UGC NET Sociology Exam 2024 Latest Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Eligibility Criteria, Cut-off, Books & Previous Question Paper [Complete Details]

What is UGC NET Sociology Exam?
Ans- In This article, we will Discuss all Important Details about Sociology Exam Like, Syllabus, Books, Exam Pattern, Strategy, Books, Career Scope, Cut -off & Study Tips-
UGC NET Sociology [Exam 2024] is One of the Important Subjects of the UGC NET Exam. Every year More Than 60000+ Students Select Sociology as Paper-2 Subject. But Hardly 6 % Qualified for the Exam. the Syllabus of Sociology is Vast & in Detail Include Topic/Subjects like Sociological Theory, Indian Thinkers, Conceptualizing Social Reality, Historical Method, Sociological Concepts, Personhood, Habitus and Agency, Social Institutions, Rural and Urban Transformations, Tribe, Nation-State and Border, Economy, and Society & Many More.
Before applying for the exam, it is good to know all knowledge about various aspects of it such as career scope, eligibility, syllabus, and more.
- What is UGC NET Sociology Exam?
- UGC NET Sociology Exam Overview 2024-
- Let’s Discuss the Latest Syllabus of UGC NET Sociology in English Exam 2024 –
- UGC NET 2024 Sociology Syllabus Subject-Wise
- UGC NET Sociology Latest Syllabus in Hindi As Per Updated Syllabus 2024
- Benefits Of the Latest UGC NET Sociology Syllabus 2024
- UGC NET Sociology Important Topics-
- Latest Books for UGC NET Sociology As Per New Updated Syllabus 2024 Hindi & English Medium
- Who Can Apply for UGC NET Sociology Subject
- UGC NET Sociology Exam Pattern 2024 –
- UGC NET Marking Scheme 2024
- Eligibility Criteria for UGC NET Sociology 2024
- Educational Qualification
- UGC NET Age Limit and Relaxation 2024
- UGC NET Sociology Exemptions for Assistant Professor
- UGC NET Sociology Cut-off June 2020-
- UGC NET Sociology Cut-off 2024
- UGC NET Previous Year Question Paper 2019 & 2020,2021 Sociology –
- Advantages of Solving UGC NET Sociology Previous Year Question Papers
- UGC NET Sociology Study Material [Study Notes]
- Career Scope After Qualified UGC NET Sociology Exam?
- UGC NET Sociology Exam Pattern 2024-
- UGC NET Sociology 4-Month Preparation Plan 2024
- Frequently Asked Question Sociology (FAQ)
UGC NET Sociology Exam Overview 2024-
Particulars | Details |
Name of the Exam | National Eligibility Test (NET) |
Conducting Body | National Testing Agency (NTA) |
Frequency of the Exam | Twice a Year |
Mode of Examination | Online |
Type of Questions | Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) |
Number of Papers | Paper I Paper II |
Number of Questions | 150 |
Time Duration | 3 hours |
Negative Marking | No |
Official Website | |
Subject | Sociology |
Number of Marks | 300 Marks [ 200 Marks Sociology ] + 100 Marks Paper -1] |
Let’s Discuss the Latest Syllabus of UGC NET Sociology in English Exam 2024 –
Even though the subject Topics involved are not as complicated as most other subjects, the syllabus itself is chock full-packed with information. You will be required to break it down accordingly and approach a holistic way of Covering the Syllabus & Learn Topics in Depth. We’ve provided not only the units but also the chapters as well as the topics included in them. It will help you get an idea of what’s to come in the exams themselves. It would be easier to pick up, what topics under them are involved.
UGC NET 2024 Sociology Syllabus Subject-Wise
Sociology Subject Based on Topics & Such Topics such as Sociological Theory, Research Methodology, and Methods, Basic Concepts and Institutions, Rural and Urban Transformations, State, Politics and Development & Many More This means that you’d have to cover a lot of ground to get a surface-level understanding of the fundamentals. While the syllabus is dense, it would help to break down each component that makes a lesson. This is why we’ve broken them down the Sociology UGC NET syllabus according to the names of the units themselves. It would be easier to digest what topics under them are involved so that it would be easy for you to be prepared for the upcoming exams.
The subject code for UGC NET Sociology Code -05. It comprises two online papers namely Paper-I & Paper-II with Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)s.
- UGC NET Sociology Paper 1 Syllabus tests teaching and reasoning ability, research aptitude, comprehension, divergent thinking, and general awareness.
- UGC NET Sociology Paper 2 Syllabus is based on Home Science. It tests your depth of knowledge and expertise in the respective subject.
