीय घटकों का विज़ुलाइज़ेशन, शक्तियों को हल करना विभिन्न सूक्ष्मदर्शी, जीवित कोशिकाओं की माइक्रोस्कोपी, स्कैनिंग और ट्रांसमिशन माइक्रोस्कोप, ईएम के लिए विभिन्न निर्धारण और धुंधला तकनीक, ईएम के लिए फ्रीज-ईच और फ्रीजफ्रैक्चर विधियां, माइक्रोस्कोपी में छवि प्रसंस्करण विधियां। जी इलेक्ट्रोफिजियोलॉजिकल तरीके: एकल न्यूरॉन रिकॉर्डिंग, पैच-क्लैंप रिकॉर्डिंग, ईसीजी, मस्तिष्क गतिविधि रिकॉर्डिंग, घाव और मस्तिष्क की उत्तेजना, औषधीय परीक्षण, पीईटी, एमआरआई, एफएमआरआई, कैट। एच। क्षेत्र जीव विज्ञान में तरीके: जानवरों और पौधों के जनसंख्या घनत्व का अनुमान लगाने के तरीके, पैटर्न को लेकर के अध्ययन में प्रत्यक्ष, अप्रत्यक्ष और दूरस्थ टिप्पणियों, नमूनाकरण विधियों के माध्यम से बिहेवियर, हैबिटेट कैरेक्टराइजेशन: ग्राउंड एंड रिमोट सेंसिंग मेथड्स.. |
Total Chapters | 13 |
Important Topics of Part ‘B’ Paper [Life Science]
Chapter Name | Topics | Expected Question Answer |
Molecules and their Interaction Relevant to Biology | Stabilizing interactions (Van der Waals, electrostatic, hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic interaction, etc.). D Principles of biophysical chemistry (pH, buffer, reaction kinetics, thermodynamics, colligative properties).Confirmation of nucleic acids (helix (A, B, Z), t-RNA, micro-RNA). | 4 to 5 Question |
Cellular Organization | Organization of genes and chromosomes Cell division and cell cycle,(Cell wall, nucleus, mitochondria | 3 to 4 Questions |
Fundamental Processes | DNA replication, RNA synthesis and processing | 3 to 4 Questions |
Cell Communication and Cell Signaling | Host-parasite interaction Cell signaling Cancer B and T cells, B and T cell receptors | 3 to 4 Questions |
Developmental Biology | cytoplasmic determinants Production of gametes Cell aggregation and differentiation in Dictyostelium Morphogenesis and organogenesis in plants | 3 to 4 Questions |
System Physiology – Plant | Photosynthesis Respiration and photorespiration Plant hormones Secondary metabolites | 3 to 4 Questions |
System Physiology – Animal | Blood and circulation Respiratory system Sense organs Thermoregulation Endocrinology and reproduction | 3 to 4 Questions |
Inheritance Biology | Gene mapping methods Microbial genetics Mutation Structural and numerical alterations of chromosomes | 3 to 4 Questions |
Important Topics of Part ‘C’ Paper [Life Science]
Chapter Name | Topics | Expected Question Answer |
Molecules and their Interaction Relevant to Biology | Stabilizing interactions (Van der Waals, electrostatic, hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic interaction, etc.). D Principles of biophysical chemistry (pH, buffer, reaction kinetics, thermodynamics, colligative properties).Confirmation of nucleic acids (helix (A, B, Z), t-RNA, micro-RNA). | 4 to 5 Question |
Cellular Organization | Organization of genes and chromosomes Cell division and cell cycle,(Cell wall, nucleus, mitochondria | 4 to 6 Questions |
Fundamental Processes | DNA replication, RNA synthesis and processing | 4 to 6 Questions |
Cell Communication and Cell Signaling | Host-parasite interaction Cell signaling Cancer B and T cells, B and T cell receptors | 5 to 6 Questions |
Developmental Biology | cytoplasmic determinants Production of gametes Cell aggregation and differentiation in Dictyostelium Morphogenesis and organogenesis in plants | 4 to 5 Questions |
System Physiology – Plant | Photosynthesis Respiration and photorespiration Plant hormones Secondary metabolites CO2 fixation-C3, C4, and CAM pathways Nitrate and ammonium | 5 to 6 Questions |
System Physiology – Animal | Blood and circulation Respiratory system Sense organs Thermoregulation Endocrinology and reproduction | 3 to 4 Questions |
Inheritance Biology | Gene mapping methods Microbial genetics Mutation Structural and numerical alterations of chromosomes | 3 to 4 Questions |
Diversity of Life Forms | Outline classification of plants, animals & microorganisms, Natural history of Indian subcontinent, Principles & methods of taxonomy | 4 to 5 Questions |
Evolution and Behavior | Molecular Evolution, Paleontology and Evolutionary History, Origin of cells and unicellular evolution, Biological clocks | 4 to 6 Questions |
Applied Biology | Transgenic animals and plants, Genomics and its application to health and agriculture, Bioresource and uses of biodiversity. Biosensors | 5 to 6 Questions |
Methods in Biology | Isolation and purification of RNA, DNA (genomic and plasmid Generation of genomic and cDNA libraries DNA sequencing methods RFLP, RAPD, and AFLP techniques vitro mutagenesis and deletion techniques | 4 to 5 Questions |
CSIR NET Life Science [Biology] Exam pattern 2024-
- CSIR NET Life Science 2024 will have a total of 145 multiple-choice questions.
