UGC Guidelines 2021- Rules for Assistant Professor Recruitment, UGC Rule 2018 Say What, P.hd Mandatory or Not
Is Ph.D. mandatory from 1st July 2021? This Question Comes to Every One Mind Since 2018 Now It’s Very Important to know for Every Aspirant & Teacher Is Still NET is Minimum Eligibility for UGC NET or Not, Is No more Worthy to Qualified UGC NET
What did the Ministry of Education Notification say?
it is clearly mentioned that PhD degree will be mandatory for direct recruitment to Assistant Professor in Universities w.e.f 01.07.2021.
Now Lets See Point 7 Which You make more Clear
In the 7th Point of the same notification, it is clearly mentioned that PhD is mandatory for promotion to Assistant Professor (selection grade) in colleges from 01.07.2021.
What is Selection Grade ?
There are 6 levels from Assistant Professor to the Professor based on which the Academic Grade Pay and Entry Pay are decided. Below, you can check UGC Regulation 2021 for the promotion of assistant professor.
1. The Assistant Professors (Level 10) would be eligible for promotion under UGC CAS promotion rules through two successive levels (11 and 12) if they fulfill the eligibility and performance criteria.
2. CAS Promotion Criteria: Under Career Advancement Scheme (CAS), a teacher shall be promoted if: –
He/She gets a satisfactory or good grade in the annual performance assessment reports of at least four of the last five years of the assessment period.
The promotion is recommended by the screening cum evaluation committee.
3. The promotion rules for teachers under UGC CAS Guidelines 2021 are based on the following criteria: –
Teaching-Learning and Evolution.
PhD mandatory for Assistant professor in Universities is explained by this notification further.
It is clear Ph.D. is mandatory for Assistant Professor in Universities and UGC NET or Ph.D. minimum eligibility criteria in college for Assistant Professor.
- PhD is mandatory for Assistant Professor in University i.e at Post-graduation level.
- PhD is mandatory for Assistant Professor in Promotion( Academic Level-12).
- UGC NET will remain the eligibility criteria for Assistant Professor (Academic level-10)
UGC Regulation for Workload of an Assistant Professor
1. the working hours of the teachers in full employment should not be less than 40 hours a week for 30 working weeks (180 teaching days) in an academic year.
2. It is necessary for the teachers to be available for at least 7 hours daily in the University/ College as follows:
At least 2 hours for mentoring of students (minimum 15 students per coordinator) for Community Development/ Extra-Curricular Activities/ Library Consultation in case of undergraduate courses.
At least 2 hours for research in case of postgraduate courses, for which necessary space and infrastructure should be provided by the University/College.
3. The minimum direct teaching-learning process hours should be as follows:
Assistant Professor – 16 hours
Associate Professor and Professor – 14 hours
4. A relaxation of 2 hours in the workload may be given to Professors, Associate Professors who are actively involved in extension activities, administration.
UGC Guidelines for Ph.D. Course Work 2021
Ph.D. students are required to undertake coursework for a minimum period of one semester.
It may include proofreading of published research in the relevant field according to the latest UGC Guidelines for PhD coursework.
How the Selection Process of Assistant Professor takes place?
1. To be selected, the latest UGC Guidelines for an assistant professor say that you must submit the bio-data in a prescribed format of the respective university along with a copy of significant publications.
2. As per the UGC New Guidelines 2021 for Ph.D., the institutes release the prescribed notification of admission process for Ph.D.
The admission process consists of various steps like admission test, interview, document verification, etc.
3. According to new UGC Regulations, no university, institution, and college can conduct PhD Programs through distance education mode. However, part-time PhD will be allowed if UGC PhD Regulations 2021 are followed by institutes.
Note: As per the draft policy of new UGC Regulations, a PhD degree will be a major requirement to become an assistant professor at the university level from 2021.
Tag:2018, 2019, 2020, Is PhD compulsory for Assistant professor 2020, Is PhD compulsory for NET, MHRD Rules for Assistant Professor, PhD mandatory from 2021 latest News, PhD mandatory from 2021 News, PhD mandatory from 2021 pdf, Selection criteria for Assistant Professor by UGC UGC Regulations, UGC Guidelines for appointment of Assistant Professor 2020, UGC guidelines for appointment of Assistant Professor 2020 PDF, UGC guidelines for appointment of Assistant Professor 2021, UGC guidelines for appointment of Assistant Professor 2021 PDF, UGC Regulation 2010, UGC Regulations