- Unit -1 Sociological Theory
- Unit – 2: Research Methodology and Methods
- Unit -3: Basic Concepts and Institutions
- Unit – 4: Rural and Urban Transformations
- Unit – 5: State, Politics and Development
- Unit – 6 : Economy and Society
- Unit – 7: Environment and Society
- Unit – 8: Family, Marriage, and Kinship
- Unit – 9: Science, Technology and Society
- Unit – 10: Culture and Symbolic Transformations
Unit /Subject Name | Topics/Subject in Unit |
Unit -1 Sociological Theory | Classical Sociological Traditions Emile Durkheim Max Weber Karl Marx Structure- Functionalism and Structuralism Bronislaw Malinowski A.R. Radcliffe- Brown Talcott Parsons Robert K. Merton Claude Levi Strauss Hermeneutic and Interpretative Traditions G.H. Mead Karl Manheim Alfred Schutz Harold Garfinkel Erving Goffman Clifford Geertz Post Modernism, Post Structuralism and Post Colonialism Edward Said Pierre Bourdieu Michel Foucault Jurgen Habermas Anthony Giddens Manuel Castells Indian Thinkers M.K. Gandhi B.R. Ambedkar Radha Kamal Mukherjee G. S. Ghurye M.N. Srinivas Irawati Karve |
Unit – 2: Research Methodology and Methods | Conceptualizing Social Reality Philosophy of Science Scientific Method and Epistemology in Social Science Hermeneutic Traditions Objectivity and Reflexivity in Social Science Ethics and Politics Formulating Research Design Reading Social Science Research, Data and Documents Induction and Deduction Fact, Concept and Theory Hypotheses, Research Questions, Objectives Quantitative and Qualitative Methods Ethnography Survey Method Historical Method Comparative Method Techniques Sampling Questionnaire and Schedule Statistical Analysis Observation, Interview, and Case study Interpretation, Data Analysis, and Report Writing |
Unit -3: Basic Concepts and Institutions | Sociological Concepts Social Structure Culture Network Status and Role Identity Community Diaspora Values, Norms, and Rules Personhood, Habitus, and Agency Bureaucracy, Power, and Authority Social Institutions Marriage, Family, and Kinship Economy Polity Religion Education Law and Customs Social Stratification Social Difference, Hierarchy, Inequality, and Marginalization Caste and Class Gender, Sexuality, and Disability Race, Tribe, and Ethnicity Social Change and Processes Evolution and Diffusion Modernization and Development Social Transformations and Globalization Social Mobility |
Unit – 4: Rural and Urban Transformations | Rural and Peasant Society Caste-Tribe Settlements Agrarian Social Structure and Emergent Class Relations Land Ownership and Agrarian Relations The decline of Agrarian Economy, De-Peasantization and Migration Agrarian Unrest and Peasant Movements Changing Inter-Community Relations and Violence Urban Society Urbanism, Urbanity, and Urbanization Towns, Cities, and Mega-Cities Industry, Service, and Business Neighborhood, Slums, and Ethnic Enclaves Middle Class and Gated Communities Urban Movements and Violence |
Unit – 5: State, Politics and Development | Political Processes in India Tribe, Nation-State and Border Bureaucracy Governance and Development Public Policy: Health, Education, and Livelihoods Political Culture Grass-root Democracy Law and Society Gender and Development Corruption Role of International Development Organizations Social Movements and Protests Political Factions, Pressure Groups Movements based on Caste, Ethnicity, Ideology, Gender, Disability, Religion and Region Civil Society and Citizenship NGOs, Activism, and Leadership Reservations and Politics |
Unit – 6 : Economy and Society | Exchange, Gift, Capital, Labour and Market Mode of Production Debates Property and Property Relations State and Market: Welfarism and Neoliberalism Models of Economic Development Poverty and Exclusion Factory and Industry Systems Changing Nature of Labour Relations Gender and Labour Process Business and Family Digital Economy, E-Commerce Global Business and Corporates Tourism Consumption |
Unit – 7: Environment and Society | Social and Cultural Ecology: Diverse Forms Technological Change, Agriculture and Biodiversity Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Ethno-Medicine Gender and Environment Forest Policies, Adivasis and Exclusion Ecological Degradation and Migration Development, Displacement and Rehabilitation Water and Social Exclusion Disasters and Community Responses Environmental Pollution, Public Health and Disability Climate Change and International Policies Environmental Movements |