- Part A will have 20 questions and Part B & C will have 125 questions.
- A total of 75 Questions have to attempt out of 145.
- There is No Restriction to moving to and from among the Papers Sections.
- 75 Questions are compulsory to attempt in PART A, B & C 15,35,25 Simantenously.
- 200 Marks Paper in total out of it 30 for part A, 70 for Part B, 100 for Part C
- Negative Marking Applicable on all the 3 Parts A, B, C, 1 Mark for Each Wrong Answer Simantenously
- If a question is found to be incorrect/ambiguous during the critical challenge, only those candidates who have attempted the question and chosen one of the correct answers would be given credit. Only for dropped question(s), if any, marks will be given to all the candidates.
The table below shows the exam pattern of UGC NET Life Science Part A, B & C :
Particulars | CSIR NET Life Science Part A | CSIR NET Life Science Part B | CSIR NET Life Science Part C |
Exam mode | Online | Online | Online |
Exam duration | 3 hours (180 minutes) | ||
Type of paper | General & Logical Aptitude | Based on Life Science 13 Chapters | Based on Life Science 13 Chapters [ Hard MCQ] |
Total questions | 30 | 50 | 75 |
Complosury Attempt Questions | 15 | 35 | 25 |
Type of questions | MCQs; 4 options with only 1 correct option | MCQs; 4 options with only 1 correct option | MCQs; 4 options with only 1 correct option |
Total marks | 30 | 70 | 100 |
Marking scheme | 2 marks for the correct answer 0.5 for an incorrect answer | 2 marks for the correct answer 0.5 for an incorrect answer | 4 marks for the correct answer 1 for an incorrect answer |
Language of paper | English Only | English Only | English Only |
Must Know about CSIR NET Eligibility Criteria and CSIR NET Online Application Process that can help you in appearing for exam.
UGC NET Life Science [Biology] Solved Question Paper 2019 & 2020 Download PDF –
After studying all the topics completely, you should know the topics from which the questions are asked in previous years. analysis Previous Year Questions is So Important to get an Idea about Paper Patterns. Here we have provided the CSIR NET Life Science Question Paper.
Latest Books for CSIR NET Life Science [Biology] 2024-
Here Are Some Good Reference Books for CSIR NET Life Science [Biology] Chapter Wise
Chapter Name | Books Name | Author |
Molecules and their Interaction Relevant to Biology | Molecular Biology for CSIR NET | Kailash Choudhary |
Cellular Organization | The Cell: Organisation, , Functions and Regulatory Mechanisms | Shakir Ali |
Applied Biology | Applied Biology (Chapter 12) CSIR NET | Riya Verma Available on Amazon |
Cell Communication and Cell Signaling | Cell Signaling | Wendell Lim |
Developmental Biology | Developmental Biology Loose Leaf | Scott F. Gilbert |
System Physiology – Plant | Plant Physiology | Philip Stewart & Sabine Globig |
System Physiology – Animal | Animal Physiology | PS Verma |
Inheritance Biology | Inheritance: How Our Genes Change Our Lives- | Sharon Moalem |

What is the Eligibility Criterion for CSIR NET Life Science [Biology] 2024?
