UGC NET Exam Analysis 4th December 2019 (Shift 1) The table below gives you an overview of Paper 1. S.No. Subject & Topic Asked Level of Subject & Question Asked 1 Teaching Aptitude 5 Question Easy Question on Effective Teaching …
The Traditional Square of Opposition is a diagram specifying logical relations among four types of categorical propositions. It is useful in the analysis of syllogistic logic, serving to identify the allowed logical conversions from one type to another. Immediate Arguments There are …
Logical Fallacies A fallacy is a defect in an argument which misleads the mind. The defect may be intentional or unintentional. If the defect is intentional, we sometimes call it a sophism. One’s understanding of fallacies may be used for …
PRAMANA: The Means of Knowledge 1. What is Pramana? Pramāṇa is a Sanskrit word which means ‘measure’. The concept of pramanas is very critical for understanding the laws of Indian Logic and the philosophy of knowledge. In Indian philosophy, the word represents all …
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