Unit – 8: Family, Marriage, and Kinship | Theoretical Approaches: Structure-Functionalist, Alliance, and Cultural Gender Relations and Power Dynamics Inheritance, Succession, and Authority Gender, Sexuality, and Reproduction Children, Youth, and Elderly Emotions and Family Emergent Forms of Family Changing Marriage Practices Changing Care and Support Systems Family Laws Domestic Violence and Crime against Women Honour Killing |
Unit – 9: Science, Technology and Society | History of Technological Development Changing notions of Time and Space Flows and Boundaries Virtual Community Media: Print and Electronic, Visual and Social Media E-Governance and Surveillance Society Technology and Emerging Political Processes State Policy, Digital Divide and Inclusion Technology and Changing Family Relations Technology and Changing Health Systems Food and Technology Cyber Crime |
Unit – 10: Culture and Symbolic Transformations | Signs and Symbols Rituals, Beliefs, and Practices Changing Material Culture Moral Economy Education: Formal and Informal Religious Organizations, Piety, and Spirituality Commodification of Rituals Communalism and Secularism Cultural Identity and Mobilization Culture and Politics Gender, Body, and Culture Art and Aesthetics Ethics and Morality Sports and Culture Pilgrimage and Religious Tourism Religion and Economy Culture and Environment New Religious Movements |
Total Unit | 10 |
UGC NET Sociology Latest Syllabus in Hindi As Per Updated Syllabus 2024
यूनिट -1 समाजशास्त्रीय सिद्धांत
यूनिट – 2: अनुसंधान पद्धति और तरीके
यूनिट -3: बुनियादी अवधारणाएं और संस्थाएं
यूनिट – 4: ग्रामीण और शहरी परिवर्तन
इकाई – 5: राज्य, राजनीति और विकास
इकाई – 6 : अर्थव्यवस्था और समाज
यूनिट – 7: पर्यावरण और समाज
इकाई – 8: परिवार, विवाह और रिश्तेदारी
यूनिट – 9: विज्ञान, प्रौद्योगिकी और समाज
यूनिट – 10: संस्कृति और प्रतीकात्मक परिवर्तन
Unit /Subject Name | Topics/Subject in Unit |
यूनिट -1 समाजशास्त्रीय सिद्धांत | शास्त्रीय समाजशास्त्रीय परंपराएं एमाइल दुर्खीम मैक्स वेबर काल मार्क्स संरचना- प्रकार्यवाद और संरचनावाद ब्रोनिस्लाव मालिनोवस्की ए.आर. रैडक्लिफ- ब्राउन टैल्कॉट पार्सन्स रॉबर्ट के. मेर्टन क्लाउड लेवी स्ट्रॉस व्याख्यात्मक और व्याख्यात्मक परंपराएं जी.एच. घास का मैदान कार्ल मैनहेम अल्फ्रेड शुट्ज़ो हेरोल्ड गारफिंकेल इरविंग गोफमैन क्लिफर्ड गीर्ट्ज़ उत्तर आधुनिकतावाद, उत्तर संरचनावाद और उत्तर उपनिवेशवाद एडवर्ड सैडो पियरे बॉर्डियू मिशेल फौकॉल्ट जुर्गन हैबरमास एंथोनी गिडेंस मैनुअल कास्टेल भारतीय विचारक एम.के. गांधी BR अम्बेडकर राधा कमल मुखर्जी जी एस घुर्ये एम.एन. श्रीनिवास इरावती कर्वे |
यूनिट – 2: अनुसंधान पद्धति और तरीके | सामाजिक वास्तविकता की अवधारणा करना विज्ञान का दर्शन सामाजिक विज्ञान में वैज्ञानिक पद्धति और ज्ञानमीमांसा हेर्मेनेयुटिक परंपराएं सामाजिक विज्ञान में वस्तुनिष्ठता और सजगता नैतिकता और राजनीति अनुसंधान डिजाइन तैयार करना सामाजिक विज्ञान अनुसंधान, डेटा और दस्तावेज़ पढ़ना प्रेरण और कटौती तथ्य, अवधारणा और सिद्धांत परिकल्पना, शोध प्रश्न, उद्देश्य मात्रात्मक और गुणात्मक तरीके नृवंशविज्ञान सर्वेक्षण विधि ऐतिहासिक विधि तुलनात्मक विधि तकनीक सैम्पलिंग प्रश्नावली और अनुसूची सांख्यिकीय विश्लेषण अवलोकन, साक्षात्कार और केस स्टडी व्याख्या, डेटा विश्लेषण और रिपोर्ट लेखन |
यूनिट -3: बुनियादी अवधारणाएं और संस्थान | समाजशास्त्रीय अवधारणाएं सामाजिक संरचना संस्कृति नेटवर्क स्थिति और भूमिका पहचान समुदाय प्रवासी मूल्य, मानदंड और नियम व्यक्तित्व, आदत, और एजेंसी नौकरशाही, शक्ति और प्राधिकरण सामाजिक संस्थाएं विवाह, परिवार और नातेदारी अर्थव्यवस्था राजनीति धर्म शिक्षा कानून और सीमा शुल्क सामाजिक संतुष्टि सामाजिक अंतर, पदानुक्रम, असमानता और हाशिए पर रहना जाति और वर्ग लिंग, कामुकता और विकलांगता जाति, जनजाति और जातीयता सामाजिक परिवर्तन और प्रक्रियाएं विकास और प्रसार आधुनिकीकरण और विकास सामाजिक परिवर्तन और वैश्वीकरण सामाजिकता |
यूनिट – 4 : ग्रामीण और शहरी परिवर्तन | ग्रामीण और किसान समाज जाति-जनजाति बस्तियाँ कृषि सामाजिक संरचना और उभरते वर्ग संबंध भूमि स्वामित्व और कृषि संबंध कृषि अर्थव्यवस्था का पतन, किसानीकरण और प्रवासन कृषि अशांति और किसान आंदोलन अंतर-सामुदायिक संबंधों और हिंसा को बदलना शहरी समाज शहरीकरण, शहरीकरण और शहरीकरण कस्बे, शहर और मेगा-सिटीज उद्योग, सेवा और व्यवसाय पड़ोस, मलिन बस्तियां और जातीय परिक्षेत्र मध्यम वर्ग और गेटेड समुदाय शहरी आंदोलन और हिंसा |