Knowing the eligibility criteria for CSIR NET Life Science is very important to know for each student who is going to prepare for the exam you are eligible or not for the exam depending on your educational qualification marks Obtained in your post-graduation category, Your Degree Accreditation, Course Stream, Your Age, Nationality and reservation policies, In This Article given complete detail about the eligibility criteria for CSIR NET Life Science you can check the complete detail of eligibility and also you can check Degree Required to Apply
CSIR NET Life Science 2024 Eligibility Criteria for JRF (Junior Research Fellowship) and Assistant Professorship are different. Candidates must check the detailed eligibility criteria for the fellowship to which he/she is interested in applying. Recently, the upper age limit for JRF has been increased from 30 years to 31 years. Also, candidates applying must have obtained a least 55% marks in their Master’s Degree
CSIR NET Life Science Eligibility Criteria 2024-
Before starting to fill out the CSIR NET Life Science application form, candidates must check the eligibility criteria including the educational qualification, age limit, relaxation, and Category exemption. However, candidates must note the points regarding the proof of eligibility:
- Candidates do not have to send any certificates/ documents to the National Testing Agency in support of their eligibility.
- NTA does not verify the details provided by the candidates in the application form and hence the Candidate Should Check his Subject eligibility Carefully.
- However, if NTA or CSIR detects any ineligibility at any stage, the candidature will be canceled and legal action may be taken against the candidates.
CSIR NET Eligibility for Life Science – As per CSIR NET Eligibility for Life Science, the candidates are required to have any of the Below-mentioned degrees in Life Science only.
S. No. | Master of Science Courses | Best Fit Subjects for CSIR NET Exam |
1. | Bio-Chemistry | Life Sciences |
2. | Botany | Life Sciences |
3. | Microbiology | Life Sciences |
4. | Biotechnology | Life Sciences |
5. | Molecular Biology | Life Sciences |
6. | Life Sciences | Life Sciences |
7. | Zoology | Life Sciences |
8. | Applied Genetics | Life Sciences |
9 | Biology | Life Science |
10. | Applied Biology | Life Science |
11. | Conservation Biology | Life Science |
12. | Computation Biology | Life Science |
13. | Environmental Biology | Life Science |
14. | Environmental Microbiology | Life Science |
15 | Biomedical Science | Life Science |
16 | Genetics | Life Science |
17 | Toxicology | Life Science |
18 | Biomedical Engineering | Life Science |
19 | Bioorganic Chemistry | Life Science |
20 | MD (Doctor of Medicine) | Life Sciences |
21. | MS (Master of Surgery) | Life Sciences |
22 | DM (Doctor of Medicine) | Life Sciences |
23 | Forensic Science | Life Science |
24 | Zoology & Animal Biotechnology | Life Science |
Before applying for CSIR NET, candidates should go through the eligibility requirements for CSIR NET. If any candidate is found to be ineligible at later stages then the candidature would be rejected straightaway. Aspirants can check below different eligibility criteria requirements for CSIR NET 2023.
- The candidate must be an Indian citizen.
- If any candidate is found otherwise, the application form of that particular candidate will be rejected.
CSIR NET Life Science Age Limit 2024
- The maximum age limit prescribed for the award of the Joint Research Fellowship (JRF) is 28 years as of July 1, 2024.
- The upper age limit may be relaxed up to 5 years for reserved category candidates (SC/ST/Persons with Disability (PwD) and female applicants) and 3 years for OBC – Non-creamy layer candidates.
- There is no stipulated age limit for the Lectureship.
CSIR NET Life Science [Biology] Educational Qualification 2024-
- Candidates must have a degree in Biology Stream or MSc Biology [Life Science] or MBBS or Integrated BS-MS or any other science degree with at least 55% marks Recognized by UGC.
- 5% marks relaxation is given to candidates who belong to the reserved category OBC, SC, ST.
- Aspirants who are currently pursuing M.Sc and have completed graduation (10+2+3) are also eligible for this examination.
- Candidates who have done B.Sc or if they are pursuing the Integrated MS-PhD program and have got a minimum of 55% marks then they are eligible to apply.
- Candidates who have completed Post Graduation from a Life science or Pharma background can also get the fellowship, provided they register for the Ph.D. or Ph.D. integrated program within two years.
- CSIR NET Eligibility for Life Science – As per CSIR NET Eligibility for Life Science, the candidates are required to have any of the above-mentioned degrees in Life Science only.