यूनिट – 5: राज्य, राजनीति और विकास | भारत में राजनीतिक प्रक्रियाएं जनजाति, राष्ट्र-राज्य और सीमा नौकरशाही शासन और विकास सार्वजनिक नीति: स्वास्थ्य, शिक्षा और आजीविका राजनीतिक संस्कृति ग्रास-रूट डेमोक्रेसी कानून और समाज लिंग और विकास भ्रष्टाचार अंतर्राष्ट्रीय विकास संगठनों की भूमिका सामाजिक आंदोलन और विरोध राजनीतिक गुट, दबाव समूह जाति, जातीयता, विचारधारा, लिंग, विकलांगता, धर्म पर आधारित आंदोलन और क्षेत्र नागरिक समाज और नागरिकता गैर सरकारी संगठन, सक्रियता, और नेतृत्व आरक्षण और राजनीति |
यूनिट – 6: अर्थव्यवस्था और समाज | विनिमय, उपहार, पूंजी, श्रम और बाजार उत्पादन वाद-विवाद का तरीका संपत्ति और संपत्ति संबंध राज्य और बाजार: कल्याणवाद और नवउदारवाद आर्थिक विकास के मॉडल गरीबी और बहिष्करण कारखाना और उद्योग प्रणालियाँ श्रम संबंधों के बदलते स्वरूप लिंग और श्रम प्रक्रिया व्यापार और परिवार डिजिटल अर्थव्यवस्था, ई-कॉमर्स वैश्विक व्यापार और कॉर्पोरेट्स पर्यटन खपत |
यूनिट – 7: पर्यावरण और समाज | सामाजिक और सांस्कृतिक पारिस्थितिकी: विविध रूप तकनीकी परिवर्तन, कृषि और जैव विविधता स्वदेशी ज्ञान प्रणाली और जातीय-चिकित्सा लिंग और पर्यावरण वन नीतियां, आदिवासी और बहिष्करण पारिस्थितिक गिरावट और प्रवासन विकास, विस्थापन और पुनर्वास जल और सामाजिक बहिष्करण आपदाएं और सामुदायिक प्रतिक्रियाएं पर्यावरण प्रदूषण, सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य और विकलांगता जलवायु परिवर्तन और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय नीतियां पर्यावरण आंदोलन |
यूनिट – 8: परिवार, विवाह और रिश्तेदारी | सैद्धांतिक दृष्टिकोण: संरचना-कार्यकर्ता, गठबंधन और सांस्कृतिक लिंग संबंध और शक्ति गतिकी विरासत, उत्तराधिकार, और प्राधिकरण लिंग, कामुकता और प्रजनन बच्चे, युवा और बुजुर्ग भावनाएं और परिवार परिवार के आकस्मिक रूप विवाह प्रथाओं को बदलना देखभाल और सहायता प्रणाली बदलना पारिवारिक कानून घरेलू हिंसा और महिलाओं के खिलाफ अपराध ऑनर किलिंग |
यूनिट – 9: विज्ञान, प्रौद्योगिकी और समाज | तकनीकी विकास का इतिहास समय और स्थान की बदलती धारणा प्रवाह और सीमाएं आभासी समुदाय मीडिया: प्रिंट और इलेक्ट्रॉनिक, विजुअल और सोशल मीडिया ई-गवर्नेंस एंड सर्विलांस सोसायटी प्रौद्योगिकी और उभरती राजनीतिक प्रक्रियाएं राज्य नीति, डिजिटल विभाजन और समावेशन प्रौद्योगिकी और बदलते पारिवारिक संबंध प्रौद्योगिकी और बदलती स्वास्थ्य प्रणाली खाद्य और प्रौद्योगिकी साइबर अपराध |
यूनिट -10: संस्कृति और प्रतीकात्मक परिवर्तन | संकेत और प्रतीक अनुष्ठान, विश्वास और व्यवहार भौतिक संस्कृति बदलना नैतिक अर्थव्यवस्था शिक्षा: औपचारिक और अनौपचारिक धार्मिक संगठन, धर्मपरायणता और आध्यात्मिकता अनुष्ठानों का संशोधन साम्प्रदायिकता और धर्मनिरपेक्षता सांस्कृतिक पहचान और लामबंदी संस्कृति और राजनीति लिंग, शरीर और संस्कृति कला और सौंदर्यशास्त्र नैतिकता और नैतिकता खेल और संस्कृति तीर्थयात्रा और धार्मिक पर्यटन धर्म और अर्थव्यवस्था संस्कृति और पर्यावरण नए धार्मिक आंदोलन |
Total Unit | 10 |
Benefits Of the Latest UGC NET Sociology Syllabus 2024
For any preparation to be successful, knowing the syllabus and exam pattern is essential. You can definitely score more with the proper use of the UGC NET Sociology Syllabus.
Some notable benefits from the new UGC NET Sociology 2023 Syllabus are as below:
- UGC NET Sociology Syllabus covers all topics that are important for the examinations.
- UGC NET Syllabus for Sociology also mentions the weightage allotted to different units and chapters, knowing which you may form a strategy for preparing for chapters with high or low weightage.
- The question paper format is also explained in a syllabus.
- Having a clear understanding of your syllabus and the weightage to various sections will definitely help you decide how much time you should dedicate to each section.
- Generally, the exam papers for each course are designed as per the syllabus prescribed for that course.
- So, preparing according to the topic and instructions mentioned in the syllabus obviously helps to crack the exam with good scores.
UGC NET Sociology Important Topics-
Before Knowing Important & Repeated Topics, One thing Should be Clear That All 10 Units are Important & All of 10 Units Topic,s Also Important. We Suggest You Go Through Each & Every Topic of the Syllabus in Detail. Here we mention Some Topics which are Repeated Asked in Exam Earlier, Means Question Comes from these Topics Repeatedly.
- Unit -1: Sociological Theory
- Max Weber
- Karl Marx
- A.R. Radcliffe- Brown
- Robert K. Merton
- Karl Manheim
- Harold Garfinkel
- Clifford Geertz
- Pierre Bourdieu
- Anthony Giddens
- B.R. Ambedkar
- M.N. Srinivas
- Unit – 2 : Research Methodology and Methods
- Conceptualizing Social Reality
- Scientific Method and Epistemology in Social Science
- Induction and Deduction
- Hypotheses, Research Questions, Objectives
- Quantitative and Qualitative Methods
- Interpretation, Data Analysis and Report Writing
- Social Mobility
- Unit -3 Basic Concepts and Institutions
- Social Structure
- Community
- Diaspora
- Personhood, Habitus and Agency
- Bureaucracy, Power and Authority
- Law and Customs
- Race, Tribe and Ethnicity
- Modernization and Development
- & More
- Unit – 4 : Rural and Urban Transformations
- Caste-Tribe Settlements
- Land Ownership and Agrarian Relations
- Decline of Agrarian Economy, De-Peasantization and Migration
- Urbanism, Urbanity and Urbanization
- Middle Class and Gated Communities
- Urban Movements and Violence
- Unit – 5 : State, Politics and Development
- Tribe, Nation-State and Border
- Public Policy: Health, Education, and Livelihoods
- Law and Society
- Corruption
- Grass-root Democracy
- Civil Society and Citizenship
- Reservations and Politics
- Gender, Disability, Religion
- Public Policy
- Unit – 6 : Economy and Society
- Mode of Production Debates
- State and Market: Welfarism and Neoliberalism
- Changing Nature of Labour Relations
- Poverty and Exclusion
- Global Business and Corporates
- Consumption
Unit – 7: Environment and Society
- Social and Cultural Ecology: Diverse Forms
- Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Ethno-Medicine
- Forest Policies, Adivasis and Exclusion
- Development, Displacement and Rehabilitation
- Disasters and Community Responses
- Climate Change and International Policies
- Environmental Movements
- Unit – 8: Family, Marriage and Kinship
- Theoretical Approaches: Structure-Functionalist, Alliance and Cultural,
- Inheritance, Succession and Authority
- Emotions and Family
- Changing Care and Support Systems
- Domestic Violence and Crime against Women
- Honour Killing
- Gender, Sexuality and Reproduction
- Unit – 9 : Science, Technology and Society
- Changing notions of Time and Space
- State Policy, Digital Divide and Inclusion
- Technology and Changing Health Systems
- Cyber Crime
- E-Governance and Surveillance Society
- Media: Print and Electronic
- Unit – 10: Culture and Symbolic Transformations
- Signs and Symbols
- Rituals, Beliefs, and Practices
- Changing Material Culture
- Moral Economy
- Education: Formal and Informal
- Religious Organizations, Piety, and Spirituality
- Commodification of Rituals
- Communalism and Secularism
- Cultural Identity and Mobilization
Latest Books for UGC NET Sociology As Per New Updated Syllabus 2024 Hindi & English Medium
Here are Books for UGC NET Sociology Good For Reference Only in Hindi & English Medium.
Available On | Book Name | Author | Publication | Medium | Date of Publish |
Amazon /Flipkart | Trueman’s Ugc Net Sociology Paperback | S Hussian | Trueman | English | 2021 |
Amazon/Flipkart | NTA UGC NET Sociology Paper 2 | Gureepret | Arihant | English | 2021 |
Amazon/Flipkart | NTA UGC (NET/JRF/SET) Samaj Shastra Paper 2 | Arihant | Arihant | Hindi | 2019 |
Amazon | Sociology Complete Book in English for UGC NET | Upkar | Publication | Hindi/English | 2020 |
Diwakar Education Hub | UGC NET Sociology Study Notes Unit -1 to 10 with 4000 MCQ As per Updated Syllabus [English & Hindi Medium] | Diwakar education Huib | Check Sample Now | English | 2024 |
If You Looking Best study Notes Sociology Hindi/English Medium in Which all Topics Given with Expected Question Answer Then You are at Right Place . Diwakar education Hub Provide Best Quality of Study Notes Designed by JRF Qualified & Experienced Faculty Take Demo Now Click on Link –
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Who Can Apply for UGC NET Sociology Subject
Before Applying for Sociology Subject or Filled Forum you Must Know if You can apply from your PG Degree or Not, Basic Qualification is post Graduation with 55% from Any UGC Recognized University –
Here is a List of PG Courses by which you can apply for UGC NET Sociology subject –
MA in Applied Sociology | MA in Collective Behaviour |
MA in Community | MA in Comparative Sociology |
MA in Crime and Delinquency | MA in Cultural Sociology |
MA in Demography |
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UGC NET Sociology Exam Pattern 2024 –
Total Number of Questions in UGC NET
- UGC NET 2024 will have a total of 150 multiple-choice questions.
- Paper 1 will have 50 questions and Paper 2 will have 100 questions.
- There is No Restriction to move to and fro among the Papers.
- All the questions are compulsory to attempt.
- you will get 2 marks for each correct response
- If a question is found to be incorrect/ambiguous during the critical challenge, only those candidates who have attempted the question and chosen one of the correct answers would be given credit. Only for dropped question(s), if any, marks will be given to all the candidates.
The table below shows the exam pattern of UGC NET Paper 1 and Paper 2:
Particulars | UGC NET Paper-I Overview | UGC NET Paper-II [Sociology Overview |
Exam mode | Online | Online |
Exam duration | 3 hours (180 minutes) | |
Type of paper | Common for all candidates | Subject-specific questions |
Total Questions | 50 | 100 |
Type of questions | MCQs; 4 options with only 1 correct option | MCQs; 4 options with only 1 correct option |
Total marks | 100 | 200 |
Marking scheme | 2 marks for the correct answer 0 for an incorrect answer | 2 marks for the correct answer 0 for an incorrect answer |
Language of paper | English and Hindi | English & Hindi |
UGC NET Marking Scheme 2024
- A uniform marking scheme is followed in the exam i.e. for both Paper 1 and 2, each correct answer will fetch you 2 marks.
- As per the revised exam pattern of the UGC NET exam, there is no negative marking for incorrect answers.
- Hence, instead of skipping a question, one can use their calculated guess and mark the answer.
The updated marking scheme of UGC NET is given below:
Type of Answer | Marks Allotted |
Correct Answer | 2 marks |
Incorrect Answer | 0 mark |
No Answer | 0 mark |
Go through the exam pattern of the UGC NET Sociology Paper 1 syllabus mentioned below:
Topics | Questions | Marks |
Part I: Teaching Aptitude | 5 | 10 |
Part II: Research Aptitude | 5 | 10 |
Part III: Reading Comprehension | 5 | 10 |
Part IV: Communication | 5 | 10 |
Part V: Reasoning (including Maths) | 5 | 10 |
Part VI: Logical Reasoning | 5 | 10 |
Part VII: Data Interpretation | 5 | 10 |
Part VIII: Information & Communication Technology (ICT) | 5 | 10 |
Part IX: People & Environment | 5 | 10 |
Part X: Higher Education System: Governance, Polity & Administration | 5 | 10 |
Total | 50 | 100 |

Eligibility Criteria for UGC NET Sociology 2024
Educational Qualification
Candidates securing at least 55% marks in their Master’s Degree or equivalent Diploma from recognized universities in Sociology or Relevant Stream of Sociology Example – MA Sociology, MA Social Science, MSc Sociology, etc the candidate pursuing in 3rd year UG Also Can Appear for UGC NET Exam
- However, candidates belonging to the non-creamy layer of other backward classes (OBC-NC), scheduled caste (SC), scheduled tribe (ST), persons with disability (PwD), and transgender category have to score at least 50% marks.