- Pursued academic qualification in Life Science only

CSIR NET Life Science [Biology] 2024 Reservation Criteria
CSIR Biology has stipulated certain guidelines with respect to the relaxation of minimum marks required and upper age limit for candidates from different reserved categories (SC/ST/OBC-NCL/PwD) and female applicants
Category-wise CSIR NET Relaxation of marks for eligible candidates from reserved categories is specified in the table below:
Category | Relaxation in marks (In percentage) |
Other Backward Classes | 5% |
Scheduled Caste | 5% |
Scheduled Tribe | 5% |
Candidates can also check the relaxation applicable for reserved category candidates in the upper age limit.
Category | Relaxation in Age Limit (in years) |
Female | 5 |
SC | 5 |
ST | 5 |
OBC (non-creamy layer) | 3 |
Persons with disability (PwD) | 5 |
Selection of Junior Research Fellowship and Lectureship
While filling out the CSIR UGC NET Application Form candidate has to mention whether he/she is applying for JRF or LS based on their eligibility and give their preference in such a manner.
- A candidate who applies for JRF and fulfills the laid down eligibility criteria for Lectureship also will be considered for both JRF & LS.
- If a candidate is found to be over-aged for JRF (NET), he/she will only be considered for Lectureship (NET).
- Option/preference given by the candidate in his/her application form is final and a request for change will not be entertained at any later stage.
- The number of candidates qualifying for the exam depends on the number of fellowships available & performance in the test, subject to the condition that they fulfill the laid down eligibility criteria.
- Candidates with M.Sc qualification OR under M.Sc Result Awaited (RA) category shall be eligible for Lectureship (LS) subject to fulfilling the eligibility criteria as laid down by the UGC.
UGC NET Life Science Latest Study Notes & Material
Here are the Latest Study Notes for CSIR NET Life Science Download PDF for Free
How to Prepare for CSIR NET Life Science?
Understand the CSIR NET Life Science exam pattern: The exam pattern of UGC NET Philosophy helps you in shaping your preparation in many ways.
- First, it tells you that only multiple-choice questions are asked in the CSIR NET Life Science exam, so there is no point in preparing for subjective answers of 5-10 lines. Your preparation needs to be objective-oriented. You will have to allot more time to learn specific details and not whole paras.
- Second, since there is no negative marking, it allows you to take risks and go for answers to what you think might be the correct option.
- Third, you get to know how many marks you will be awarded for every written answer – 2 marks for every correct answer. So, you can set an easy target for yourself accordingly
In-depth analysis of the CSIR NET Life Science Syllabus Part A,B & C: The syllabus is no less than the bible to the students.
- Proper analysis of the syllabus is especially important in order to understand what all topics must be covered in order to be able to answer questions that come in the exam.
- The main point behind following the syllabus is that it saves a lot of your time. History as a subject is so vast that there can be no end to what you have to study, but now that you have a well-framed syllabus in your hand you have the advantage to stick to it.
- Work towards time management: From the above tip you must have known by now that you get only 3 hours to complete 150 MCQs without any break. That can be tough for those who are not good in managing time.
- For getting a better hand over completing the paper on time, you will need to solve old CSIR NET Life Science question papers. The more you practice, the more you will get used to handling the questions in time. You should use a stopwatch to calculate your speed and time.
- Secondly, if you will have a look at your syllabus, the first thing which will come to your mind is its length. You do not have to get discouraged by assuming that it’s lengthy and impossible. What you need to do instead is prepare a study schedule for yourself.
- Revision is the secret recipe: Revision is the final touch that you give to your exam preparation to make your foundation more and more concrete. It is very important to revise what you have been studying all along so that you are confident of the syllabus in general and each topic in particular. The best way to revise is to take mock tests and solve practice papers that can be found online and even in bookstores.
- To be even more surer of your preparations, you can solve the previous year’s question papers and check your scores to assess your progress.
- One other way to revise is by making notes while you are preparing. Once you are done with the syllabus, you can go through your notes where you have noted down all the important points covering each topic. This way when you write your spelling also gets stronger and you memorize the names properly.
- Another important tip is that you should always start your revision with sections that are relatively tougher for you so that they also change to stronger topics in time.
- Motivate yourself physically and mentally: The last and the most important thing to complete your preparation properly is your personal well-being. Your physical and mental well-being can be ensured by not over-stressing yourself and doing away with any presumptions that an exam is tough and it is very hard to qualify. You need to focus on your eight hours of study and completion of the syllabus,
Know what kind of questions are asked in the CSIR NET Exam? Get Free Paper Analysis by Experts.