- Candidates who are pursuing their Master’s degree or are waiting for their result or whose qualifying examinations have been delayed can apply for the test.
- However, such candidates will be admitted provisionally and will be considered for award of JRF or recruitment as Assistant Professor only when they will pass their Master’s Degree with at least 55% marks (50% marks for reserved category).
- Such candidates will also have to complete their Master’s degree within two years from the date of the UGC NET 2023 Result with the required percentage of marks, failing which they will be treated as disqualified.
- Candidates with a Ph.D. degree whose Master’s level examination was completed before September 19, 1991 (irrespective of the date of declaration of result) will be eligible for a relaxation of 5% in aggregate marks (i.e. from 55% to 50%) for appearing in UGC NET 2022.
- Transgender candidates will be provided the same relaxation in fee, age, and qualifying criteria for NET (i.e. JRF and Assistant Professor) as are available to SC/ ST/ PwD categories. The subject-wise cutoffs for the transgender category will be the lowest among those for SC/ ST/ PwD/ OBC–NCL categories in the respective subject.
- Candidates are suggested to choose the same NET subject for Paper 2 as their specialization in Post Graduation. However, if your post-graduation subject is not covered in the list of 81 NET subjects, you can appear in a related subject.
- Candidates possessing Post Graduation Diploma/ Certificate awarded by Indian University/ Institute or foreign degree/ diploma/ certificate awarded by a foreign University/ institute should in their own interest, ascertain the equivalence of their diploma/ degree/ certificate with Master’s degree of recognized Indian universities from Association of Indian Universities (AIU), New Delhi.
UGC NET Age Limit and Relaxation 2024
UGC NET 2024 Age Limit and Relaxation for Junior Research Fellowship and Assistant Professorship are given below:
- Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Eligibility: Candidates should not be more than 31 years as of October 1, 2024.
- Candidates belonging to OBC-NC, SC, ST, PwD categories, Transgenders, and women applicants are provided a relaxation of up to 5 years.
- Candidates with research experience will also be provided age relaxation equivalent to the years/ period spent on research in the respective subject or Post Graduation Degree.
- Relaxation to researchers can be of up to 5 years and will only be provided on production of a certificate from the appropriate authority.
- Candidates with L.L.M. Degree will be permitted an upper age relaxation of 3 years.
- Candidates who have served in the armed forces will be provided the benefit of relaxation of up to 5 years subject to the length of service in the armed forces up to June 1, 2024.
- Total age relaxation on the above ground(s) shall not exceed five years under any circumstances.
- Assistant Professor: There is no upper age limit to apply for Assistant Professor.
UGC NET Sociology Exemptions for Assistant Professor
NET/ SET/ SLET is the minimum eligibility condition for recruitment and appointment of Assistant Professorship in Indian Universities and Colleges. However, certain exemptions from NET/ SET/ SLET will be governed by UGC regulations and amendments notified in the Gazette of India from time to time.
- Candidates who have passed UGC/ CSIR/ JRF examination before 1989 are exempted from appearing in NET.
- Candidates who have cleared States Eligibility Test (SET) accredited by UGC for Assistant Professor held before June 1, 2002, are exempted from appearing in NET and are eligible to apply for Assistant Professor anywhere in India.
- However, candidates qualified in SET held after June 1, 2003, are eligible to apply for the post of Assistant Professor only in the universities and colleges situated in the respective states.
UGC NET Sociology Cut-off June 2020-
Here is Cut -off UGC NET Sociology UGC NET June 2020 Exam, To Know cut -off is Very Important for Pre-requisite Information with the Last Exam Cut -off You Can Get an Idea About Exam Difficulty Level & Also Get Knowledge about How Many Aspirants Qualified Last Time & Also Get Idea of Expected Cut-off Upcoming Exam.

UGC NET Sociology Cut-off 2024
UGC NET Sociology is one of the Favorite subjects of students Among the UGC NET Exam Subject, In Every Six Months Term Around 25000 to 30000 Students appeared for UGC NET Sociology this time [December 2023] 17890 students appeared for UGC NET Sociology and As per the past year cutoff This time Gone High you can check all the details below in Table
Code | Subject Name | Total Appeared | Qualified for NET | Qualified for NET & JRF | Marks for NET | Marks for JRF |
05 | Sociology | 17890 | 1195 | 238 | Gen- 184 EWS – 168 OBC – 164 SC- 152 ST – 146 | Gen-206 EWS -196 OBC-192 SC -178 ST -174 |
UGC NET Previous Year Question Paper 2019 & 2020,2021 Sociology –
To get a Clarity about Exam Analysis Previous Year Question Paper is Very Much Important There are Several Benefits –
- To get an Idea About Exam Difficulty Level
- To get an Idea of What Kind of Questions Asked in Exam
- To get an Idea of How Many Questions Asked from Each Unit
- To get Idea From Which Topics Question Repeat Continuously
- To get an Idea of How Depth Questions Asked in Exam
- Help in Predication for Upcoming Exam
Advantages of Solving UGC NET Sociology Previous Year Question Papers
To Analysis the Previous year’s Question Paper it’s best to move to crack UGC NET Exam because the previous year’s question paper is like a Mirror which tells you all details about the Paper. These papers are available in the form of a PDF file. Solving the UGC NET Sociology previous year question papers has several benefits mentioned below.