CSIR NET Life Science 4-Month Preparation Plan 2024
This gives you 4 months to prepare for the examination. Now we are fully aware of the fact that a single timetable cannot suit everyone’s preferences. So, being mindful of that, we have prepared a standard plan which you can modify as per your Schedule and daily schedule.
Preparation Time | 4 Months (16 Weeks) |
Total Chapters/ Topics to Prepare | 10 |
Total Sub-Topics | Over 80 + |
Studying Hours Per Day | 4 – 5 Hours |
Number of Days Required to Prepare Each Unit | 10 Days |
Number of Chapters Completed in a Month | 2 Chapters |
Break Days or Extra Days Each Month | 2 – 3 Days* |
Time Taken to Complete Entire Syllabus | 3.5 Months |
Remaining Time | 15 Days |
Days to Solve Sample Papers/ Model Papers/ Mock Tests | 20 Days |
Days Left for Final Revision | 15 Days |
CSIR NET Life Science Cut-off 2023?

Career Scope after Qualified CSIR NET Life Science & Job Opportunities –
After Qualified CSIR NET Life Science has excellent career opportunities in the private and public sectors of various reputed organizations in India and abroad. There is a high scope of M.Sc Life Science Field in India for nutritionists, biologists, managers, research scientists, research analysts, food scientists, etc. Some of the best scopes are:
- Product Manager
- Food Scientist
- Nutritionist
- Project Manager
- Immunologist
- Research Assistant
- Data Scientist
- Join as A assistant Professor in the state or Private Universities/Colleges
Areas of Recruitment For NET/JRF Life Science
Life Science Aspirants are in demand for every area of recruitment, such as material science, biomedical science, chemical and physical science, engineering, research, and much more. Most private and public sectors of various reputed organizations working in India and abroad prefer Life Science postgraduates & P.hd to work in India and abroad. Jobs in Life Science are in multiple fields with a perfect salary package. Some areas of recruitment for the course are:
- Engineering
- Immunology
- Ecology
- Scientist
- Material Science
Salary Packages for UGC NET Life Science [Biology] Qualified
Life Science Salary in India in public and private sectors of various reputed organizations is around INR 2- 10 LPA [Source: Glassdoor]. Therefore, the job scope of Life Science postgraduates & NET Qualified to get an excellent job with a decent salary package is relatively high. However, after Qualified the UGC NET Life Science in India, the salary can vary based on specific criteria such as a company. Some of the very best and high salary jobs for Life Science postgraduates & NET Qualified in India after the course with the best-starting salary are as follows:
Designation | Salary/Month |
Food Scientist | INR 60K |
Nutritionist | INR 40K |
Laboratory Technician | INR 30K |
Research Assistant in Biotechnology Lab | INR 70K |
Immunologist | INR 75K |
Source: Payscale
Government Jobs For NET/JRF Life Science Aspirants 2024
A Life Science postgraduate & NET JRF Qualified has high job priority and respect in almost every organization in the government sector. After the NET/JRF Life Science, the job scope in India, in the government sector for the graduates, is a wide range and highly rewarding for the NET Qualified. The Life Science scope and salary offered to postgraduates in the government sector is around INR 2 – 10 LPA [Source: Glassdoor]. Some of the very best Life Science jobs in the government sector are as follows:
Top Government Companies | Job Profiles | Salary |
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) | Technical officer | INR 3 LPA |
NIC- National Informatics Center | Research Scientists | INR 7 LPA |
CDAC- Center for Development of Advanced Computing | Laboratory Technician | INR 3 LPA |
Source: Naukri
Private Jobs for NET/JRF Life Science Aspirants
As for jobs in the government sector, Life Science job opportunities for the private sector also hire many computer-science postgraduates. Serum Institute of India, Biocon, Panacea Biotec Limited, Wockhardt, Novozymes, Zeon Lifesciences Limited, and others are the top private firms that hire computer science postgraduates. According to experts, some examples of jobs in reputed organizations in India in the private sector where the Life Science credential is valuable.
Top Private Companies | Job Profiles | Salary |
Bitcoin Ltd | Genetic Counselor | INR 4 LPA |
Nestle | Food Scientist | INR 7 LPA |
Panacea Biotech | Immunologist | INR 7 LPA |
Source: Glassdoor
CSIR NET Life Science Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]-
Question 1. How to check the CSIR NET Examination Notification 2022?
Answer. You can check the information related to the examination on its official website, i.e. csirnet.nta.nic.in.