- Candidates will get knowledge about the exam pattern of the entrance exam.
- Aspirants must practice question papers to know about the question type and difficulty level of the exam.
- In this way, candidates can decide which section they need to focus on more and need improvement to enhance their ability to solve questions.
- By referring to the question papers, candidates will get an idea of how much time they will require for solving those questions.
- Candidates can focus more on the questions asked repeatedly in the previous years.
- Candidate confidence will get increased while solving the various question papers of UGC NET.
- Aspirants can refer to the previous year’s question papers to get an idea about the UGC NET marking scheme.
UGC NET Sociology Study Material [Study Notes]
- The Next Step to Start preparation is the Selection of Best Study Notes [study material ].
- Make sure you have quality & well-structured study material comprising an updated syllabus, notes, previous years’ question papers, mock tests, and study plan.
- Diwakar Education Hub provides UGC NET Study Material, designed by experts and has all such features to help students to prepare for the exam for better results.
Career Scope After Qualified UGC NET Sociology Exam?
After the Qualified UGC NET Sociology Exam You Will Have Many Opportunities to Grow your Career. It’s Very Important to Know before applying for exam What would be Benefits to Qualified UGC NET or JRF Here we Mention Some Career Opportunities after UGC NET, The following few Examples are Given Below –UGC NET Study Tips UGC NET Sociology How to Crack UGC NET Sociology Exam in First Attempt-
1. Sociology Professor
Sociology Professors are highly educated Sociology experts working in colleges and universities. Like any Professor of other disciplines, Sociology Professors offer lectures on various topics, concepts, and theories of Sociology. Apart from tutoring, Sociology Professors also provide academic counseling to students in their undergraduate or postgraduate studies, conduct internal evaluations, and assess the students” coursework. They also write articles, research papers, and blogs for academic journals, books, and publications.
The average annual salary of Sociology Professors in India is ₹1,061,172 LPA.
2. Life Coach
Life Coaches guide their clients on important life decisions and matters, such as career, business, health & well-being, relationships, and spiritual harmony. They develop professional relationships with clients, become their confidantes, identify their strengths and suggest development areas.
A Life Coach’s goal is to steer their clients towards prospectives that will best suit them and take them toward the path of deep emotional and spiritual healing. They motivate and encourage people to take positive actions to make the necessary changes in their life. Apart from dealing with individual clients, Life Coaches also conduct personal development workshops for groups.
The average annual salary of Life Coaches in India is anywhere between ₹10-15 LPA
3. Sociologist
- Sociologists are primarily involved in studying societies and human social behavior worldwide by examining the groups, cultures, and social institutions and the societal rules that develop when people interact and create relationships. They collect relevant data through personal observations, surveys, interviews, and other general sources to draw conclusions.
- Sociologists build practical projects to test the theories on different social issues. They also collaborate with social scientists, policymakers, or social groups to conduct research on sociological issues and prepare detailed reports highlighting their findings.
- The average salary of Sociologists in India is ₹780,000 LPA.
4. Probation Officer
- Probation Officers supervise, manage, and counsel offenders to reduce crimes in society by helping offenders start a new life. In this respect, Probation Officers act as crucial members of the criminal justice system by guiding criminal offenders to avoid further misdeeds in a community.
- After taking offenders in custody, they work with them in courts and prisons. Their job involves routine interactions with offenders, victims, police, and prison staff. Probation Officers also actively collaborate with sentencing judges and law enforcement officers.
- The average salary for Probation Officers in India is ₹468,439 LPA.
5. Social Worker
As mentioned earlier, the prime responsibility of Social Workers is to help individuals and families in distress. They focus on helping vulnerable people, including children and adults, protect them, and provide them with the basic necessities for survival. Sometimes they even facilitate the education of needy children.
They aim to help people lead better lives. Social Workers act as guides and advocates to people in need. Often, they work under challenging conditions since they are not always received warmly by those they try to help. Social Workers take actions in adherence to the rules and regulations of the local/central authorities.
UGC NET Sociology Exam Pattern 2024-
Understand the UGC NET Sociology exam pattern: The exam pattern of UGC NET Sociology helps you in shaping your preparation in many ways.
- First, it tells you that only multiple-choice questions are asked in the UGC NET Sociology exam, so there is no point preparing for subjective answers of 5-10 lines. Your preparation needs to be objective-oriented. You will have to allot more time to learn specific details and not whole paras.
- Second, since there is no negative marking, it allows you to take risks and go for answers to what you think might be a correct option.
- Third, you get to know how many marks you will be awarded for every written answer – 2 marks for every correct answer. So, you can set an easy target for yourself accordingly
In-depth analysis of the UGC NET Syllabus Paper 1 & Paper 2: The syllabus is no less than the bible to the students.
- Proper analysis of the syllabus is especially important in order to understand what all topics must be covered in order to be able to answer questions that come in the exam.
- The main point behind following the syllabus is that it saves a lot of your time. History as a subject is so vast that there can be no end to what you have to study, but now that you have a well-framed syllabus in your hand you have the advantage to stick to it.
- Work towards time management: From the above tip you must have known by now that you get only 3 hours to complete 150 MCQs without any break. That can be tough for those who are not good in managing time.
- For getting a better hand over completing the paper on time, you will need to solve old UGC NET Sociology question papers. The more you practice, the more you will get used to handling the questions in time. You should use a stopwatch to calculate your speed and time.
- Secondly, if you will have a look at your syllabus, the first thing which will come to your mind is its length. You do not have to get discouraged by assuming that it’s lengthy and impossible. What you need to do instead is prepare a study schedule for yourself.
- Revision is the secret recipe: Revision is the final touch that you give to your exam preparation to make your foundation more and more concrete. It is very important to revise what you have been studying all along so that you are confident of the syllabus in general and each topic in particular. The best way to revise is to take mock tests and solve practice papers that can be found online and even in bookstores.
- To be even surer of your preparations, you can solve previous year’s question papers and check your scores to assess your progress.
- One other way to revise is making notes while you are preparing. Once you are done with the syllabus, you can go through your notes where you have noted down all the important points covering each topic. This way when you write your spelling also get stronger and you memorize the names properly.
- Another important tip is that you should always start your revision with sections that are relatively tougher for you so that they also change to stronger topics in time.
- Motivate yourself physically and mentally: The last and the most important thing to complete your preparation properly is your personal well-being. Your physical and mental well-being can be ensured by not over-stressing yourself and doing away with any presumptions that an exam is tough and it is very hard to qualify. You need to focus on your eight hours of study and completion of the syllabus,
UGC NET Sociology 4-Month Preparation Plan 2024
This gives you 4 months to prepare for the examination. Now we are fully aware of the fact that a single timetable cannot suit everyone’s preference. So, being mindful of that, we have prepared you a standard plan which you can modify as per your Schedule and daily schedule.
Preparation Time | 4 Months (16 Weeks) |
Total Chapters/ Topics to Prepare | 10 |
Total Sub-Topics | Over 80 + |
Studying Hours Per Day | 4 – 5 Hours |
Number of Days Required to Prepare Each Unit | 10 Days |
Number of Chapters Completed in a Month | 2 Chapters |
Break Days or Extra Days Each Month | 2 – 3 Days* |
Time Taken to Complete Entire Syllabus | 3.5 Months |
Remaining Time | 15 Days |
Days to Solve Sample Papers/ Model Papers/ Mock Tests | 20 Days |
Days Left for Final Revision | 15 Days |
Frequently Asked Question Sociology (FAQ)
Question 1. What is the Weightage of Paper-1 Subject in UGC NET Sociology Paper-2?
Ans – Total 150 Questions in Exam .Out of it 100 Questions from UGC NET Sociology [100 Questions & 50 Questions from Paper-1 ,Each Question of 2 Marks total 300 Marks You Can attempt all 150 MCQ.
Question 2. How Many Questions Come from Each Unit of UGC NET Sociology Subject?
Ans – From Each unit 7 to 10 Questions Asked in Exam of UGC NET Sociology Each Unit is Equally Important
Question 3- What is the Cut-off of UGC NET Sociology ?
Ans – the Following Cut-off of UGC NET Sociology

Question 4 -What are the Best Books for UGC NET Sociology Subject?
Ans The Following the Best Books for UGC NET Sociology
Available On | Book Name | Author | Publication | Medium | Date of Publish |
Amazon /Flipkart | Trueman’s Ugc Net Sociology Paperback | S Hussian | Trueman | English | 2021 |
Amazon/Flipkart | NTA UGC NET Sociology Paper 2 | Gureepret | Arihant | English | 2021 |
Amazon/Flipkart | NTA UGC (NET/JRF/SET) Samaj Shastra Paper 2 | Arihant | Arihant | Hindi | 2019 |
Amazon | Sociology Complete Book in English for UGC NET | Upkar | Publication | Hindi/English | 2020 |
Amazon | UGC NET Sociology [Question Bank ] Unit Wise / Topic Wise 4000 + [MCQ] Question Answer | Diwakar education Huib | Available on Amazon | English | 2023 |
Question 5– Can I get a job after qualifying for UGC NET Sociology?
Ans- Yes, you will get many career opportunities in the government and private sectors both after qualifying the UGC NET Sociology exam. You can check the job options from here.
Question -6 How can I revise the UGC NET Sociology Syllabus?
Ans.) To revise the UGC NET Sociology Syllabus , first, you should highlight and make short notes while preparing for the exam. It will be easy for you to save time and revise all the topics quickly. You should start the revision from basic concepts
Question -7 Does Online Test Series Help to Crack UGC NET Sociology Exam ?
Ans- Yes It’s Help you Lot, after clear all Concepts you must Practice MCQ through Online Test Series which Help you Understand your Level of Preparation & You can analyze your Strength & Weakness.Also Compare with other Students’ Score. Check Diwakar education Hub Best Test series Click here
Question – 8 What is the UGC NET Sociology minimum Educational Qualification?
A student has to complete his or her Post-Graduation in Sociology or Any Relevant Subjects .
Question -9 What type of questions are asked in Sociology?
UGC NET Sociology Paper includes questions that are Direct/Conceptual(42), Comprehensive(10), Match the following(10), Statements/Definitions Based(2), Assertion and Reasoning Based(6), Chronological Order(6), Multiple Correct Options Based(24).
Question -10 Is the UGC NET Sociology Syllabus difficult?
Yes. The level of the UGC NET Sociology Syllabus is difficult.But with hard work & Right Guidance, you can be Qualified UGC NET Exam Take Free Mentorship Call us at -7310762592,7078549303
Question -11 What is the UGC NET Sociology paper pattern?
UGC NET Sociology paper will be a total of 150 questions (50 in Paper I and 100 in Paper-II). The total number of marks is 300 (100 for Paper I and 200 for Paper-II).
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