Question 2. How to rectify the mistake after submitting the online CSIR NET Application form?
Answer. You should know that in case of any incorrect information, NTA will reject the application. You can’t change the details of the application form once it is submitted.
Question 3. How can I get the application form for the CSIR NET Examination?
Answer. You can find on the CSIR official website, csirnet.nta.nic.in.
Question 4. What payment modes are applicable for the CSIR NET Examination 2022?
Answer. Only online payment mode is available. You can pay for the CSIR examination online using a credit card, debit card, or net banking.
Question 5. What is the CSIR NET Exam?
Answer. The National Testing Agency conducts the CSIR NET Exam, also known as the National Eligibility Test, to determine candidates’ eligibility for lectureships and research programs in the Science and Technology field.
Question 6. Do we need to upload any documents while submitting the CSIR NET Application Form?
Answer. Yes, you have to upload various documents while filling out the CSIR NET Application Form. The essential documents are:
- Scanned copies of the photograph and signature
- Qualifying degree certificate
- Category certificate
- PwD certificate, etc.
Question 7. What is the acceptable photograph size that needs to be attached in the CSIR NET Application Form?
Answer. Your photograph size should be less than 200 KB. The format of the scanned photograph should be JPEG/JPG. The dimension range is from 130 x 160 to 260 x 360.
Question 8. Is it necessary to have an email id to submit the CSIR NET Application Form?
Answer. Yes. You should have an email address for registration and online application for the exam because all the required essential examination details will be sent in the email.
Question 9. What preferences do I have to choose at the time of applying for the CSIR NET examination?
Answer. You can give a preference from below three options.
- For JRF (Junior Research Fellowship),
- For LS (Lectureship),
- For both.
Question 10. Who is eligible for CSIR NET Exam 2021?
Answer. You have to complete the following degrees are eligible to appear for the examination:
- Master of Science
- Integrated BS & MS Courses
- Graduation in Engineering
- B- Pharma/D-Pharm/M-Pharma
If you are waiting for the results can also apply, but your results should be provided within the validity period of two years to avail of the fellowship.
Question 11. Can I register for the CSIR NET exam after completing of Graduation in a Related Subject?
Answer. No. You will not be eligible with only Bachelor’s degree. But you will be eligible in the condition as below.
- After completion of the Bachelor’s degree, if you enroll in a Ph.D. or Integrated Ph.D. program within two years.
Question 12. What is the age limit for CSIR NET Exam 2022?
Answer. For JRF, your maximum age limit should be 28 years. It is relaxed up to 5 years for SC/ST/Persons with Disability/female applicants. For OBC applicants, it is relaxed for three years. For LS (NET), there is no upper age limit.
Question 13. How many CSIR NET examination centers are available for this exam?
Answer. This examination will be held in 222 exam centers in various parts of India.
Question 14. How much is the CSIR NET application fees?
Answer. You have to pay Rs 1000 as the CSIR NET application fee. For SC/ST/PWD, it is Rs 250, and for OBC, it is Rs 500.
Question 15. What are the languages for the CSIR NET exam question paper?
Answer. The available languages are Hindi and English
Question 16. How many marks exam of NET CSIR 2022?
Answer. The NET Examination pattern is multiple choice-based questions carrying a total of 200 marks.
Question 17. What are the subjects for which the CSIR NET exam is conducted?
Answer. The test will be conducted for five subjects:
- CSIR NET Chemical Science
- CSIR NET Life Science
- CSIR NET Mathematical Science
- CSIR NET Physical Science
- CSIR NET Earth Sciences
Question 18. Am I eligible to apply for the CSIR NET examination after Ph.D.?
Answer. Yes. But your Master’s degree should be completed before September 19, 1991, with minimum 50 % marks are eligible for Lectureship only.
Question 19.CSIR NET Online or Offline ?
Answer. Online Conduct by NTA 3-Hour Paper.
Question 20. What is the CSIR NET question paper pattern?
Answer. The CSIR NET question paper is divided into three sections:
Part A: Common to all subjects. This part contains 20 questions Out of 15 Mandatory to attempt General Aptitude. Marks allocated for this part is 30.
Part B: subject-related general multiple-choice questions. Around 20-35 questions need to be attempted here. Marks allocated for this part is 70.
Part C: Contains higher value questions to test the candidate’s knowledge and application of scientific concepts. Questions are analytical, and the total marks allocated here is 100.
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